"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Floridians that voted for Mitt Romney should question their sanity?

Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital as a turnaround specialist and job creator is the backbone of his Presidential run. But his experience with a Miami Company paints a different portrait.

Open the link and see who Mitt Romney really is! http://wp.me/p1wG70-9b

Monday, January 30, 2012

JEB BUSH – is not Mother Theresa’s Brother, but one of the Savings and Loans perpetrators!

Perhaps, just perhaps, Jeb Bush's non-endorsement in the 2012 Republican Primary is due to the fact that he may be contemplating a brokered convention and being drafted by the concerned GOP Party, of the distinct possibility that neither Gingrich nor Romney can usurp Obama's 2012 victory.

However, if I am correct about Jeb's thoughts that would be a horrible night-mare for the good-hearted American people who had to live through the torture, financial dismay, the wantonness and capriciousness from Brother George W. Bush.

On face value Jeb comes off like a successful Governor, but beneath the surface, he is no different than brothers; Neil Bush and George W. Bush when it comes to money. Jeb Bush was a vital part of the Savings and Loan Scandal.

Open the link for the full story: http://wp.me/p1wG70-8S

Friday, January 27, 2012

The GOP/REPUBLICANS support of CONSTIPATED – MITT ROMNEY, is self evident of their desperation!

MITT ROMNEY who continually blames President Obama for all that ails America and Romney’s constipation, is self evident on Mitt Romney’s face. This should be no surprise to anyone because that is who Romney has been, continues to be and will always be, a man who changes more positions than a “hooker” seeking out would be “Johns,” in a dark alley.

Mitt Romney is affected with hypocritical constipation; stiff, stodgy, or recalcitrant: united only in a constipated hatred; difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry hardened hypocrisy from Romney’s bowels to his head; obstruction; stultification!

The Republicans cannot run on the record of their last President, George W. Bush and the Republican controlled House of Representatives, Senate and the Right-Wing Supreme Court, so they created a fictional boggy-man that in their sick minds, is President Obama.

When Bush left office in 2008 our National Debt was 10.4 trillion dollars and at the present time our National Debt is 15.2 trillion dollars. They the Republicans, Mitt Romney and the GOP ochlocracy (mob type government rule) continually expounds in their permeating that Obama spent five trillion dollars in the first three years of his Presidency is an outright “lie,” for which they are all cognizant is anything but the truth.

Use any search engine or the impartial Office of Management and Budget and you would find out that under Obama, his portion of the five trillion dollars is actually one and half trillion dollars.

George W. Bush and his cronies ran up the bills with two wars, two tax cuts worth a trillion dollar plus, and wanton spending. And when the bills came due in 2009, they claim it was Obama’s fault and tried to use the lifting of the debt ceiling as a wedge issue on our ballooning National Debt. They wanted then and now to cut, gut and destroy America’s safety net for the Poor, Elderly and our Children’s education and give more tax breaks to the wealthiest 2%.

I think that the Republicans in their desperation of having no bona fide Candidate believe that “if they lie big enough and long enough, the lie would become the truth.” Lies can never become truth no matter who tells it or how many people promulgate it!

I am qualified to make this statement and that is; “despite the still large number of unemployed and the ongoing downtrodden housing market, we, America, are far better off today, than we were during the years of the Bush Presidency.”

If the American people would stop listening to Murdoch’s Freak Fox Chanel and the freaks that call themselves Journalists’ impersonating “News,” and actually search out the facts, they would find out the “truth!”

Sheriff G Ali

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Republican definition of “conservative” should be: odoriferous, inhumane, vultures, heartless-monsters, self-righteous, unequivocal liars…

The Republican definition of “conservative” should be: odoriferous, inhumane, vultures, heartless-monsters, self-righteous, unequivocal liars, and everything that is parasitic!

The GOP Presidential Candidates have created a fictional version of President Obama and they are not running against Obama, but rather, the “fictional version” that they have created in their own sick minds.

Their Colleagues in the House of Representatives, Senate, Governorships, Fox’s misnomer that impersonate NEWS, and most of all, the extreme right wing of the Republican base, are as delusionary as the Republican Candidates themselves.  

