"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday January 8th 2011 and the days following; are SAD days for our America!

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has no credibility when it comes to making claim that she is saddened by Saturday’s shooting of U S Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford that left six others dead. Governor Brewer signed into law along with Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia, the right for people to carry loaded guns in BARS. In addition she has been so blasphemous with her language along with other Political Colleagues, Radio and Television Commentators that no doubt insights the violence that erupted Saturday January 8th 2011 in Arizona.

How stupid or capricious or both can the Politicians and the people that are placed in office to protect society are, when they “allow loaded guns in bars?” I think the Founding Fathers are turning in their graves to see how insanity has become prevalent by the people who so want to be put into elected office or keep their elected positions, “that they have decided to allow guns and booze in the same place.”

The States that enacted this draconian law are; Tennessee, Arizona, Georgia and Virginia.

The indentation in the heads of the people that have approved this policy; is self-evident as to how extremists are driving “sanity” off the cliff, and ushering with full force, radicalism that seems to be unabated at this time that leads to senseless violence, such as we witnessed yesterday.

The November 2010 Republican Senatorial Candidate in Las Vegas, Sharon Angle, proclaimed on live Television – “That we ought to have an armed insurrection in America, if the Republicans don’t win control of the Congress in November!” (She did not win, but her language played a big roll in the heads of the demented, same as Sarah Palin remarks to “RELOAD!” Words have serious consequences the same as deceitful deeds!)

The extremists and the religious fanatics, promulgation for rebellion that seethes at the present time has no foundation. They rebel against they know not what. They are searching for something, but what the something is they cannot say. We are the hope for the future generations, but we ourselves have no hope!

The ancient proverb that; “man/woman, are the only beast that runs faster when they have lost their way,” seemed to have proven to be true!

Sheriff G Ali

1 comment:

  1. what hope is there when in the year 2011 we still settle International conflicts with violence, when it is perfectly acceptable to put a gun in the hands of our eighteen year olds and teach them to kill. We can not condemn killing on one level while encouraging it on another. I grew up in gang infested neighborhoods. The gangs operate exactly like the educated world leaders.
