"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Monday, January 31, 2011


In response to:

(The New York Times Tell us about the first place you lived in on your own. What were its benefits? What were its most memorable qualities? What impact has it had on your future?)

My Dad was in a hospital before I was born and he remained in the hospital for four years. I wasn’t allowed into the hospital so I didn’t see him until I was four years of age. On the day that I was born my Mom went into a coma. My aunt (My Mother’s sister) took care of me for a while.

Against all medical odds, my parents lived. Life, well it was as difficult, very difficult and there aren’t words to describe its hardship. No schooling, no shoes, many times no food! But Almighty God has a way of bringing good out of everything. Out of tragedy I was sent to America to help my older brother that got ill. I was 18 years and 4 months. He died on November 19, 1970. It was that tragedy that gave me an opportunity to go to school, take care of my brother’s two children, (18 months and 3 years of age). I got married in 1975 and after legally adopting my brother’s children that became my own, I had two biological children.

Some years later another brother got killed in the line of duty and he left four children. Three years later, my eldest brother died. (He too left four children) One year later my Dad died. However, through all the adversities, God provided and gave me the strength to raise directly four children and indirectly, another 8. Today, they are all grown up, married and have their own children.

Strange enough, it has been years since I have heard from anyone of them, though they are all on face book. So, you asked about how one’s life affected them! Well, I can only answer for myself and that is, whatever cards we are dealt with in this life, “we must play them, for there aren’t any others!”

I guess my lesson in this life is that “the same God that is on the Mountain top is the same God that has been with me in the Valleys, and the same God that has been with me in the bad times, opened doors and are with me in the good times.” So, be thankful for all of your life and never ever forget where you came from.

Remember; “A thankful heart is a content heart, and a content heart is a happy heart!

Sheriff Ali


Mr. Mubarak, the end is imminent and you should consider that you have been truly “selfish, self-centered, devious, heart-less,” and so many other negative descriptions that it would take too many pages to mention. These actions of yours haven't been for a year or two, it was carried out over the past 30 years without any concern for the Egyptian people.

I think that we in the “West” buttressed your Autocracy until now, because we too, have seen the writing on the wall and that is; “no tanks, no jet fighters, and no amount of arms, are more powerful than the “will of the people.” Sooner rather than later, all Dictators, Self-imposed Leaders, never have the better sense to quit while they are ahead, and you have proven to be no different.

Perhaps you can salvage some little place in history by doing what is “noble,” and that is taking responsibility for the injustices that were perpetuated on the Egyptian people; asking their forgiveness and resign without hostility. You have always permeated arrogance and brutality and in this regard, at 82 years of age, I do hope that you come to realize that “humility and contriteness,” are man’s greatest strength!

Think for a moment about the “wrongs you have done to your people” and know that there isn’t anyway you can right those wrongs, but by voluntarily leaving rather than being dragged away, you can institute the “healing” for a very wounded nation!

In the words of President John F. Kennedy,

“It is never too late to do the right thing!”

Sheriff G Ali

January 31, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Askance (scorn and derision) Ochlocracy (A mob like Government) that has preyed on the Egyptian people for three decades is about to collapse and it couldn’t come any sooner.

Mr. Mubarak’s “mid-night” speech that he has asked his Cabinet to resign and he would install a new Cabinet, is self evident of the “disconnect” Mr. Mubarak has with the people he has caused to toil and suffer, and yes my friends, Pharaoh is about walk into the Red Sea once more.

I don’t know what it is about power and the avarice for it, but if Mr. Mubarak had one ounce of decency in his body, he would have the better sense to “step” down and walk out while he can, rather than being dragged out like the “Pariah” he has always been.

It is high time that we in the West stop “propping-up” self imposed Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Emirs, Sultans and the likes, and allow people everywhere to “write their own destiny!”

I believe that America is fortunate at this time to have a President who lives out his convictions that “freedom” is the right of every human being, irrespective of the color of one’s skin, where they were born, their ethnicity, rich or poor, and as enshrined in Our Constitution;

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . .”

