"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CNN did not represent America in the charade of the “hyped-up” Republican debate on June 13th 2011; this was about “White-America!”

Save that of “Gambino Herman Cain – The god-father Pizza-Man,” all of the other candidates consisted of five white men and one white woman, and that was alright, because the Republican Camp leaves little or no room for people that are “non-white.

Where CNN failed America is having a total “White Audience;” all “White Reporters” and the questions from the Audience which were many, came from all white “Questioners!” And, if that wasn’t bad enough, at the end of this – “Step On The Half-White Half-African American President Circus,” CNN continued with a total “White-Panel,” with the exception of “one” African-American Pollster.

All of the “candidates” listed below were using President Obama as a Mexican Piñata for all that ails America and The American People! They were like a “six-string” Guitar with the Pizza-Man being the extra “base-string” that made up the Seven Presidential Runners; all the while trying to look like The Magnificent Seven with Yul Brynner!

In the Photograph above are; Republican candidates (L to R) Rick Santorum, former two-term senator from Pennsylvania; Congresswoman Michele Bachmann; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney; Texas congressman Ron Paul; former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty; entrepreneur Herman Cain attend their debate June 13, 2011 at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire.

It seemed quite self-evident that they fine tuned their hyperboles that flew out of their mouths, because they claim that President Obama has failed America by running up a National Debt of 14.5 Trillion Dollars and that it is his fault and his fault alone, that so many people are unemployed. You know the sad thing about this ongoing fiasco is that, the “absent-minded” Americans that live like Ostriches with their heads buried in the sand, believes the falsity that excretes from “these cannabises.”

All seven of these cannabises’ solutions to our economic problems are the same; “cut the taxes on the rich even more,” and the rich will ride in on White Horses and save the day! We don’t have to guess, we tried that recipe for TEN years and it has failed. George W. Bush gave two gigantic tax cuts to the rich and at the end of 2010 The Republicans that took control of the House of Representatives and increased their numbers in the Senate, made it clear that President Obama would not be allowed to continue the tax cut for 98% of Americans, unless he agreed to extend the tax cut for the 2% rich. Hence, we have had to date tax cuts for ten years and the top 2% haven’t gotten of their dime and done anything to help America or the American people. Open the following link;


and you would see how many Companies are making fortunes in America, whilst shipping most of the jobs overseas. Apple employs 50,000 people in America, but Apple China employs more than 1,000,000 people, and Apple aren’t the only Company that is on that path. All of this madness was implemented by both Republicans and Democrats that gave huge tax breaks for Companies that exported their jobs overseas, long before Obama became President.

The two wars that George W. Bush initiated and the two tax cuts is estimated to date to cost well over THREE TRILLION DOLLARS, for which none of it was paid for, it was from borrowed money. But as shameless as the cannabises were in their duplicity, they claim all of this is somehow President Obama’s fault.

I have one single piece of advice for America – and that is “we had better wake up sooner rather than later, search out the facts and make the right decision in 2012.” A simple lesson that has been around for now thirty-one years is that when Ronald Regan became President, our National Debt was 900 billion dollars and by the time he left office on January 20th 1989 our National Debt was 2.2 Trillion Dollars. Then there was the first Bush; George H.W. who within his four year term took the National Debt to 4.5 Trillion dollars. President Clinton came into office with troubling problems that Bush and Regan left behind, but by the time his two terms ended, the National Debt was 5.6 Trillion Dollars, with an estimated surplus of five trillion dollars.

However, when the sorry excuse for a President schemed his way into office via Florida’s election debacle in 2000, he ran up the National Debt from 5.6 trillion to 11.4 trillion dollars. He started two wars, gave huge tax cuts to the rich, allowed Wall Street and the Bankers to screw the American people of their life saving, including millions having lost their homes, spent out the surplus and walked into the sun-set and retired. But, somehow John King from CNN did not ask about what brought us to this point and of course, the shameless abortions that stood on stage; never opened their mouths to anything having to do with the “truth!”

During Clinton’s two terms 22 million jobs were created, but during George W. Bush two terms, he took us back as close as he could get, “to the stone age,” and if we do not stop being complacent as a people, “we would fall into the abyss,” no different than Russia, when the mighty Soviet Union collapsed, not because of lack of weapons, but lack of “Money!”

Sheriff G Ali

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