"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Thursday, September 30, 2010


What part of President Obama’s 50% White or 50% African American does the “spineless Democrats” and the” extremists Republicans,” want the President to disavow, in order for them to acknowledge his “high” intelligence, his “amazing” abilities and his accomplishments in all, but twenty one months?

Those that are advocating that “we want to take back our country;” this is not a metaphor to rescue it from one party to the other, but I do believe that it is to “literally, take America back, preceding 1964.” People do not like to admit “racism,” but listening to Newt Gingrich espouse “that to understand President Obama, you have to understand anti-Colonial Kenyan rule,” is a dead ringer for only seeing the 50% African American of Obama. And standing with this twang, Gingrich, were all of the extremists and tainted Tea parties, especially the not so bright Palin, the “off his rocker” Beck, the always frowning McConnell, and let’s not forget the Tan-Man.

I do not align myself to any particular party and neither do I call myself Independent, I am always on the side of the “people,” be they Republicans, Democrats or whatever Political view they may take. However, this up-coming Election and the propaganda that has become the catalyst driving the unknown as “fact,” it is beyond incomprehensible.

The American people though to some degree are rather complacent about truth from fiction, somehow, when they go to the voting booth, their better judgment and senses trigger mechanism “kicks” in and they make good decisions as to whom they cast their votes.

For all of the idiots who have been promulgating “a Republican Tsunami,” I wonder on November 2nd if they would try to justify why they were wrong, or would they admit their wantonness in creating the present “stigma” that is really a hyperbole!

President Obama has been the most “progressive” President in my life thus far, and his accomplishments at the risk of him winning a second term, should be embraced “for his courage and the Political Capital he has expended in the things he has accomplished, for the good of the American people.”

He has managed to bring us back to about 70% of our GDP, stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs, got difficult legislation passed such as the badly needed Health Care Reform, Financial Reform, Education Reform, and has literally “dug” us out of the gigantic “hole” Bush and the Republicans tossed into, and yet, there are Democrats who are not satisfied because they envision some sort of “Utopian” Government.

Mr. Obama won the election with the majority of the votes coming from Democrats, some Republicans and the Independents. However, these spineless whining Democrats are assisting the draconian misfits that created America’s problem, in the permeation of their “Narcissistic poisonous deluge”

People need to realize that America is a vast country and even though we only account for about five percent of the world’s population, we produce (20% +) of the world’s GDP. Hence people shouldn’t expect that everything would be perfect. We live in a very imperfect world and we are all fallible

Sheriff G Ali

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

“Even in the case of incest or rape"....

Advocating that “even in the case of incest or rape, a child/woman should be forced to give birth,” is;

“Narcissistic poisonous deluge”



In the November Election sanity will prevail. The Tea Partiers which consists of O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, Glen Beck and others, they are - "people using phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies as a means to a deceitful end!” To date sixty three Candidates in the GOP and the Tea Party is so bent in the head, that they espouse – “even in the case of rape or incest, a woman/child should be forced to give birth.”

They want to keep the Bush Tax cuts and add four trillion dollars to the National Debt, but they block meaningful legislation that would help the ordinary working Americans. These are not sane minds; they are deranged lunatics like a raging bull that goes after the “red cloth,” rather than the Matador!

It is incomprehensible for me to believe, that the good-hearted American people would allow these “nut cases” to be the Stewards of their children’s future!

Sheriff G Ali

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have not the answers as to why things happen and neither can I ever explain for the rest of my life, how some lives turn out to be smooth and uninterrupted, and others, there seem to be impasses every step of the way. I do not know what this night, this day or the tomorrows to come, holds for me, but what I do know is that God will always be first in my life!

And so for me, success is neither, fame, wealth nor power, rather it is seeking, knowing, loving and obeying God. If you seek, you will know; if you know, you will love, if you love, you will obey. I have learned that assistance given to the weak makes the one who gives it strong, and the oppression of the unfortunate makes one weak. Thus, stewardship is my commitment: the asking of God to take me back to Himself – all that I am, and all that I would ever be, for in the final analysis, stewardship is the acceptance from God of personal responsibility for all of life and life’s affairs.