Sheriff G Ali

January 29, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011



Since 1981 when President Anwar Sadat was assassinated, Mr. Mubarak became President. The United States have and continue to facilitate him with TWO BILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY. He is the second largest recipient to our Country’s foreign aid. Israel is number one with THREE BILLION DOLLARS.

In 1981 Egypt and South Korea GDP was the same, but since then South Korea has become the tenth largest economy in the world and Egypt fell further than they were in 1981. Mr. Mubarak is a Pariah and he continues to be a Pariah, preying on the Egyptians with American money and American Power.

Mr. Mubarak is “old and cannot be reformed, hence he has to be removed!” We in America who preaches DEMOCRACY to the world, we have our own share of problems and we cannot afford to be propping up “DICTATORS!”

But, Mubarak isn’t the only one! Like Tunisia, and now Egypt, sooner rather than later, people will stand up for their God given rights. England came to that conclusion when they began dismantling their hold on the Colonies around the world. Russia found out that a “brick-wall” and brutal force was no match for “the will of the people!” Bush tried to “force-feed” the Iraqis with “democracy and created one of our worst tragedy; the loss of 4,000 plus brave Americans; some 30,000 plus that have mental problems; the wounded that became paraplegic and or lost legs and arms, at a cost of ONE TRILLION AND COUNTING, and at the same time the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that died because of Bush and Cheney’s insanity!

Perhaps, just perhaps, we have the right President at the moment, one who embraced the Tunisian people and who seem to “have not taken any public position on what is happening in Egypt!”

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, January 24, 2011

“Get ready! This is the day the Lord will give you victory...!” (Judges 4:14, NLT)

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and go into another year coasting on auto-pilot, expecting the same thing: same problems, same struggles and the same income. But God is a God of increase. He wants us to rise higher and continually grow and reach new levels. What I sense in my spirit is that 2011 is going to be an exceptional year; a year for you to see promises come to pass; a year for you to accomplish your dreams. It’s going to be a year of surprises, and God is going to amaze you with His goodness!

Maybe there’s an area in your life that you’ve struggled with for a long time. It seems like you just can’t get ahead. You need to get ready. This is the year things are going to change. God is about to release His favor in a greater way. You’ve sown the seeds. You’ve planted. You’ve watered. You’ve been faithful. Now you’re about to come into harvest. Get ready and begin to declare by faith, “This is my time for breakthrough! This is my season! This is my ‘above and beyond’ year, and I receive victory in Jesus’ name!”


Father God, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Today, I choose to take the limits off of my thinking and lift my eyes to You. Help me to see the good things You have in store for my future, I pray in the name of Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Written by - J.O.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The hand of the Lord was upon me!

In the way of judgment this may be the case, and, if so, I must consider the reason of such a visitation, and bear the rod and Him that appointed it. I am not the only one who is chastened in the night season; let me cheerfully submit to the affliction, and carefully endeavor to be profited thereby.

But the hand of the Lord may also be felt in another manner, strengthening the soul and lifting my spirit upward towards eternal things that I may in this sense feel the Lord dealing with me! A sense of the divine presence and indwelling bears the soul towards heaven as upon the wings of Eagles.

At such times I am full to the brim with spiritual joy, and forget the cares and sorrows of earth; the invisible is near, and the visible loses it power over me; the servant body waits at the foot of the hill, and master-spirit worships upon the summit in the presence of my Lord.

O that hallowed season of divine communion is vouchsafed to me this day! The Lord knows that I need it greatly. My graces languish, my corruptions rage, my faith is weak, my devotion is cold; all these are reasons why His healing hand should be laid upon me. His hand can cool the heat of my burning brow, and stay the tumult of my palpitating heart.

That glorious right hand which molded the world can new-create my mind; the unwearied hand which bears the earth’s huge pillars up can sustain my spirit; the loving hand which encloses all of the saints can cherish me; and the mighty hand which breaks in pieces the enemy, can subdue my sins.

