"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I am going out on the limb that Casey Anthony will testify in her own defense:

I know that this is a very emotional case and Casey’s behavior during the 31 days that her daughter was missing doesn’t help much, but from a human stand-point and as a person who voluntarily counseled “teenagers and young adults” for three years, I am basing my assumption that Casey’s madness over that 31 day period was perpetuated by the estranged circumstances that transpired in her home, dating back from the time she was about ten years of age or thereabouts.

I may lose lots of friends for writing this on the eve of the Defense position that they will “rest” their defense on Thursday June 30th 2011, but if I am unwilling to speak out on what I believe wholeheartedly, then I shall no longer write. Tens of thousands of pages have been generated in the Case of The State of Florida V. Casey Marie Anthony for which I have read not all, but most of them, and I have followed the case to the best of my ability. I have tried very hard “not” to listen to the Television Talking Heads’ who are paid to espouse their “doom and gloom” and call Casey every demeaning name one can imagine, but, under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, that is there absolute right!

Condensing this very tragic and bifurcated case!

I do believe that Casey will testify that she was molested by her father and brother and that her mother was always aware of this most disgusting fact. I also believe that Cindy, Lee and Casey were forced to remain silent on account of her father’s “iron-fist” rule being a Police Officer with authority to do as he pleased, without being questioned by his fellow Officers. And I also do believe that George Anthony is the father of his daughter’s child.

Cindy Anthony (Casey’s mother) condoning of this heinous act by her husband and her child’s father is not new. This wouldn’t be the first time and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. It stems from this thing called “pride.” This type of pride says; “we don’t do our dirty laundry in public,” this is a family affair and as such, it must remain within the confines of our home and tightly knitted family, or we would bring disgrace that would prevent us from showing our faces no matter whether we live here or move to another country.

So, this dismal incest continued and as time passed by I believe that in Casey’s depressed and sad state of mind she confided in her brother, Lee. Perhaps at first Lee got depressed himself but as time went by, the depression of both brother and sister took a different turn and that lead to compounded incest – brother and sister.

The Television Pundits and the Talking Head Attorneys with a desire to become important, took it upon themselves to claim that George Anthony (Casey’s father) breaking down on the witness stand was a reflection of his innocence. But, looking at her father’s forlorn, Casey’s reaction was one of disgust and disdain, as she sat shaking her head in disbelief that the man who “molested her and ruined her life,” is now afraid of going to Prison for the rest of his life, and that he was attempting to use that forlorn to save his own hide, because as a retired Peace Officer he knows that if it is established that he had sexual intercourse with a child 12 years or under, the sentence is life.

George Anthony knew that subsequent to his daughter’s arrest, her release on Bond was conditioned upon “no firearm or alcohol” in the Anthony’s home. Yet, George Anthony went out and bought a Firearm and brought it home. This information got to the Authorities and later that same day, A Police Officer and a person from The Department of Corrections came to the Anthony’s home and removed the Firearm. [Casey Anthony could have been taken back to Jail that day] As George explained, he said he bought the Gun and was going to use it to force answers from people he knew that might have the answers to his then “missing grand-daughter.” Is this lame? Of course it is!

Next, George Anthony left home and went to a Motel in Daytona Beach to commit “suicide.” George claimed that he drank alcohol and took pills and sat down to write his wife a “suicide note.” We don’t’ know yet what the “suicide note” consists of, but one thing is for sure as of now, it was conveniently written without any sort of confession. However, like the Gun, very conveniently, the Authorities found out where he was and they went and rescued him before he committed “suicide.” A man standing on top of a tall building screaming he is going to jump, he has no intention of committing suicide, he is seeking attention, and a “man all alone in a Motel Room with Alcohol and Pills having written a convenient note and allowing the Authorities to find him," he is not there to commit suicide, he is there “to establish a smoke screen,” you know, “I feel so bad for my grand-daughter, I just want to die.” But, he didn't die!

Cindy Anthony denied having any discussion with her son about sending Private Investigators with Video Cameras to look for her grand-daughter, and the very next witness, her son, Lee, diametrically contracted his mother by stating, “Yes, such a discussion did take place.”

Roy Kronk on the witness stand saw what he taught to be a skull on August 11, 2008. He made calls after 9:30PM at night on August 11th, 12th and the 13th to the Police. On August 12th 2011 two Police Officers met with Roy Kronk, did not find anything, sort of scolded him and left. Also, he was asked if he called his son in November of 2008, whereby he told his son that he was going to be famous. Roy Kronk denied calling his son. On Wednesday morning June 29, 2011, Roy Kronk’s son testified that his father did call him during the month of November 2008 and the son testified that his father told him; “that he, Roy Kronk knew where the child’s remains were.” Amazingly enough, on December 11, 2008, despite hundreds of people searching the wooded area, Roy Kronk found the child’s remain in the exact spot where he previously claimed to have seen the “may be skull!”