I hope that all people would accept suffering and live through it, not fight against and refuse it, only then it is completed and becomes transmuted. It is absorbed, and having accomplished its work, it ceases to exist as suffering, and becomes part of our growing self.

Sheriff G Ali

Here is an interesting thought written by Florence Nightingale. 1820 - 1910

“Life is a hard fight, a struggle, a wrestling with the Principle of Evil, hand to hand, foot to foot. Every inch of the way must be disputed. The night is given us to take breath, to pray, to drink deep at the fountain of power. The day is to use the strength which has been given us, to go forth to work with it till the evening.”

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Media Culpability in driving the insanity that exist in our Country!

The Media never likes to take their share of responsibility for anything when in fact they are the catalyst that drives the stories of these pseudo, because for the Media, it is scandal, mayhem, demagoguery and friction that sells news.

Good things are done every day of our lives but how often does the Media really allow the good to outweigh the bad. There are lots of good people that are doing good and noble things but the Media, instead of embracing the people; they question the people’s motives.

A good example was Friday September 24th 2010. Mark Zukerberg, the Founder of Face Book gave a 100 million grant to the New Jersey Public School System, and the Media, rather than talk about the positive effects that would derive from Mr. Zukerberg’s generosity, “they questioned his motives!” Imagine, a young man at 26, who is the 35th wealthiest person in America with a mind to create the largest social network in the world and yet engage in such a noble act, his named should be praised, not assassinated, by the “whores that call themselves Journalists!”

Instead, they help to create the commotion that stirs up the madness by following around

Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer, Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Ron Paul, Ken Buck, John McCain, Joe Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and the host of others, they wrap themselves in the American Flag and religious fanaticism, that “preying” on the American people troubled minds, with fear by using the economic problems that was created by these same “nut cases,” that are hell bent on retaking Congress, The Media is the outlet for these radically minded people, attempting to use “the cloak and dagger façade, to cover their racists agenda,” to promulgate the porphyria that constantly excretes from them.

When would anyone in the Media step up to plate and proclaim this truth!

America’s economic ongoing crisis did not begin with President Obama and are well on the way to being rectified by Mr. Obama, but only if the American people allow him the necessary time to complete what he initiated, and that is, “digging” us out of the “abyss” that the George Bush Administration and the cronies like John Boehner and Newt Gingrich tossed us into.

Fact: The hemorrhaging of 750,000 jobs under former President Bush actually “stopped” in 2009, and although we are gaining jobs every month, it is not enough to placate the fourteen (14) million people that are out of work, and their anxieties over their financial insecurities are being exploited by the same people who placed them in the predicament that they are now in, and sadly enough, due to their circumstances they are defying common logic by asserting that they “may” vote for these draconian misfits in November Mid-Term Elections!

Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Reminiscent of his evil twin Newt Gingrich 1994 “Contract for America,” that was really “Contract on America!” It seems somehow that although the belief about reincarnation for which I do not ascribe, is that when a person dies, he or she is reincarnated in the birth of another person, however, Congressman John Boehner and former Congressman Newt Gingrich may have proven that idea quite wrong. Save that of Boehner’s unfortunate error in the “Tanning Booth” that made him the “Orange Dude,” and Newt Gingrich’s concupiscible for the Republican Nomination for the Presidency in 2012, and his duplicitous colloquial colloquiums, it seems self-evident that Boehner and Gingrich are indivisible, when it comes to conning the American people.

America’s economic ongoing crisis did not begin with President Obama and are well on the way to being rectified by Mr. Obama, but only if the American people allow him the necessary time to complete what he initiated, and that is, “digging” us out of the “abyss” that the George Bush Administration and the cronies like John Boehner and Newt Gingrich tossed us into.

Fact: The hemorrhaging of 750,000 jobs under former President Bush actually “stopped” in 2009, and although we are gaining jobs every month, it is not enough to placate the fourteen (14) million people that are out of work, and their anxieties over their financial insecurities are being exploited by the same people who placed them in the predicament that they are now in, and sadly enough, due to their circumstances they are defying common logic by asserting that they “may” vote for these draconian misfits in November Mid-Term Elections.