Why should I not feel that hand touch me this day? Come, my soul, address thy God with a potent plea that Jesus’ hands were pierced for thy redemption, and thou shall surely feel that same hand upon thee which once touched Daniel and set him upon his knees that he might see visions of God!

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, January 17, 2011

Boston girl received organs…

BOSTON (AP) The father of the youngest victim of the Arizona massacre says some of her organs have been donated to a young girl in the Boston area.

John Green tells The Boston Globe in Sunday's edition that he received a phone call about the transplant, but he doesn't know any other details about the donation.

He says the call "really lifted" his spirit, and he and his wife are proud parents once again of their daughter, "who has done another amazing thing."

“Even in death, God never allow His goodness and mercies that He bestows unto us like He bestowed unto Christina Green, to die!” Sheriff G Ali

A woman who had been sick for twelve years….

In Mark chapter five, there was a woman who had been sick for twelve years. The doctors gave her no hope. But she heard that Jesus was passing through her town. Something deep down on the inside was saying, “This is your season. This is your time to get well.” In the natural, when she saw all the people around Him, she thought, “I’ll never get to Him. It’s so crowded and I’m weak.” She almost missed her season. But instead of dwelling on those negative thoughts, instead of looking at her situation, she started reminding herself, “If I can just get to Jesus, I will be whole.” She made the choice to turn her thoughts in the right direction and was empowered to take a leap of faith. She pressed through the crowd until she got just close enough to touch the edge of Jesus’ robe. Instantly, she was made whole.

Jesus said in Mark 5:34, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.” Notice it’s our faith that activates God’s power. We have to press through our thoughts, press through our circumstances, press through the crowd and obstacles until we touch Him.

Today, with every step you take, God is drawing closer to you. He’ll meet your faith with His miraculous power so you can embrace the victory He has waiting for you.


Heavenly Father, I come to You today with an open and humble heart. I ask You to fill me with Your strength, peace and joy so that I can press through to victory today. Show me the good plan You have for me this I ask In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Written by; J.O.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Mysteries of God’s Mercies!

Dedicated To Christiana Green 09/11/01 – 01/08/11

Open your hearts and believe

That in our sorrow and when we grieve,

God’s grace can relieve

What evil can’t perceive

Christiana recalled to God’s Mansion

To awaken our outraged Nation,

We cannot forget this little girl

And her vision of our world

Born on a day of immense tragedy

Her death should inspire everybody,

On 9/11 we knew not what to say

Christian’s passing is our dismay!

Though she now flies with Angel’s wings

She continues to sing,

And from the Heaven’s above

Christiana sends all her love!

Author’s Comments

On January 8th 2011, my heart, spirit and soul, connected to this little girl for that which I know not how to explain or disengage!

© January 15, 2011 by Sheriff G Ali

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

CHRISTIANA TAYLOR-GREEN 9/11/01 – 01/08/11

Pain breaks not the calm of the sweet twilight of age, for strength made perfect in weakness bears up with patience under it all. Ripe fruits of choice experience are gathered as the rare repast of life’s evening, and the soul prepares itself for rest.

The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in thy bed; see the waiting bands of spirits!

Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved one, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are open; the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved, CHRISTIANA TAYLOR-GREEN, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet! AMEN!

Sheriff G Ali


Seek to lie very low, and know more of your own nothingness!

Grow in grace, not in one grace only, but in all grace. Grow in that root-grace, faith. Believe the promises more firmly than you have done. Let faith increase in fullness, constancy, simplicity. Grow also in love. Ask that your love may become extended, more intense, more practical, influencing every thought, word and deed.

Grow likewise in humility. Seek to lie very low, and know more of your own nothingness. As you grow downward in humility, seek also to grow upward – having nearer approaches to God in prayer and more intimate fellowship with Jesus. May God the Holy Spirit enable you to “grow” in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, for he who grows not in the knowledge of Jesus, refuses to be blessed.

