"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Friday, June 11, 2010




The Senators and the House of Representatives’ members that participated in the British Petroleum Gulf of Mexico oil spill, proved only one thing and that is, they are good at trying to kill each other verbally but very naïve when it comes to matters of importance.

British Petroleum knew exactly their cost to date, $473,000,000.00 U S Dollars, but they claimed that they had no way of measuring the amount of oil that was spilling into the Gulf of Mexico and the entire region, that may very well turn out to be the largest ecological catastrophe in the history of the world.

On Thursday night the Professor at the Purdue University used a mathematical computation and the result was that using the lowest estimate, the oil pouring into the ocean is not 5,000 barrels per day but 70,000 barrels per day. He went as far as accepting the margin of error of 20% and even if you take that into consideration, it still adds up to 56,000 barrels of oil per day. At 50 gallons per barrel, one does not have to be a mathematician to ascertain the damage that is being done, that may very well destroy everything in its path. Giving BP the benefit of the doubt that they had no way of measuring the amount of oil being spilled per day, logic tells us that at least they could have provided an estimate.

But with their continued unscrupulous behavior from the inception of this tragedy, they waited until the hearings were over before providing the video in actual time, showing the oil gushing out. It was from that video, others were able to compute the velocity of the approximate oil that is being spilled on a daily basis. British Petroleum has no credibility left on this matter and the President must act now.

President Obama must act now and use his Presidential Powers to order the Navy (not the Coast Guard) and the U S Military Core of Engineers to take control of the situation, for if the President fails to act and act now, this may very well turn out to be his Waterloo! This madness is going on for two weeks and counting and the longer he fails to use his Executive Power, the more damage will be done. And for those who may question his judgment about big-brother taking over, they should ask themselves, “Is this what they want to leave for their children and their children’s children!”

Written by Sheriff Ali

Beverly Hills

California, 90212


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