These people – Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer, Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Ron Paul, Ken Buck, John McCain, Joe Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and the host of others, they wrap themselves in the American Flag and religious fanaticism, “preying” on your troubled minds, with fear and using the economic problems that was created by these same “nut cases,” to promulgate the porphyria that constantly excretes from them.

They do not believe in anything, even the statements that drips out of their mouths like drool from the Alcoholic that needs another drink; neither do they have any knowledge of the Most High – Jehovah, for if they did, they couldn’t and wouldn’t languish in the hate that rages inside of them; and neither do they believe in America, and what America stands for, for if they did, they wouldn’t be jeopardizing the lives of our Soldiers in the field, that is fighting and dying, to preserve the free speech that they use so capriciously, with their constant divisiveness of people who are different than them. They are constantly using phantasmagoric rationales and internecine ideas that are creating a wider divide between the Western World and the Islamic World.

There are approximately 1.2 billion Moslems in the world and it is less than 1% that are the lunatics engaged in their Jihad misnomer. But as small a number as these nut cases may be, they are causing the entire Islamic world to be painted with the same brush, dipped in innocent blood engraved with the name – “terrorists!”

And here in America we have 300 million plus people and I contend that the opportunists, extremists and the fanatics are about the same percentage, less than 1%, but with their narcissistic poisonous deluge, they have been gathering steam that is dividing America like it has never been divided before.

The Media never likes to take their share of responsibility for anything when in fact they are the catalyst that drives the stories of these pseudo, because for the Media, it is scandal, mayhem, demagoguery and friction that sells news.

Good things are done every day of our lives but how often does the Media really allow the good to outweigh the bad. There are lots of good people that are doing good and noble things but the Media, instead of embracing the people; they question the people’s motives.

A good example was Friday September 24th 2010. Mark Zukerberg, the Founder of Face Book gave a 100 million grant to the New Jersey Public School System, and the Media, rather than talk about the positive effects that would derive from Mr. Zukerberg’s generosity, “they questioned his motives!” Imagine, a young man at 26, who is the 35th wealthiest person in America with a mind to create the largest social network in the world and yet engage in such a noble act, his named should be praised, not assassinated, by the “whores that call themselves Journalists!”

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, September 23, 2010


The mysteries of God’s mercies! We can all make a difference!

I received a letter today September 23, 2010, from a “real friend” and I would like to share it with the world. Perhaps in this simple gesture, we may all find the will to lend a helping hand; to share a word of hope, with others!

Despite the Babe and love in the letter for which I know is platonic, this email I received this morning, I do believe it was guided by the Hand of Providence, for the sole purpose of “placating” pain. I really didn’t do anything for her except to help guide her to God for whom she already had a relationship with, and I encouraged her to believe in herself and the abilities Almighty God instilled in her! My friendship with her dates back to a decade plus!

Reading this message, makes life worth living despite the adversaries and adversities that come our way! You see in the final analysis, God allows us to see how we can touch peoples’ lives in ways that we couldn’t imagine on our own! May the blessings of this message, though addressed to me, be shared with you!

Sheriff G Ali









Tuesday, September 21, 2010



The Religious Fanatics, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the other crazies, are espousing; “It is time for us to take back our Country!” Funny, I had no idea that anyone had stolen our Country!

The American people is reacting to their emotions over the economic situation which have placed them in a precarious predicament, but emotional reaction without the benefit of one’s intellect leads to the abyss. Man looks down into the abyss and in the endless pit of darkness he sees nothing looking back at him; he awake and faces reality, which would have been far less severe than if he hadn’t reacted to his emotions.

It is understandable for people to feel frustrated, but “the American people” need to take stock as to when and why the economic situation transpired. This began years before George Bush’s Presidency ended. We were loosing on an average 750,000 jobs per month all the way into the end of Bush’s Presidency and for a few months into the Obama’s Presidency.