Irrespective of all of the strangeness in this case, that beautiful little child is dead, and that is sad. My conclusion as to how the child died, well, I do believe she drowned in the Pool. But only George, Cindy and Casey are cognizant of why the child was disposed off in the manner that she did, and I do believe that this too, we shall find out!

In addition, any verdict of “guilty” that the Jury determines, it would be overturned on Appeal. The Judge in Casey Anthony’s case made some glaring “reversal errors.”

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, June 27, 2011

Michele Bachmann’s lied 17 times out of 18 statements, and Rod Blagojevich was found guilty on 17 counts out of 18!

“Michele Bachmann's claim that she has "never gotten a penny" from a family farm that's been subsidized by the government is at odds with her financial disclosure statements. They show tens of thousands in personal income from the operation.

Those were among the latest examples of how the Minnesota congresswoman has become one to watch — for inaccuracies as well as rising support — in the Republican presidential race.

Bachmann's wildly off-base assertion last month that a NATO airstrike might have killed as many as 30,000 Libyan civilians, her misrepresentations of the health care law, misfires on other aspects of President Barack Obama's record and historical inaccuracies have saddled her with a reputation for uttering populist jibes that don't hold up.

She announced her candidacy Monday in Iowa with a speech typical for someone joining the campaign. It laid out the broad themes of her candidacy and mostly avoided the Bachmann bomb lets that have grabbed attention — and often fizzled under scrutiny — in the long lead-up.

The more the political season heats up, the more that exaggerations and sound-bite oversimplifications emanate from the Republicans going after Obama — and from the Democrats playing defense. Still, Bachmann's record on this score is distinct.

Examining 24 of her statements, Politifact.com, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking service of the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times, found just one to be fully true and 17 to be false (seven of them "pants on fire" false). No other Republican candidate whose statements have been vigorously vetted matched that record of inaccuracy.

A look at some of her recent statements and how they compare with the facts:

BACHMANN: "The farm is my father-in-law's farm. It's not my husband and my farm. It's my father-in-law's farm. And my husband and I have never gotten a penny of money from the farm." — On "Fox News Sunday."

THE FACTS: In personal financial disclosure reports required annually from members of Congress, Bachmann reported that she holds an interest in a family farm in Independence, Wis., with her share worth between $100,000 and $250,000.

The farm, which was owned by her father-in-law, produced income for Bachmann of at least $32,500 and as much as $105,000 from 2006 through 2009, according to the reports she filed for that period. The farm also received federal crop and disaster subsidies, according to a database maintained by the Environmental Working Group. From 1995 through 2010, the farm got $259,332 in federal payments.

When asked about the subsidies and her income from the farm late last year, a spokesman for Bachmann said only that she wasn't involved in decisions about the running of the farm.

Bachmann told The Associated Press on Monday that her husband became a trustee of the farm because his father had dementia before he died two years ago, and "oversees the legal entity."

"Everything we do with those forms is in an abundance of caution," she said, insisting she and her husband receive no farm income despite the forms reporting it.

BACHMANN: "Well what I want them to know is, just like John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, that's the kind of spirit that I have, too." — Speaking to Fox News on Sunday.

Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa, nearly three hours away, and moved to California in his childhood. John Wayne Gacy, convicted of killing 33 men and boys, was born in Chicago, moved to Waterloo to work in his father-in-law's chicken restaurants and first ran afoul of the law there, sentenced to 10 years for sodomy. He began his killing spree after his release, and his return to Illinois.

BACHMANN: "Overnight we are hearing that potentially 10 to 30,000 people could have been killed in the strike." — Criticizing Obama in May for the "foolish" U.S. intervention in Libya, and citing what she said were reports of a civilian death toll from a NATO strike as high as 30,000.

THE FACTS: The U.S. ambassador to Libya, Gene Cretz, said in late April that U.S. officials have seen reports that 10,000 to 30,000 people may have died in Moammar Gadhafi's crackdown on protesters and the fighting between rebels and pro-government forces, but it is hard to know if that is true. He was speaking about all casualties of the conflict; no one has attributed such a death toll to NATO bombing alone, much less to a single strike.

BACHMANN: "It's ironic and sad that the president released all of the oil from the strategic oil reserve. ... There's only a limited amount of oil that we have in the strategic oil reserve. It's there for emergencies." — On CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

THE FACTS: Obama did not empty all the oil from the strategic reserve, as Bachmann said. He approved the release of 30 million barrels, about 4 percent of the 727 million barrels stored in salt caverns along the Texas and Louisiana coasts. It's true that the U.S. normally taps the reserve for more dire emergencies than exist today, and that exposes Obama to criticism that he acted for political gain. But the reserve has never been fuller; it held 707 million barrels when last tapped, after 2008 hurricanes.

