"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The reason why we are about to fall into the precipice of a country in default!

Republicans and The Tea Party took a pledge and because of their phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies, we are about to default on our debt obligations because the Republicans are demanding that President Obama provide four trillion dollars reduction in domestic spending; “Education, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and literally throw the most vulnerable of our society over the cliff,” just so that they could continue to protect 2% of the richest Americans and big business from paying their fair share of taxes. The pledge below was signed by hundreds of Republicans and all members of The Tea Party.

This sorry excuse for an American, Grover Norquist, is the Greek god that introduced the pledge that obligated all of the pledge signers that violate the pledge; that he and the other nut cases are going to work to have them “voted out of office in 2012.” Hence, you the Voter can see that the Republicans and The Tea Party are not worried in the least about you and your struggles, it is about them keeping their jobs by protecting the most affluent, (2%) of American Society.

Please understand that the Congressional Republicans and The Tea Party did not sign the pledge to protect you the Voter, the pledge they took encumbers them to Grover Norquist!

Here is the pledge they made to Grover Norquist!

"I (Congressional person signing the pledge) pledge to the taxpayers of (The State of the Congressional person) and all the people of this State, that I will oppose and vote against all efforts to increase taxes."

The people that Voted to elect these people to control the House of Congress in 2010, especially those that suffered and are still suffering from Bush’s eight year Presidency along with his Republicans cronies, you are as much to blame for the coronation of these hideous people.

The question still remains and that is; “Why do you always vote against your own self interest and that of your children’s future?

Sheriff G Ali

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