Bush left a mountain of debt caused by the two major tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 and two ongoing wars for which “none” of it was paid for. When Bush took office in 2001 our National Debt was 5.6 trillion dollars and when Bush left Office in 2009, the National Debt was 10.4 trillion dollars. Imagine, President Clinton left a projected surplus of 5.0 trillion dollars and yet at the end of Bush’s Presidency we had a National Debt of 10.4 trillion dollars. Adding Bush’s 5.4 trillion dollars to our National Debt with the 5.0 trillion dollars projected surplus, The Bush Administration and the Republican controlled Congress is responsible for over ten trillion dollars of debt in a period of eight years.

WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE TO UNDERSTAND? Or perhaps, just perhaps, people are tuned out to reason and instead tuned-in to senseless rant and rage fueled by fanatical religious fanaticism by the Palins – Becks – Fox’s misnomers and the likes, “promulgating, we must take back our country!” Take back our Country, funny, I had no idea that anyone had stolen our country!

What these extremists mean by take back our Country is for these self-righteous, conceited, selfish, heretics, to continue using fear and peoples’ pangs and pines, whilst trying to cover-up their negrophobes, to win the November election and Control Congress again, so that they can dig deeper ditches that would throw more of the working class (95% of America’s Population) into the bottomless pit, in order that their rich friends can become richer – “thus repaying these heartless wretched people by filling their coffers, so that they can continue to espouse their nemeses.”

Obama had no choice but to “plug” the “holes” with the input of large sums of money that stopped the hemorrhaging of the loss of jobs and to prevent the Financial Institutions from totally collapsing. Neither Magic nor Crystal Balls would have stopped it, and if Obama and his administration “did not take any action,” millions more would be out of work and we would have had by now, become a bankrupt country.

The Tea Parties (extremists) and the far right extreme Republicans are venting hypocritical finger pointing at Obama and the Democratic Congress, but they of all people are fully cognizant of why we are in this predicament, because it was the Republican Party that were in control of both Houses of Congress and a Republican President that threw us into the mire.

Joe Miller (This Jackass) who is the Alaskan Candidate for the US Senate in November, got on National Television and stated; “Extended Unemployment is ‘unconstitutional!.” Christine O’Donnell (The acknowledged Witchcraft participator), Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer and a host of other conservatives, at the “Conservative Voter Summit” last week-end in Washington D.C. said; “The Federal Government should outlaw “All Abortions, including abortions caused by incest or rape!”

In addition, they are advocating the close down of the Department of Education and eliminating most of the social programs and invest the Social Security Trust Funds on Wall Street.

America, take a “good look” at not only what you see, but give special attention to what you hear, for if you vote for these people and they regain control, the troubles you face now would be no match for the draconian deeds they would permeate unto you!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Conservatives; duffers and imbeciles!

THE QUEEN BEE leading the fracas is Sarah Palin, the imaginary Moose Hunter!

“ENOSIMANIA” means “an irrational state of madness!”

The portentousness that is being espoused by the “conservative republicans and the Tea Partiers,” are nothing short of the medical explanation – “Enosimania!”

The Conservatives; duffers and imbeciles!

If Almighty God thoughts were even one thousandth of one percent like the radicals who draws God’s name like Clint Eastwood drew his 45 magnum in the Dirty Harry Movies, we would have all been shot to hell a long time ago. These people – Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer, Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Ron Paul, Ken Buck, John McCain, Joe Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and the host of others, they wrap themselves in the American Flag and religious fanaticism, “preying” on the weak-minds, with fear and using the economic problems that was created by these same “nut cases,” to promulgate the porphyria that constantly excretes from them.

America, wake up, these people does not have your interest even in the minutest part of their thoughts; to them you are of the saxifrage family – “the shrub bearing their gooseberries.” When you attend their rallies and they look down at you, they seen not your faces, but they do indeed see “dollar signs!”

They do not believe in anything, even the statements that drips out of their mouths like drool from the Alcoholic that needs another drink; neither do they have any knowledge of the Most High – Jehovah, for if they did, they couldn’t and wouldn’t languish in the hate that rages inside of them; and neither do they believe in America, and what America stands for, for if they did, they wouldn’t be jeopardizing the lives of our Soldiers in the filed, that is fighting and dying, to preserve the free speech that they use so capriciously, with their constant divisiveness of people who are different than them.

