And if that should transpire it would be the “total” responsibility of the American People for voting back into office, some of the same Republicans and prospectors of the Tea Party; “the same people with their voodoo economics that cast us into the present predicament and they will recast us into the ditch, for which we have worked our way out of and for which we are definitely making progress.”
The following statements may anger some but that is only if they allow hypocrisy to triumph truth, but irrespective of how emotional or unemotional they become, they would know in their hearts it is the truth and I do not now and wouldn’t in the future apologize for what I write here today. My love for this country is far greater than placating the hypocrisy of others.
And this is how this true life story goes;
The Republican Party took a sound beating in 2008, none like they have ever seen in decades, and to some degree I believe that some of them saw their party as possibly becoming extinct. These were the more moderates and they had a legitimate concern and no one could fault them for that.
However, at the same time you had John McCain and Sarah Palin and others who just could not, then or now accept the fact that they were badly beaten. These were the dangerous Republicans and they concocted a deceitful means as a way to get back into power. They, the Republicans, “romanced” the Tea Partiers who were already drinking too much of their own spiked tea, to erupt a “racist” volcano. They didn’t have to look too far because waiting in the wings was the woman who could see Russia from her backyard, Sarah Palin, the mentally challenged Glen Beck and the demoralized Newt Gingrich who is hell bent on espousing “morality.”
Now, with the Right Wing Supreme Court striking down “campaign finance reform,” in a 5-4 vote, they opened the flood gates for humongous amounts of money, foreign and domestic to be poured into various organizations that can be used without ever having to disclose from where or whom they received the money, and that they can spend the money in any of the “2010 races” to back anyone; smart or dumb, fanatical or extremists, with lies and of course, without any accountability whatsoever. We are all cognizant that the Republicans support big business and that is why they, along with The Tea Party have raised $399,000,000.00 from big business. Big business has put up this money to purchase and make defunct our “Democracy.” This is not just about Republicans and Democrats; it is about our Democracy and our way of life!
In the spirit of being fair let us ask just a few questions!
Are the American people stupid? No!
Are the American people short on memory? NO!
Are some of the American people racists? Yes
Now, racism irrespective of your heritage will always blind reality. Look at the Tea Party Rallies! The Speakers, Palin, Beck, Gingrich and others, they profoundly espouse rage with a definitive nexus to race, and the audience goes wild, and the double faced blood sucking Media calls it “momentum!” You see the Media took pages from Napoleon’s history. He divided to conquer and annexed countries, the Media on the other hand, they divide to conquer “more money from both parties for Political demagoguery, and in addition for ratings! They are whores – “Nymphomaniacs!”
By what means of logic does the American people use in their assumption that in twenty-one months, President Obama was supposed to totally rectify the eight years of financial destruction, caused by the same people that sold them the bill of goods; “that their present predicament is the fault of President Obama and the Democrats, which is the cause for their suffering.” The American People are in a paroxysm that these Political Prostitutes would resolve their problems. Even with an IQ of 2, one would get it, so I am confused as to this rationale!
George W. Bush left two incomplete wars, two major tax cuts none of which were paid for at the time he left office; a 10.4 trillion National Debt; an economy in shambles; unemployment that was stealing apace; in other words by the time George Bush left office on January 20th 2009, he had run the American Financial system into the ground. Imagine George W. Bush’s Godfather Don Corleone’s war (Saddam tried to kill my Dad – George Sunny Corleone said) cost us over a trillion dollars plus thus far, and so I want to know just how in the “hell” could this triangulated, bifurcated abortion-of-a-mess, be sorted out in 21 months?
The Pollsters, Gallup and Rasmussen along with the Media Outlets, they are fully cognizant that two-thirds (2/3) of the country has switched from Land Line Phones to Cell Phones. They can only call the Land-Line Phones in their survey, so just how the hell is this supposed to be any gauge for the lackadaisical, complacent, capricious thinking people to be even remotely optimistic?
Hence, if you want to have a better life for you and your children, and your children’s children, then get off your asses and not only go and vote, but think for once in your life as to who threw your “asses” into the ditch, and also think about who has been trying relentlessly to “dig” you out of the ditch! Pointing fingers and complaining is easy, but solving problems is difficult and it takes time, it takes work! Give the President you put in office a congress he can continue to work with, and you would see what your future would look like within a year to eighteen months from now!
The very sad part about racism is not that it is supported by lies, but that people believe the lies, for the chief sin of racism is that it is “definitely – internecine!”
© Sheriff G Ali October 18, 2010
Sheriff G Ali
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