To know Him is “eternal life,” and to advance in the knowledge of Him is to increase in happiness. For they who do not long to know more of Christ; knows nothing of Him yet. Whoever hath sipped this wine will thirst for more, for although Christ doth satisfy, yet in such a satisfaction, that the appetite is not cloyed, but whetted.

If you know the love of Jesus – as he hart panteth for the water-brooks, so will you pant after deeper draughts of His love! If you do not desire to know Him better, then you love Him not, for love always cries, “Nearer, nearer.” Absence from Christ is hell; but the presence of Jesus is heaven. Do not rest content without an increasing acquaintance with Jesus Christ.

Seek to know more of Him in His divine nature; in His human relationship, and His finished work, in His death, in His resurrection, in His present glorious intercession, and His future royal advent. Abide hard by the Cross, and search the mystery of His wounds. An increase of love to Jesus, and a more perfect apprehension of His love to us is one of the best tests of growth in grace!

Sheriff G Ali

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


“The innocent blood of this beautiful little girl may well serve as a redemptive force that will bring new light to this dark city.”

On the 18th of September 1963, like today January 8th 2011, we had another dark moment. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the eulogy for the innocent girls that were killed in the bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. And so this day we have another child, just 9 years of age that was killed along with five other innocent victims by a “mindless act of violence.”

I thought that as we look back at our history and fast forward to the present, that the positive changes that followed the evil acts of violence then, that goodness of heart and soul, would again overflow our dark shores and create new light for brighter and better tomorrows, for all people.

Sheriff G Ali

Eulogy for the Young Victims

Of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing

By: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Delivered at Sixth Avenue Baptist Church

18 September 1963 -- Birmingham, Alabama

This afternoon we gather in the quiet of this sanctuary to pay our last tribute of respect to these beautiful children of God. They entered the stage of history just a few years ago, and in the brief years that they were privileged to act on this mortal stage, they played their parts exceedingly well. Now the curtain falls; they move through the exit; the drama of their earthly life comes to a close. They are now committed back to that eternity from which they came.

These children—unoffending, innocent, and beautiful—were the victims of one of the most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated against humanity.

And yet they died nobly. They are the martyred heroines of a holy crusade for freedom and human dignity. And so this afternoon in a real sense they have something to say to each of us in their death. They have something to say to every minister of the gospel who has remained silent behind the safe security of stained-glass windows. They have something to say to every politician [Audience:] (Yeah) who has fed his constituents with the stale bread of hatred and the spoiled meat of racism. They have something to say to a federal government that has compromised with the undemocratic practices of southern Dixiecrats (Yeah) and the blatant hypocrisy of right-wing northern Republicans. (Speak)

They have something to say to every Negro (Yeah) who has passively accepted the evil system of segregation and who has stood on the sidelines in a mighty struggle for justice. They say to each of us, black and white alike, that we must substitute courage for caution. They say to us that we must be concerned not merely about who murdered them, but about the system, the way of life, the philosophy which produced the murderers. Their death says to us that we must work passionately and unrelentingly for the realization of the American dream.

And so my friends, they did not die in vain. (Yeah) God still has a way of wringing good out of evil. (Oh yes) And history has proven over and over again that unmerited suffering is redemptive. The innocent blood of these little girls may well serve as a redemptive force (Yeah) that will bring new light to this dark city. (Yeah) The holy Scripture says, "A little child shall lead them." (Oh yeah) The death of these little children may lead our whole Southland (Yeah) from the low road of man's inhumanity to man to the high road of peace and brotherhood. (Yeah, Yes) These tragic deaths may lead our nation to substitute an aristocracy of character for an aristocracy of color. The spilled blood of these innocent girls may cause the whole citizenry of Birmingham (Yeah) to transform the negative extremes of a dark past into the positive extremes of a bright future. Indeed this tragic event may cause the white South to come to terms with its conscience. (Yeah)

And so I stand here to say this afternoon to all assembled here, that in spite of the darkness of this hour (Yeah Well), we must not despair. (Yeah, Well) We must not become bitter (Yeah, That’s right), nor must we harbor the desire to retaliate with violence. No, we must not lose faith in our white brothers. (Yeah, Yes) Somehow we must believe that the most misguided among them can learn to respect the dignity and the worth of all human personality.