At the inception of their campaign for the Republican Nomination and into the months that followed, there were TEN Candidates seeking their party’s nomination. Like wounded animals hemorrhaging, to date, SIX have fallen from grace and returned to their Kennels, licking their wounds.

From the very first debate when there were nine little men and one little woman, (I speak of their minds) it seemed apparent that they took a litmus test and agreed on a single statement that permeated out of their mouths that have been said and continues to be repeated: “Anyone of us on this stage can do a better job than President Obama.” O really! Remember Michele Bachman’s winning of the silly “straw-poll” that lead her to say; “Barack Obama would be a one term President and I am going to replace him and be your next President and take back our country.” Shocking, positively shocking, isn’t it? I did not know that anyone had taken our country from us, did you?

The Fictional President they have created according to these deranged people have taken our country and ran up a fifteen trillion dollar debt; his policies have cost us fourteen million jobs; his foreign policy of apology has weaken our Nation; Obama is America’s largest food-stamp President; and yes, they go on and one into the abyss. Had I not have a mind of my own to dissect fact from fiction, I could have easily become one of the nut cases that support these people.

FACT: During the last year (2008) of former President George W. Bush’s Presidency, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month and that continued into January 2009 when Obama was sworn in as President. Even then Bush’s policies were still in effect and it took Obama several months to implement his Policies and since June of 2009 to the present time, job loses stopped and we have been gaining jobs every month. Of course it is not as fast as we would like it to be, but it is much better than what is was under Bush.

As for the Economy, our entire financial system had crumbed by September 2008, due to Bush’s irresponsible invasion of Iraq when we were already actively at War in Afghanistan, and if that wasn’t bad enough, Bush and the Republican controlled House and Senate passed two enormous egregious tax cuts that only favored America’s top 2%.

When George W. Bush left office on January 20, 2009, he and his cronies had spent the entire surplus and added five trillion dollars to our National Debt and in addition, the two wars and the two tax cuts weren’t paid for, and yes without a doubt we were heading into the abyss to become another Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed. And yet, these parasitic vultures, these WANT-TO-BE-PRESIDENT, with impunity, they exclaim each and every day, that America’s troubles are solely the fault of President Obama.

The only thing that is sadder than these morons that seek the Presidency is the American people that are following them down the road of perdition! I say to you America, wake up, think about your life prior to 2001 and then meditate upon Bush’s eight years as President with his Republican House and Senate, and be at least truthful to thine own self and admit, “we were screwed, tattooed and blued,” by the same people you reinstalled in Office in 2010 and that you are entertaining to again take control of the Presidency!

In your contemplation, meditate upon God and not the divisiveness of all of the MAN MADE RELIGIONS that have dogged us with impunity, since the inception of man!

Sheriff G Ali

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Beyond this word of wrath and tears!

In the clutch of pains that follow me
From my head down to my sole,
I wonder what life holds’ for me?
In the darkness of my world

Despite the pangs I would not complain
Even when I pine,
And though at times I feel disdain
I know, I am wholly Thine

Beyond this world of wrath and tears
Looms, but the Heavens’ above,
With freedom from pains or fears
And the bounty of my Father’s love

So, in the midst of my circumstance
In this blessed evening shade,
I’ll live by faith and not by chance
Strong in heart and unafraid!

© Sheriff G Ali 2011 - 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

A most frightening “thought” that would become an ongoing “nightmare” to all Americans!

If Mitt Romney wins the Republican Nomination and goes on to win the Presidency, the George W. Bush eight horrible years would perhaps look pristine compared to what we would have to endure for at least four years.

Mitt Romney, Mr. Slice and Dice of Jobs; the Vandalized Capitalist who has committed morale larceny as CEO of Bain Capital; The Chameleon of Chameleons that has taken every side of every issue solely for Political and Financial Gain; The most Untrustworthy Politician; he Romney would be in charge of our lives, and if that wouldn’t be bad enough, these two people with him in the Photo, you can be sure that they would be part of the Romney Administration, along with all of the resurrected Nut-Cases, and they would place us on a path of no-return, into deep and unforgiving waters.