BACHMANN: "One. That's the number of new drilling permits under the Obama administration since they came into office." — Comment to a conservative conference in Iowa in March.

THE FACTS: The Obama administration issued more than 200 new drilling permits before the Gulf oil spill alone. Over the past year, since new safety standards were imposed, the administration has issued more than 60 shallow-water drilling permits. Since the deep water moratorium was lifted in October, nine new wells have been approved.” (AP)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

If the Republicans got their way, the middle class would become poor; the poor would become poorer,

If the Republicans got their way, the middle class would become poor; the poor would become poorer, the elderly would be tossed under the bus, and our children’s future would be amiss!

If you are going to find your way out of the financial downfall that you are in due to no fault of your own, then read the very short article. I promise you that though it may seem Politically “one-sided,” it is “Politically Correct!” One of America’s longest and oldest Political Party, has and continues to do what is “financially expedient for 2% of the richest Americans that enhances their own pockets, rather than do what is morally right for all Americans!

America, which is the “Engine of the World,” has been in decline since 2001 when the then George W. Bush became President. With him controlling the White House and at the time, the Republicans controlled the both Houses of Congress, The House of Representatives and the United States Senate; they embarked on a lavish spending spree. And, the unfortunate occurrence of 9/11 that forced us to go after the perpetrators in Afghanistan, Mr. Bush and The Republicans used it as a crutch for all of the wantonness that subsequently followed.

However, Mr. Bush made the biggest blunder when he decided to take most of the troops out of Afghanistan so that he could invade Iraq. Hence, rather than fighting one war we were now fighting two wars and in each case, we ended up fighting what can be best termed, Gorilla-Warfare; “no distinguishable enemy.”

To make the situation worst, Bush gave a huge tax cut in 2001 and again in 2003 that catapulted America’s National Debt from 5.1 trillion dollars when he took office to 10.4 trillion dollars when he left office on January 9th 2009. This is in addition to him totally incinerating the projected surplus of five trillion dollars.

By the time the new President took office, he had two wars on his hand and a trillion dollar plus tax cut that only benefitted a mere 2% of the American public. My point is that Mr. Bush’s phantasmagoric rationales and internecine polices in all that he did while he was President, is the reason why we (Americans) were and are still starring into the abyss of a ballooning National Debt and a life of financial uncertainty.

We are better off today than we were since the day President Obama was sworn into office. Things are not great but they are better and day after day, we are experiencing small miracles of climbing out of the mere that Mr. Bush and his cronies placed us into. But, the trouble is not over. The Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives in 2010 and the Republicans gain in the Senate placed them in a position to obstruct “just about everything.” Basically, “all of the Republicans” speak with one voice and that one voice continually says; “make the senseless tax cut for the rich permanent and forget about our responsibility to the “ middle-class, poor, elderly and our children.” To put it in a different way would be to say that if the Republicans got their way; “there would be no middle class for they would become poor; the poor would become poorer; our children’s education would be a scramble that would look like the survival of the fittest – [“those with financially sound parents;”] the elderly would be tossed under the bus,” and the Republicans would live happily thereafter being fed by their “rich friends,” and America would reach its end, same as the Russia did when the Soviet Union Collapsed, solely because they ran out of money.

This may seem like a sad scenario but I tell you it is as realistic as the Sun rise every morning. Hence, it is imperative that each and every individual accept the fact that “we can’t change the unchangeable, but we must change the unacceptable.”

It is going to take responsible Business Leaders and an informed Public to work together to bring about the change that is necessary, if we are going to remain the number “One Nation of the Pleiades of Nations.” It is in this regard that N & N Internationale Incorporated can assist some, not all, in securing a better and brighter future not only for ourselves, but for generations to come.

I therefore indulge you to contact us or anyone at your choosing, that you believe would guide you through the deep and unforgiving waters that we were tossed into, from 2001-to-2009.


Sheriff G Ali

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Every “Son of a Bitch” was born of a Woman, yet these wretched mortals that call themselves men,

Allowed 17 school girls to burn alive in Saudi Arabia!

Every “Son of a Bitch” was born of a woman, and yet the wretched mortals that call themselves men, are hiding behind “man-made-religion,” to placate their over inflated egos that far outpace the length of their corpora cavernosa! The leading country of the tyranny of these brutal narcissists is no other than the KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA. Just imagine a place that is prefaced with the word KINGDOM exercises these brutalities and condones it!