May I now say a word to you, the members of the bereaved families? It is almost impossible to say anything that can console you at this difficult hour and remove the deep clouds of disappointment which are floating in your mental skies. But I hope you can find a little consolation from the universality of this experience. Death comes to every individual. There is an amazing democracy about death. It is not aristocracy for some of the people, but a democracy for all of the people. Kings die and beggars die; rich men and poor men die; old people die and young people die. Death comes to the innocent and it comes to the guilty. Death is the irreducible common denominator of all men.

I hope you can find some consolation from Christianity's affirmation that death is not the end. Death is not a period that ends the great sentence of life, but a comma that punctuates it to more lofty significance. Death is not a blind alley that leads the human race into a state of nothingness, but an open door which leads man into life eternal. Let this daring faith, this great invincible surmise, be your sustaining power during these trying days.

Now I say to you in conclusion, life is hard, at times as hard as crucible steel. It has its bleak and difficult moments. Like the ever-flowing waters of the river, life has its moments of drought and its moments of flood. (Yeah, Yes) Like the ever-changing cycle of the seasons, life has the soothing warmth of its summers and the piercing chill of its winters. (Yeah) And if one will hold on, he will discover that God walks with him (Yeah, Well), and that God is able (Yeah, Yes) to lift you from the fatigue of despair to the buoyancy of hope, and transform dark and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of inner peace.

And so today, you do not walk alone, you brought into this world, wonderful children; they didn’t live long lives, but they lived meaningful lives. (Well) Their lives were distressingly small in quantity, but glowingly large in quality. (Yeah) And no greater tribute can be paid to you as parents, and no greater epitaph can come to them as children, than where they died and what they were doing when they died. (Yeah) They did not die in the dives and dens of Birmingham (Yeah, Well), nor did they die discussing and listening to filthy jokes. (Yeah) They died between the sacred walls of the church of God (Yeah, Yes), and they were discussing the eternal meaning (Yes) of love. This stands out as a beautiful, beautiful thing for all generations. (Yes)

Shakespeare had Horatio to say some beautiful words as he stood over the dead body of Hamlet. And today, as I stand over the remains of these beautiful, darling girls, I paraphrase the words of Shakespeare: (Yeah, Well): Good night, sweet princesses. Good night, those who symbolize a new day. (Yeah, Yes) And may the flight of angels (That’s right) take thee to thy eternal rest. God bless you.

We are deranged and then some!


A Church announces that they will “picket” our Angel, 9 year old Christian-Taylor Green’s Funeral. We “America,” are really ill…. Open the CNN link and read the story and then ask, “Do I contribute to this insanity and whether I did or not, I will do my level best to be part of the healing of our Country and not be a menace to our society!"

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, January 10, 2011

On January 8th 2011, our September 11, 2001 “special child,” Christina Green, died at the hands of a gun wielding lunatic!

An innocent young aspiring nine year old child born on September 11 2001 died along with five others and a wonderful and caring Congress-Woman, Gabrielle Gifford, lays helpless with her biggest threat of brain swelling. “Surgeons removed half of her skull to give the tissues room to expand without additional bruising. That bone is being preserved and can be re-implanted once the swelling abates; a technique the military uses with war injuries” But nevertheless, Mrs. Gifford has a long and dreary road ahead of her.

All of this incomprehensible tragedy although committed by the 22 year old shooter, but definitely was buttressed by the narcissistic poisonous deluge advocated by Sarah Palin advocating “do not retreat, reload,” Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Political Hacks (Politicians) and a host of Radio and Television Commentators, that fills the airways with hate and unbelievable radical rants.