In the final analysis, they are no different than the lunatics that blow up innocent people in the name of God, which is a manifestation of hate. There is a small step from fear to hate, and I am afraid that these people, “the conservatives,” have already taken that step, the only difference is that they are dressed up most elegantly – “with your hard earned money that you constantly give to them, advocating “ their narcissistic poisonous deluge!”

THE QUEEN BEE leading the fracas is Sarah Palin, the imaginary Moose Hunter who use metaphors for reality, a person when caught using words that does not exist, justifies it by exclaiming “Shakespeare” made up words, a person whose only political experience is the half term she served as Governor of Alaska and then jumped off the cliff, a “radical” person with no real intelligence or insight, but yet has a following – tells you much about the American Psyche!

Astonishing isn’t it! How “no brains attract the brainless! Sad, exceedingly sad because the good hearted American people are paying a steep price at the expense of the “conservatives” which = “the crazies” in American Society!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Cab Ride!

Author Unknown!

The Cab Ride (Author Unknown)

I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I walked to the door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor.

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie.

By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years.
All the furniture was covered with sheets.

There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters.
In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.

'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman.

She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated'.

'Oh, you're such a good boy', she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive through downtown?'

'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly..

'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice'.

I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued in a soft voice. 'The doctor says I don't have very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.

'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator.

We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said,

'I'm tired. Let's go now'.

We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.

Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move. They must have been expecting her.

I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

'How much do I owe you?' she asked, reaching into her purse.

'Nothing,' I said

' You have to make a living,' she answered.

'There are other passengers,' I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly.

' You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said.'Thank you.'

I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light..

Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life..

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift?

What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?

On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life.

We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments.

But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.


You won't get any big surprise in 10 days if you send this to ten people.

But, you might help make the world a little kinder and more compassionate by
it on and reminding us that often it is the random acts of kindness that most benefit all of us.

Thank you, my friend...

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.


If ever there was one born of a woman that might have lived without prayer, it was our spotless, perfect Lord, and yet none was ever so much in supplication as He! Such was His love to His Father; that He loved much to be in communion with Him: such His love for His people; that He desired to be much in intercession for them.

The fact of this eminent prayerfulness of Jesus is a lesson for us – He hath given us an example that we may follow in His steps. The time he chose was admirable, it was the hour of silence, when the crowd would not disturb Him; the time of inaction, when all but Himself had ceased to labor; and the season when slumber made men forget their woes, and cease their applications to Him for relief.

While others found rest in sleep, He refreshed Himself with prayer. The place was also well selected. He was alone where none would intrude, where none could observe: thus was He free from Pharisaic ostentation and vulgar interruption. Those dark and silent hills were a fit oratory for the Son of God. Heaven and earth in midnight stillness heard groans and sighs of the mysterious Being in whom both worlds were blended. The continuance of His pleadings is remarkable; the long watches were not too long; the cold wind did not chill His devotion; the grim darkness did not darken His faith, or loneliness check His importunity.

We cannot watch with Him for one hour, but He watched for us whole nights. The occasion for this prayer is notable; it was after His enemies had been enraged – prayer was His refuge and solace; it was before He sent forth the twelve apostles – prayer was the gate of His enterprise, the herald of His new work. Should we not learn from Jesus to resort to special prayer when we are under peculiar trial, or contemplate fresh endeavors for the Master’s glory? Lord, Jesus, teach us to pray!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I ought not to dread the arrival of evil tidings; because if I am distressed by them, what do I have more than others? Others have not my God to fly to; they have never proved His faithfulness as I have done, and it is no wonder if they are bowed down with alarm and cowed with fear: but I profess to be of another spirit; I have been begotten unto a lively hope, and my heart lives in heaven and not on earthly things; now if I am seen to be distracted as others, what is the value of that grace which I profess to have received? Where is the dignity I claim to possess?