This is a country where women aren’t allowed to drive a car. They’re not allowed to be in the company of any man other than a close relative. They’re required to adhere to a dress code that would frighten the devil. They beheaded 121 people last year for robbery, rape and drug trafficking. They have no free press, no elected government and no political parties. And the royal family allows the religious police to travel in groups of six carrying nightsticks, and they freely and publicly beat women. But ‘Brutus is an honorable man.’ Seventeen schoolgirls were forced to burn alive because they weren’t wearing the proper clothing. ... Saudi Arabia, our partners in peace…

Saudi fans of the 87-year-old King Abdullah, who started the first co-ed university in the kingdom, are upset and surprised that he hasn’t already allowed women to drive. They blame it on the resistance of the ultraconservative Prince Nayef bin Abdel Aziz, the interior minister who is believed to be responsible for jailing the first driver, Manal al-Sharif, for nine days. Nayef is said to be arguing with the more progressive king for additional time to prepare for female drivers.

Given the king’s declining health and the illness of his half-brother, the Crown Prince Sultan, the chance to give women any rights may be running out. Nayef, who has long been in charge of the roaming odious religious police who let those schoolgirls die in the fire in Mecca because they didn’t have their headscarves on, is a contender to replace the crown prince, and it’s unlikely he’ll pull a Nixon-in-China move on women’s freedom.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything!”

“You can’t change circumstances and you can’t change other people, but God can change you!”


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CNN did not represent America in the charade of the “hyped-up” Republican debate on June 13th 2011; this was about “White-America!”

Save that of “Gambino Herman Cain – The god-father Pizza-Man,” all of the other candidates consisted of five white men and one white woman, and that was alright, because the Republican Camp leaves little or no room for people that are “non-white.

Where CNN failed America is having a total “White Audience;” all “White Reporters” and the questions from the Audience which were many, came from all white “Questioners!” And, if that wasn’t bad enough, at the end of this – “Step On The Half-White Half-African American President Circus,” CNN continued with a total “White-Panel,” with the exception of “one” African-American Pollster.

All of the “candidates” listed below were using President Obama as a Mexican Piñata for all that ails America and The American People! They were like a “six-string” Guitar with the Pizza-Man being the extra “base-string” that made up the Seven Presidential Runners; all the while trying to look like The Magnificent Seven with Yul Brynner!

In the Photograph above are; Republican candidates (L to R) Rick Santorum, former two-term senator from Pennsylvania; Congresswoman Michele Bachmann; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney; Texas congressman Ron Paul; former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty; entrepreneur Herman Cain attend their debate June 13, 2011 at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire.

It seemed quite self-evident that they fine tuned their hyperboles that flew out of their mouths, because they claim that President Obama has failed America by running up a National Debt of 14.5 Trillion Dollars and that it is his fault and his fault alone, that so many people are unemployed. You know the sad thing about this ongoing fiasco is that, the “absent-minded” Americans that live like Ostriches with their heads buried in the sand, believes the falsity that excretes from “these cannabises.”

All seven of these cannabises’ solutions to our economic problems are the same; “cut the taxes on the rich even more,” and the rich will ride in on White Horses and save the day! We don’t have to guess, we tried that recipe for TEN years and it has failed. George W. Bush gave two gigantic tax cuts to the rich and at the end of 2010 The Republicans that took control of the House of Representatives and increased their numbers in the Senate, made it clear that President Obama would not be allowed to continue the tax cut for 98% of Americans, unless he agreed to extend the tax cut for the 2% rich. Hence, we have had to date tax cuts for ten years and the top 2% haven’t gotten of their dime and done anything to help America or the American people. Open the following link;


and you would see how many Companies are making fortunes in America, whilst shipping most of the jobs overseas. Apple employs 50,000 people in America, but Apple China employs more than 1,000,000 people, and Apple aren’t the only Company that is on that path. All of this madness was implemented by both Republicans and Democrats that gave huge tax breaks for Companies that exported their jobs overseas, long before Obama became President.

The two wars that George W. Bush initiated and the two tax cuts is estimated to date to cost well over THREE TRILLION DOLLARS, for which none of it was paid for, it was from borrowed money. But as shameless as the cannabises were in their duplicity, they claim all of this is somehow President Obama’s fault.

I have one single piece of advice for America – and that is “we had better wake up sooner rather than later, search out the facts and make the right decision in 2012.” A simple lesson that has been around for now thirty-one years is that when Ronald Regan became President, our National Debt was 900 billion dollars and by the time he left office on January 20th 1989 our National Debt was 2.2 Trillion Dollars. Then there was the first Bush; George H.W. who within his four year term took the National Debt to 4.5 Trillion dollars. President Clinton came into office with troubling problems that Bush and Regan left behind, but by the time his two terms ended, the National Debt was 5.6 Trillion Dollars, with an estimated surplus of five trillion dollars.

However, when the sorry excuse for a President schemed his way into office via Florida’s election debacle in 2000, he ran up the National Debt from 5.6 trillion to 11.4 trillion dollars. He started two wars, gave huge tax cuts to the rich, allowed Wall Street and the Bankers to screw the American people of their life saving, including millions having lost their homes, spent out the surplus and walked into the sun-set and retired. But, somehow John King from CNN did not ask about what brought us to this point and of course, the shameless abortions that stood on stage; never opened their mouths to anything having to do with the “truth!”