America, wake up, these people does not have your interest even in the minutest part of their thoughts; to them you are of the saxifrage family – “the shrub bearing their gooseberries.” They do not believe in anything, even the statements that drips out of their mouths like drool from the Alcoholic that needs another drink; neither do they have any knowledge of the Most High – Jehovah, for if they did, they couldn’t and wouldn’t languish in the hate that rages inside of them; and neither do they believe in America, for if they did, they wouldn’t be jeopardizing the lives of their fellow citizens and they wouldn’t use free speech so capriciously, espousing their constant divisiveness of people who are different than them.

In the final analysis, they are no different than the lunatics that blow up innocent people in the name of God, which is a manifestation of hate. There is a small step from fear to hate, and I am afraid that these people, “the conservatives,” have already taken that step!

With the belief that Almighty God does bring good out of the worst of man’s evil, let us hope for better tomorrows for our beloved America!

Sheriff G Ali

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday January 8th 2011 and the days following; are SAD days for our America!

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has no credibility when it comes to making claim that she is saddened by Saturday’s shooting of U S Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford that left six others dead. Governor Brewer signed into law along with Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia, the right for people to carry loaded guns in BARS. In addition she has been so blasphemous with her language along with other Political Colleagues, Radio and Television Commentators that no doubt insights the violence that erupted Saturday January 8th 2011 in Arizona.

How stupid or capricious or both can the Politicians and the people that are placed in office to protect society are, when they “allow loaded guns in bars?” I think the Founding Fathers are turning in their graves to see how insanity has become prevalent by the people who so want to be put into elected office or keep their elected positions, “that they have decided to allow guns and booze in the same place.”

The States that enacted this draconian law are; Tennessee, Arizona, Georgia and Virginia.

The indentation in the heads of the people that have approved this policy; is self-evident as to how extremists are driving “sanity” off the cliff, and ushering with full force, radicalism that seems to be unabated at this time that leads to senseless violence, such as we witnessed yesterday.

The November 2010 Republican Senatorial Candidate in Las Vegas, Sharon Angle, proclaimed on live Television – “That we ought to have an armed insurrection in America, if the Republicans don’t win control of the Congress in November!” (She did not win, but her language played a big roll in the heads of the demented, same as Sarah Palin remarks to “RELOAD!” Words have serious consequences the same as deceitful deeds!)

The extremists and the religious fanatics, promulgation for rebellion that seethes at the present time has no foundation. They rebel against they know not what. They are searching for something, but what the something is they cannot say. We are the hope for the future generations, but we ourselves have no hope!

The ancient proverb that; “man/woman, are the only beast that runs faster when they have lost their way,” seemed to have proven to be true!

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, January 6, 2011

O Child of Suffering!

It is a happy way of soothing sorrow when I can feel – “He cares for me.” I must not dishonor my Lord by wearing a brow of care; come, my soul, cast your burden upon my Lord. Sometimes I stagger beneath a weight which my Father would not feel. What seems to me a crushing burden; would be to Him but as the small dust of balance. Nothing is sweet as;

“Lie passive in God’s hands

And know no will but His!”

O my suffering soul; be thou patient; God has not passed thee over in His providence. He who is the feeder of sparrows will also meet all of my needs. I must not sit in despair, but hope on, hope ever. I must take up my arms of faith in a sea of trouble and my opposition shall yet end my distresses.

There is one who cares for me; His eye is fixed on me. His heart beats with pity for my woe and His hand omnipotent shall yet bring me the needed help. The darkest cloud shall scatter itself in showers of mercy. The biggest gloom shall give place to the morning. He will bind up my wounds and heal my broken heart.

I must not doubt His grace because of my tribulation, but believe that He loves me as much in seasons of trouble as in times of happiness. What a serene and quiet life might I lead if I would leave providing, to my God of providence! With a little oil in the cruse and a handful of meal in the barrel, Elijah outlived the famine and I will do the same.

If God cares for me, why need I care too? If I can trust God with my soul, why can’t I trust Him with my body? He has never refused to bear my burdens; He has never fainted under weight. Come, then my soul, do away with fretful care and leave all thy concerns in the hand of my gracious God!

Sheriff G Ali