Again, if I should be filled with alarm, as others are, I would be doubtless, be led into sins so common to others under trying circumstances. The ungodly, when they are overtaken by evil tidings, rebel against God; they murmur, and think that God deals hardly with them. Will I fall into that same sin? Will I provoke the Lord as they do?

Moreover, unconverted people often run to wrong means in order to escape from difficulties, and I will be sure to do the same if my mind yields to the present pressure. I must trust in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. My wisest course is to do as Moses did at the Red Sea, “Stand still and see the salvation of God.”

For if I give way to fear when I hear of evil tidings; I will be unable to meet the trouble with that calm composure which nerves for duty, and sustains under adversity. How can I glorify God if I play the coward? Saints have often sung God’s high praises in the fires; but would I be desponding as if I had none to help?

I magnify the Most High and take courage, relying in sure confidence upon the faithfulness of my covenant God! “Let not my heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid!”

“Narcissistic poisonous deluge!”

In the November Election sanity will prevail. O'Donnell is no different than Sarah Palin and Glen Beck - "people using phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies as a means to a deceitful end!”

The person she trumped in yesterday’s election is “old,” and a bed rock for the Republicans “narcissistic poisonous deluge!”

She can’t win and neither could he even if he had won yesterday’s Primary! The People of Delaware are more in-tuned with reality than most of the other states! They do not allow Political Hacks to get the better of them!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Is it amnesia, complacency or “narcolepsy?” that causes us to discard what George W. Bush and The Republicans in Congress did to “our country?”

These are some of the reason why the Republicans say that you should put them in charge of Congress in November; To extend Bush’s tax cut for the 3% of the highest income earners whilst the other 97% sinks lower into deeper and unforgiving waters; to defund Health Care Reform that covered four plus million children since its inception; to quash the Financial Reform Act so that they can have their friends on Wall Street “screw you out of what ever little you have left!" Don’t take my word for it; check out the facts, not from the Cable Networks, because they are just as capricious in promoting divisiveness to gain higher ratings.

Don’t let me or anyone tell you how to vote in November, but vote not your “emotions,” but your conscience as directed by your intellect, for in the final analysis, it is you the people that possess the power to keep the Government, a Government for the people and by the people!

Avarice for Mammon and Power, the Republicans would use any method to devour the truth and placate it with untruths. If the American people allow the Republicans to become the Majority in Congress in November, then, “it would be no one’s fault but that of the American People.”


Saturday, September 11, 2010



Pain breaks not the calm of the sweet twilight of age, for strength made perfect in weakness bears up with patience under it all. Ripe fruits of choice experience are gathered as the rare repast of life’s evening, and the soul prepares itself for rest.

The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in the bed, see the waiting bands of spirits!

Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved one, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are open, the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet! AMEN!

Friday, September 10, 2010


BLACK Mail! Vis a Vis: Religious fanaticism and extreme right-wing Politicians!

Religious fanaticism and the avarice for recognition are the only two things that compelled this so-called Pastor to promulgate to the world what he was contemplating;

My take on Terry Jones – “who isn’t really a Pastor, for no son or daughter of God would commit such a depraved act! This is what I” think” was in Mr. Jones’ mind when he conceived this “narcissistic poisonous deluge!”

Terry Jones Nidus!

“I am a fool and I am attempting to do a very stupid nonsensical draconian act, but by the way, this burning of the Quran is only an illusion in my present state of paroxysm, because I can be held responsible for sedition. So, to make a long story short, the burning of the Quran idea is just metaphoric to get the attention of Sarah Palin and Joe Boehner and the extreme right wing nuts to contrast the projected Moslem Mosque and their Islamic centre, as a means to an end that they might relocate their project elsewhere. But, I really don’t think it would work!

I would get the half-crazed media who love to cover the crazies of the world and I would get important people to give me some attention. My inclination to burn the Religious Book of another Religion that I haven’t even read, I know it to be insane, but my thirty followers and I would be known around the world.