During Clinton’s two terms 22 million jobs were created, but during George W. Bush two terms, he took us back as close as he could get, “to the stone age,” and if we do not stop being complacent as a people, “we would fall into the abyss,” no different than Russia, when the mighty Soviet Union collapsed, not because of lack of weapons, but lack of “Money!”

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dr. Sue Zieman arthritis struggle shows illness' severity!

Dr. Sue Zieman can almost set her watch by her disease: Twice a day, she gets a fever and the already arthritic joints in her arms and hands, legs and feet abruptly, painfully swell even more. During the evening flare, even the tendons in her feet puff up, rope-like worms just under her skin.

The rest of the day, her joints are so stiff that the once robust Maryland physician frequently uses a scooter to get around. Just shaking hands hurts the 47-year-old.

Inflammatory arthritis is disabling Zieman but exactly what kind and what caused it to attack suddenly is a mystery. Nor do her fellow doctors know what treatment to suggest next. She's tried all of today's arthritis medications with little relief.

Say arthritis, and people tend to shrug it off as a rite of passage of aging. The reality is much more complicated. Arthritis encompasses 100 different conditions and affects about 46 million people in the U.S.

Osteoarthritis — where cartilage gradually erodes with the wear-and-tear of aging — is by far the most common type.

But inflammatory types — such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus — occur when something makes the immune system run amok and attack the body's own tissues, eating away cartilage and eventually harming bone. It can strike at far younger ages.

Zieman's saga highlights not just how much doctors still have to learn about arthritis, but how devastating a severe case can be.

"It totally stripped my identity," says Zieman, whose illness cost her career as a cardiologist and her love of sailing. "I just don't think people realize how debilitated you can be, and young."

She uses humor to help cope, nicknaming her scooter Bella and joking that "I know I'm going to turn into a pumpkin each night" when that 7 p.m. flare sends her to bed.

Infections sometimes trigger inflammatory arthritis, and that's what probably happened with Zieman. She'd just returned from a business trip to India in December 2008 when she came down with a fever, fatigue and pain in her shoulder and knee. Antibiotics didn't help.

A month later, Zieman became short of breath and both legs swelled. An emergency hospital admission prompted a battery of tests for infections, even super-rare ones she might have encountered abroad. Again, nothing. Maybe it was cancer? Nope.

Then the joints in her wrists and hands began swelling. Soon she couldn't lift a glass. Swelling and pain moved to her ankles and toes.

Her joints had the classic look of rheumatoid arthritis, a disease that affects 1.3 million Americans and that can begin with a low fever and fatigue.

But it wasn't a slam-dunk diagnosis. Blood tests check for specific markers of the disease, such as a substance called rheumatoid factor, and Zieman's results were negative, something that occurs occasionally.

More important, a variety of drugs hit the market in the last 15 years that can rein in the disease and target some of the immune cells doing the damage.

But drug after drug failed, and the illness was spreading to her elbows, knees, hips, even her jaw.

Within a few months, she was on leave from her cardiology job. She couldn't walk up the stairs at home and moved to a one-floor apartment that's walking — or scootering — distance from her new job in aging research at the disability-friendly National Institutes of Health.

She even had episodes of an irregular heartbeat, as inflammation struck part of the heart.

Then six months ago, she started having those bizarre twice-a-day flare-ups. When she joined some friends for a vacation in France recently, the flares just switched time zones.

That's not typical rheumatoid arthritis, leaving in question Zieman's diagnosis and what to do next.

While Zieman's case is extreme, it's not unusual for inflammatory arthritis to become debilitating so quickly, especially in young or middle-aged women, says Dr. Assil Saleh, a Washington rheumatologist and internist who, along with doctors at Johns Hopkins University and the NIH, treats Zieman.

When an infection is the suspected trigger, patients desperately want to know which bug even though it's usually long gone by the time joints swell, leaving rogue immune cells in its wake.

"Now we're left with a forest fire, and we try to extinguish it," Saleh explains. Most cases of inflammatory arthritis "are not curable but they are treatable in this day and age."

Zieman gets modest relief from very high doses of the steroid prednisone, along with injections of the drug Kineret that targets an inflammation-causing protein named interleukin-1.

She's still hopeful scientists will point her to better treatment as she enters an NIH study. Researchers will videotape her evening flare-ups and try to measure what role that interleukin-1 is playing.

And while she wants to know what's fueling her disease — "I'm as geeky as most cardiologists" — her bigger frustration is how few services help arthritis patients with daily functioning: "I need to know how to open the fridge."

Article written by the Associated Press.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

“Companies that export American Jobs for the sake of cheap labor, whilst sticking it to the American people!

