"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



The Religious Fanatics, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the other crazies, are espousing; “It is time for us to take back our Country!” Funny, I had no idea that anyone had stolen our Country!

The American people is reacting to their emotions over the economic situation which have placed them in a precarious predicament, but emotional reaction without the benefit of one’s intellect leads to the abyss. Man looks down into the abyss and in the endless pit of darkness he sees nothing looking back at him; he awake and faces reality, which would have been far less severe than if he hadn’t reacted to his emotions.

It is understandable for people to feel frustrated, but “the American people” need to take stock as to when and why the economic situation transpired. This began years before George Bush’s Presidency ended. We were loosing on an average 750,000 jobs per month all the way into the end of Bush’s Presidency and for a few months into the Obama’s Presidency.

Bush left a mountain of debt caused by the two major tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 and two ongoing wars for which “none” of it was paid for. When Bush took office in 2001 our National Debt was 5.6 trillion dollars and when Bush left Office in 2009, the National Debt was 10.4 trillion dollars. Imagine, President Clinton left a projected surplus of 5.0 trillion dollars and yet at the end of Bush’s Presidency we had a National Debt of 10.4 trillion dollars. Adding Bush’s 5.4 trillion dollars to our National Debt with the 5.0 trillion dollars projected surplus, The Bush Administration and the Republican controlled Congress is responsible for over ten trillion dollars of debt in a period of eight years.

WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE TO UNDERSTAND? Or perhaps, just perhaps, people are tuned out to reason and instead tuned-in to senseless rant and rage fueled by fanatical religious fanaticism by the Palins – Becks – Fox’s misnomers and the likes, “promulgating, we must take back our country!” Take back our Country, funny, I had no idea that anyone had stolen our country!

What these extremists mean by take back our Country is for these self-righteous, conceited, selfish, heretics, to continue using fear and peoples’ pangs and pines, whilst trying to cover-up their negrophobes, to win the November election and Control Congress again, so that they can dig deeper ditches that would throw more of the working class (95% of America’s Population) into the bottomless pit, in order that their rich friends can become richer – “thus repaying these heartless wretched people by filling their coffers, so that they can continue to espouse their nemeses.”

Obama had no choice but to “plug” the “holes” with the input of large sums of money that stopped the hemorrhaging of the loss of jobs and to prevent the Financial Institutions from totally collapsing. Neither Magic nor Crystal Balls would have stopped it, and if Obama and his administration “did not take any action,” millions more would be out of work and we would have had by now, become a bankrupt country.

The Tea Parties (extremists) and the far right extreme Republicans are venting hypocritical finger pointing at Obama and the Democratic Congress, but they of all people are fully cognizant of why we are in this predicament, because it was the Republican Party that were in control of both Houses of Congress and a Republican President that threw us into the mire.

Joe Miller (This Jackass) who is the Alaskan Candidate for the US Senate in November, got on National Television and stated; “Extended Unemployment is ‘unconstitutional!.” Christine O’Donnell (The acknowledged Witchcraft participator), Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer and a host of other conservatives, at the “Conservative Voter Summit” last week-end in Washington D.C. said; “The Federal Government should outlaw “All Abortions, including abortions caused by incest or rape!”

In addition, they are advocating the close down of the Department of Education and eliminating most of the social programs and invest the Social Security Trust Funds on Wall Street.

America, take a “good look” at not only what you see, but give special attention to what you hear, for if you vote for these people and they regain control, the troubles you face now would be no match for the draconian deeds they would permeate unto you!

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