But guess what! The FBI showed up Thursday September 9, in the morning and actually told me I had the right to do this foolishness but if this act of mine were to insight unrest, they are coming back with the hand-cuffs! So, since I got a call from the Secretary of Defense and I really needed a way out, I am going out there and hold a news conference and tell them that I got a concession from the Imam in New York that he was going to relocate his Islamic Centre. Yep! I think that is a good one even though it is a fib. But on the other hand today September 9th Sarah Palin and Congressman Joe Boehner helped me to open the door because they actually went on National TV and said,”

Sarah Palin and Congressman Joe Boehner said “The burning of the Quran is like building the Islamic Centre close to the Twin Towers.”

This is a good idea because I am really a ‘no-body” and they are so well known in the extreme right wing Politics, so if they can make that statement, why not me. Perhaps, just perhaps, in the final analysis, the right-wing “nuts” are insane as I pretend to be.”

Personally for me, Sheriff Ali, I try not to understand why people do insane things for the fear of becoming like them. So, remember, I only wore the cap of Terry Jones because this whole escapade is just share madness! AMERICA, BE CAREFUL OF ELEVATING THE “TAN MAN- Joe Boehner” to become the Speaker of the House of Representatives in November, because if you think this madness of Terry Jones was ridiculous, The Tan Man will make you cringe!



Although I was a benefactor of the Bush’s Tax Cuts in 2001 and 2003, I sincerely agree with President Obama for making it crystal clear that Bush’s tax cuts is not going to be extended. Continuing Bush’s tax cuts would only “give to us” who already have, and despite what the Republicans are promulgating, Bush’s tax cuts wasn’t then or now paid for, and extending tax cuts for those of us who already have so much, it would require borrowing more money for this “wantonness,” that should not have been authorized in the first place.

Allowing tax cuts for income earners of $250,000.00 and less is the right thing to do. I have been blessed with more than I could spend in ten life times, but to this very minute I could not and never would understand why people who “have more than enough,” seek to gain more, while others are suffering.

I have used my money to “self-fund” a Foundation [SHERIFF G. ALI FOUNDATON] to help educate children. I have never and would never accept any funds from anyone, period! There is an incomprehensible feeling of goodness for which “words,” could never explain, when you do humble and noble things. For me, giving is far greater than receiving! Irrespective of what ever our individual situation may be, “we can all make a difference!”

“Giving is a joy if we do it in the right spirit. It all depends on whether we think of it as “What can we spare?” or as “What can we share?” Esther York Burkholder

It may be futile on my part but my heart’s desire is that every person would become; his or her, brother’s keeper!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Religious fanaticism – “KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES!”


Religious rituals is no substitute for “oneness” with God! People more often than not get so entwined and intertwined in “Religion,” that they end up serving religion rather than serving God. From Genesis to Revelation, no where in the Bible does it promote any religion. Our Lord, Jesus Christ was always highly critical about the religious Pharisees. I believe with all my heart and soul in Jesus Christ The Son of God and God The Son, but I will “never” follow any of these man made religions. Our world is upside down because of religion and yet people seem to believe that they can’t do without religion. If this Pastor had God’s Spirit dwelling in him, he would never say the things that he has been saying or would even contemplate the draconian act that he is about to do, by burning “A Religious Book,” or any book for that matter.

Religious fanaticism – “KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES!”

“Here is the tragic paradox of religion: If we should seriously undertake to turn as pilgrims toward that far-off land which is our home… we only display the catastrophe of human impotence in the things of God…What is our undertaking of a visible relationship, our scaling of the summit of human possibility, but our complete separation from the true invisible relationship?

Seen from God’s standpoint, religion is precisely that which we had better leave undone…Religion is not at all to be “in tune with the infinite” or be at “peace with oneself.”…Religion is an abyss; it is terror…Death is the meaning of religion.”



Is it amnesia, complacency or “narcolepsy,” that causes us to discard what George W. Bush and The Republicans in Congress did to “our country?”

Avarice for Mammon and Power, the Republicans would use any method to devour the truth and placate it with untruths. If the American people allow the Republicans to become the Majority in Congress in November, then “it would be no one’s fault but that of the American People.”