With a 9.1% unemployment rate at the end of May 2011, The White House is baring the blunt of the blame, even though when the present occupant of the White House hadn’t anything to do when the House of Representatives, The Senate and previous Administrations were crafting laws, in the aiding of benefits to Companies that leave American shores, dismantle American lives, cauterizing the American Spirit, weakening America financially and otherwise, jeopardizing our children’s future and the generations to come, for the sake of avarice for garnering/hording more money for their selfish gain, for which they can’t take even “one penny,” when their mortal body falls down and die!

The disgusting factor about all of this is that these companies are benefitting mostly from the American people that purchase their products. We must find a way to deal with this problem “now,” for if we don’t, the deep and unforgiving waters that we are presently entrapped in, “will drown us!”

Listed in Alphabetical Order – “Companies that export American Jobs for the sake of cheap labor, whilst sticking it to the American people!

Aalfs Manufacturing
Aavid Thermal Technologies
Access Electronics
Accuride Corporation
Accuride International
Adobe Systems
Advanced Energy Industries
Affiliated Computer Services
AFS Technologies
A.G. Edwards
Agere Systems
Agilent Technologies
Alamo Rent A Car
Albany International Corp.
Alcoa Fujikura
Allen Systems Group
Alliance Semiconductor
Alpha Thought Global
Altria Group
Americ Disc
American Dawn
American Express
American Greetings
American Household
American Management Systems
American Standard
American Uniform Company
Amloid Corporation
Amphenol Corporation
Analog Devices
Anchor Glass Container
ANDA Networks
Anderson Electrical Products
Andrew Corporation
Angelica Corporation
Ansell Health Care
Ansell Protective Products
Anvil Knitwear
A.O. Smith
Applied Materials
Ark-Les Corporation
Arlee Home Fashions
Art Leather Manufacturing
Artex International
Asco Power Technologies
Asyst Technologies
Atchison Products, Inc.
A.T. Cross Company
AT&T Wireless
A.T. Kearney
Augusta Sportswear
Authentic Fitness Corporation
Automatic Data Processing
Avery Dennison
Azima Healthcare Services
Axiohm Transaction Solutions

Bank of America
Bank of New York
Bank One
Bard Access Systems
Barnes Group
Barth & Dreyfuss of California
Bassett Furniture
Bassler Electric Company
BBi Enterprises L.P.
Beacon Blankets
Bear Stearns
BEA Systems
Becton Dickinson
Bentley Systems
Berdon LLP
Berne Apparel
Bernhardt Furniture
Best Buy
Bestt Liebco Corporation
Beverly Enterprises
Birdair, Inc.
Black & Decker
Blauer Manufacturing
Blue Cast Denim
Bobs Candies
Borden Chemical
Bose Corporation
BMC Software
Braden Manufacturing
Briggs Industries
Brady Corporation
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Bristol Tank & Welding Co.
Brooks Automation
Brown Wooten Mills Inc.
Buck Forkardt, Inc.
Bumble Bee
Burle Industries
Burlington House Home Fashions
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway

Cadence Design Systems
Camfil Farr
Candle Corporation
Cains Pickles
Capital One
Cardinal Brands
C&D Technologies
Cellpoint Systems
Centis, Inc.
Cerner Corporation
Charles Schwab
The Cherry Corporation
Circuit City
Cirrus Logic
Cisco Systems
Clear Pine Mouldings
Coastcast Corp.
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Collins & Aikman
Collis, Inc.
Columbia House
Comcast Holdings
Comdial Corporation
Computer Associates
Computer Horizons
Computer Sciences Corporation
Concise Fabricators
Conectl Corporation
Consolidated Metro
Continental Airlines
Cooper Crouse-Hinds
Cooper Tire & Rubber
Cooper Tools
Cooper Wiring Devices
Cordis Corporation
Corning Cable Systems
Corning Frequency Control
Countrywide Financial
COVAD Communications
Creo Americas
Cross Creek Apparel
Crouzet Corporation
Crown Holdings
Cypress Semiconductor

Dana Corporation
Daniel Woodhead
Davis Wire Corp.
Daws Manufacturing
Dayton Superior
DeCrane Aircraft
Delco Remy
Dell Computer
DeLong Sportswear
Delta Air Lines
Delta Apparel
Direct TV
DJ Orthopedics
Document Sciences Corporation
Dometic Corp.
Donaldson Company
Douglas Furniture of California
Dow Chemical
Dun & Bradstreet

Eastman Kodak
Eaton Corporation
Edco, Inc.
Editorial America
Ehlert Tool Company
Elbeco Inc.
Electronic Data Systems
Electronics for Imaging
Electro Technology
Eli Lilly
Elmer's Products
Emerson Electric
Emerson Power Transmission
Emglo Products
Engel Machinery
En Pointe Technologies
Ernst & Young
Essilor of America
Ethan Allen
Evergreen Wholesale Florist
Evolving Systems
Evy of California