New York Times link to:

Obama, in Rally Mode, Steps Up Jabs at G.O.P


Monday, September 6, 2010


Irrespective of how much effort, time, Political Capital and all of President Obama’s accomplishments in such a short space of time, which includes the many Land-Mark Bills that were passed, unless and until the American People wake up and personally get involved about their own lives, and give him time to recuperate from George Bush’s dismal Presidency that took the Country into deep and unforgiving waters, The Republicans would be in control of one or may be both Houses of Congress, come November, and Ninety Five (95) percent of the American people would have a much more difficult time, making ends meet!

For the life of me I just don’t understand how such good hearted people could also be so “stupid” or “capricious” or both, about their own well being and that of their children and their country. They are so easily induced by these fanatical Radio and Television Hosts, who permeates in their sick minds, these ridiculous lies and duplicity of this ill conceived idea of some form of utopian Government, if allowed to regain power just after twenty two short months, is incomprehensible to me!

These are the same people minus George W. Bush that placed us in this precarious predicament, and here they are again, promising to shut down the government, overturn the Health Care Reform, extend Bush’s insane tax cut and give to the wealthy another seven hundred and sixty billion dollars from “borrowed money,” and the saddest part about all of this is, how gullible the American People are!

The “spiced” Tea Party crowd that is a dead ringer of Sarah Palin and that Television Hack, Glen Beck, they have thus far in the Primaries, usurped the extreme right wing and are condensing it into an even greater form of extremism!

Financially I am fine and that of perhaps ten generations to come, but my heart aches for the people who have and continue to vote against their best interest! Be sure and know that I have the utmost respect for the American People and America as a whole, for I have been part of that great society for the past forty two years.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


More often than not, I wonder; “If John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy had lived out their natural lives, what would our world look like today?” It seems self-evident of the truth behind the unknown proverb; “The good always die young!”


Thursday, September 2, 2010



Former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s statement that Former President George W. Bush was “really smart,” is self evident that both of these Former Prime Minister and President is still trying to justify their “Wantonness” in their misguided policy of invading Iraq.

The only credit that is due to anyone – “Are the Soldiers,” who fought and died, and the tens of thousands that would have to live with the insanity that they were ordered to carry out.

From the time of the invasion to the present time, there are fifteen (15) different reasons given by the then President Bush and his administration for the invasion of Iraq. It went from Weapons of Mass Destruction, to the very bad man Saddam Hussein was, to Saddam tried to have his father Former George W.H. Bush assassinated, to the building of democracy in Iraq so that it can spread like wild fire throughout the Middle-East.

Notice carefully, the people that pushed for this invasion, “their children or relatives,” weren’t sent into the pits of hell! How stupid they think people have to be to believe all of these phantasmagoric rationales and internecine polices.

Of the twenty two Middle-Eastern Countries, “Democracy” does not exist in anyone of them. Even in the Country where we have the most influence – Egypt. In 1981 after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat, the Vice President Hosni Mubarak became President. At that time the Egyptian economy and South Korea had about the same GDP. Twenty nine years later South Korea is the ten largest world economy and Egypt has fallen even deeper in the abyss.

Egypt is the second largest recipient of America’s foreign aid, a whooping 2.2 billion dollars per year. Every five years Egypt holds a General Election. The only problem with this shameless excuse for an election is that there is never an opposition. Always, days before the General Election, the opposition leader is either killed or put into Prison, and yes, we continue to support this madness.

So these two sorry people, George W. Bush and Tony Blair, they should find the darkest hole with absolutely no exit and crawl into it as their penance for the 4,400 plus dead American Soldiers and the other deceased Soldiers from the so called Coalition, the 50,000 plus severely physically wounded Soldiers and the tens of thousands with mental problems, the One Trillion Dollars that was spent, the 100,000 plus dead Iraqis and the fact, that five months ago, this so called Iraqi Democratic Government held and election, the Prime Minister lost but wouldn’t give up power, and yet these “Nebals” (Hebrew for fools) are still being allowed the time of day to justify their capriciousness, when in fact they should be locked up for Treason!