Fairfield Manufacturing
Fair Isaac
Fansteel Inc.
Farley's & Sathers Candy Co.
Fasco Industries
Fawn Industries
Fayette Cotton Mill
Fedders Corporation
Federal Mogul
Federated Department Stores
Fender Musical Instruments
Fidelity Investments
Financial Techologies International
Findlay Industries
First American Title Insurance
First Data
First Index
Fisher Hamilton
FMC Corporation
Fontaine International
Ford Motor
Foster Wheeler
Franklin Mint
Franklin Templeton
Frito Lay
Fruit of the Loom

Garan Manufacturing
GE Capital
GE Medical Systems
Gemtron Corporation
General Binding Corporation
General Cable Corp.
General Electric
General Motors
Generation 2 Worldwide
Gerber Childrenswear
Goldman Sachs
Gold Toe Brands
Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Graphic Controls
Greenpoint Mortgage
Greenwood Mills
Grote Industries
Grove U.S. LLC
Guardian Life Insurance
Guilford Mills
Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.

Hamilton Beach/Procter-Silex
The Hartford Financial Services Group
Harper-Wyman Company
Hasbro Manufacturing Services
Hawk Corporation
Hawker Power Systems, Inc.
Hein-Werner Corp.
Helen of Troy
Helsapenn Inc.
Hewitt Associates
Hoffman Enclosures, Inc.
Hoffman/New Yorker
The Holmes Group
Home Depot
Hubbell Inc.
Hunter Sadler
Hutchinson Sealing Systems, Inc
HyperTech Solutions

iGate Corporation
Illinois Tool Works
IMI Cornelius
Imperial Home Decor Group
Indiana Knitwear Corp.
IndyMac Bancorp
Innodata Isogen
Innova Solutions
Insilco Technologies
InterMetro Industries
International Paper
Interroll Corporation
Iris Graphics, Inc.
Isola Laminate Systems
Iteris Holdings, Inc.
ITT Educational Services
ITT Industries

Jabil Circuit
Jacobs Engineering
Jakel, Inc.
Jantzen Inc.
JDS Uniphase
Jockey International
John Crane
John Deere
Johns Manville
Johnson Controls
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase
J.R. Simplot
Juniper Networks
Justin Brands

KANA Software
Kaiser Permanente
Kayby Mills of North Carolina
KEMET Electronics
Kendall Healthcare
Kentucky Apparel
Kerr-McGee Chemical
Key Industries
Key Safety Systems
Key Tronic Corp.
Knight Textile Corp.
Kojo Worldwide Corporation
Kraft Foods
K2 Inc.
Kulicke and Soffa Industries

Lancer Partnership
Lander Company
LaCrosse Footwear
Lamb Technicon
Lau Industries
Lands' End
Lawson Software
Layne Christensen
Leach International
Lear Corporation
Leech Tool & Die Works
Lehman Brothers
Leoni Wiring Systems
Levi Strauss
Leviton Manufacturing Co.
Lexmark International
Lexstar Technologies
Liebert Corporation
Lillian Vernon
Linq Industrial Fabrics, Inc.
Lionbridge Technologies
LNP Engineering Plastics
Lockheed Martin
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation
Louisville Ladder Group LLC
Lund International
Lyall Alabama

Madill Corporation
Magma Design Automation
Mallinckrodt, Inc.
The Manitowoc Company
Marathon Oil
Marshall Fields
Master Lock
Materials Processing, Inc.
Maxim Integrated Products
Maxi Switch
Maxxim Medical
McDATA Corporation
McKinsey & Company
Mellon Bank
Mentor Graphics Corp.
Meridian Automotive Systems
Merit Abrasive Products
Merrill Corporation
Merrill Lynch
Micro Motion, Inc.
Midcom Inc.
Midwest Electric Products
Modern Plastics Technics
Modine Manufacturing
Money's Foods Us Inc.
Monona Wire Corp.
Morgan Stanley
Motion Control Industries
Motor Coach Industries International
Mrs. Allison's Cookie Co.

NACCO Industries
National City Corporation
National Electric Carbon Products
National Life
National Semiconductor
NCR Corporation
Network Associates
Newell Rubbermaid
Newell Window Furnishings
New World Pasta
New York Life Insurance
Nice Ball Bearings
Northrop Grumman
Northwest Airlines
Nu Gro Technologies
Nu-kote International
NutraMax Products
Nypro Alabama

O'Bryan Brothers Inc.
Ocwen Financial
Office Depot
Ogden Manufacturing
Oglevee, Ltd
Ohio Art
Ohmite Manufacturing Co.
Old Forge Lamp & Shade
Omniglow Corporation
ON Semiconductor
OshKosh B'Gosh
Otis Elevator
Outsource Partners International
Owens-Brigam Medical Co.
Owens Corning
Oxford Automotive
Oxford Industries

Pacific Precision Metals
Pak-Mor Manufacturing
Parallax Power Components
Paramount Apparel
Parsons E&C
Paxar Corporation
Pearson Digital Learning
Peavey Electronics CorporationÊÊ
Pericom Semiconductor
PerkinElmer Life Sciences, Inc.
Perot Systems
Phillips-Van Heusen
Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
Pitney Bowes
Plaid Clothing Company
Planar Systems
Pliant Corporation
PL Industries
Polymer Sealing Solutions
Portal Software
Portex, Inc.
Portola Packaging
Port Townsend Paper Corp.
Power One
Pratt & Whitney
Price Pfister
Pridecraft Enterprises
Prime Tanning
Primus Telecom
Procter & Gamble
Progress Lighting
Providian Financial
Prudential Insurance

Quaker Oats
Quadion Corporation
Qwest Communications

Radio Flyer
Radio Shack
Rainbow Technologies
Rawlings Sporting Goods
Raytheon Aircraft
RCG Information Technology
Red Kap
Regal-Beloit Corporation
Regal Rugs
Respiratory Support Products
Regence Group
R.G. Barry Corp.
Rich Products
River Holding Corp.
Robert Mitchell Co., Inc.
Rockwell Automations
Rockwell Collins
Rohm & Haas
Ropak Northwest
RR Donnelley & Sons
Rugged Sportswear
Russell Corporation

S1 Corporation
S & B Engineers and Constructors
Sallie Mae
Samuel-Whittar, Inc.
Sara Lee
Saturn Electronics & Engineering
SBC Communications
Schumacher Electric
Scientific Atlanta
Seal Glove Manufacturing
Seco Manufacturing Co.
SEI Investments
Sequa Corporation
Seton Company
Sheldahl Inc.
Shipping Systems, Inc.
Siebel Systems
Sierra Atlantic
Sights Denim Systems, Inc.
Signal Transformer
Signet Armorlite, Inc
Silicon Graphics
Simula Automotive SafetyÊ
Skyworks Solutions
SMC Networks
SML Labels
SNC Manufacturing CompanyÊ
Sola Optical USA
Sonoco Products Co.
Southwire Company
Sovereign Bancorp
Spectrum Control
Spicer Driveshaft Manufacturing
Springs Industries
Springs Window Fashions
Sprint PCS
SPX Corporation
Square D
Standard Textile Co.
Stanley Furniture
Stanley Works
Stant Manufacturing
Starkist Seafood
State Farm Insurance
State Street
StrategicPoint Investment Advisors
Strattec Security Corp.
STS Apparel Corporation
Summitville Tiles
Sun Microsystems
Sunrise Medical
SunTrust Banks
Superior Uniform Group
Supra Telecom
Sure Fit
The Sutherland Group
Sweetheart Cup Co.
Swift Denim
Sykes Enterprises
Symbol Technologies

Takata Retraint Systems
Teccor Electronics
Techalloy Company, Inc.
Tee Jays Manufacturing
Telex Communications
Tenneco Automotive
Texaco Exploration and Production
Texas Instruments
Thermal Industries
Therm-O-Disc, Inc.
Thomas & Betts
Thomasville Furniture
Thomas Saginaw Ball Screw Co.
Three G's Manufacturing Co.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Time Warner
Tingley Rubber Corp.
The Timken Company
The Toro Company
Tomlinson Industries
Tower Automotive
Toys "R" Us
Trailmobile Trailer
Trans-Apparel Group
TransPro, Inc.
Trans Union
Trek Bicycle Corporation
Trend Technologies
TriMas Corp.
Trinity Industries
Triquint Semiconductor
TriVision Partners
Tropical Sportswear
TRW Automotive
Tumbleweed Communications
Tyco Electronics
Tyco International

UCAR Carbon Company
Underwriters Laboratories
UniFirst Corporation
Union Pacific Railroad
Unison Industries
United Airlines
UnitedHealth Group Inc.
United Online
United Plastics Group
United States Ceramic Tile
United Technologies
Universal Lighting Technologies

Valence Technology
Valeo Climate Control
VA Software
Vertiflex Products
VF Corporation
VITAL Sourcing

Wabash Alloys, L.L.C.
Wabash Technologies
Wachovia Bank
Walls Industries
Washington Group International
Washington Mutual
Wellman Thermal Systems
Walls Industries
Werner Co.
West Corporation
Weiser Lock
West Point Stevens
White Rodgers
Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company
Winpak Films
Wolverine World Wide
Woodstock Wire Works
World Kitchen
Wyman-Gordon Forgings

Xpectra Incorporated

Yarway Corporation
York International