John McCain, (Senator) – He is the man that wanted to be President that advocated that he would keep our Soldiers in Iraq for fifty to 100 years. John McCain is a War Hero and a Prisoner of War in Vietnam and I would always respect him for his service to America, but make no mistake, John McCain is a “war-monger!” McCain would involve us in every conflict all over the world. McCain complains about the National Debt but yet he wanted us to keep our Soldiers in Iraq after they have been there for eight years at a cost in lives of 4,500; wounded, tens of thousands; mental problems thirty thousand and counting; cost in Dollars – A Trillion Dollars and counting.

John Bolton (Former US Ambassador to the UN in the George W. Bush Administration) who was one of the dysfunction architect that got us into the 2003 invasion of Iraq. This lunatic is highly critical of President Obama’s foreign Policy, even though under Bolton and Bush’s stewardship, they mangled both Wars; couldn’t contain North Korea; Iran; Libya and the other despots that have fallen over the past year.  

Richard Haas, one of George W. Bush’s advisors, advised former President George W. Bush that the invasion of Iraq would be totally completed in six days. (He was aligning the 2003 Iraq pending invasion to Israel 1967 SIX DAY WAR, in which Israel was the Victor)

These people are the supporters of Mitt Romney along with so many others that are responsible for the financial catastrophe from 2001-2008. If Romney gets his hands on our finances, he along with Wall Street and the financial “prostitutes” that raped and pilferage America’s wealth and incinerated our Housing Market, would do worst than the Bush years.

America, you are a good and decent people but you have been asleep and complacent. Yes, you are indeed complacent because you reinstalled the Republicans in the Mid-Term 2010 Elections and placed them in control of the House of Representatives. Just look at their record for “all” of 2011. They, the Republican House and Senate fought the Obama Administration every step of the way by protecting the upper 2%, WHILE SCREWING THE OTHER 98%,  every which way possible! Just to approve the renewal of the Tax Cuts at the end of 2011 for 160,000,000 hard working Americans, they did everything possible to deny you that right and in the end, they only renewed it for two months. You can be sure at this very moment they are tapping every soothsayer to find ways to “screw” you out of extending your Tax Cuts, that is due for renewal at the end of February, 2012. Ask yourself, why couldn’t they extend your Tax Cuts for 2012 as they should have?

I am no “mouth-piece” for Obama or anyone else, but I say to you, install another Republican to the White House in 2012; allow the House of Representatives to remain in control by the Republicans; and leave the Republicans to hold on to at lest forty-one Senate seats that would allow them to filibuster every benefit you rightly deserve, and perish you would!

Or, allow President Obama to complete what he started and you would have a future for yourself; your children, and the generations to come. All of the nonsense that are being spewed that Obama ran our country into the ground is utter nonsense. Remember, the Republicans initiated both wars; The Republicans authorized two irresponsible Tax Cuts; The Republicans ran every thing from 2001 thru 2008 and left us with two unfinished wars; a collapse financial system; job loses in the millions that ran at a 800,000 job loss from the inception of 2008 until June of 2009. Since June of 2009 when Obama’s Policies were implemented, the hemorrhaging of job loses stopped and we have been creating jobs since then. Of course more jobs are needed, but when you consider where we were in 2008 to where we are today, one would have to be blind, dumb and stupid to think that we are worse off! The Dow Jones on December 31 2008 closed at 8776.39, as of Friday January 13, 2012 The Dow Jones Closed at 12,422.06.

O! America! Do not allow yourself to be duped by the Republicans phantasmagoric rationales and internecine ideas for which they are advocating with impunity, just to have you become more emotionally disturbed than you already have!

Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, January 14, 2012

In a 5-4 decision, the right-wing politically charged U S Supreme Court, “really” stuck it to the American people!

The U S Supreme Court January 21, 2010 (5-4) decision, that struck down McCain-Finegold Campaign Finance, allowed money to further corrupt our democracy, hence the result of the now damming out-of-control “SUPER-PACS!”

Brushing aside more than a century-old understanding and overruling two important precedents, the bitterly divided U S Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision January 21, 2010, the highly charged “right-wing;” politically charged Justices allowed Politics, rather than what is best for our Country, to make this most unfortunate decision. Using the First Amendment to the Constitution as “cover,” the right-wing court ruled that the Government may not ban political spending by Corporations in candidates’ elections.

The Dissenters said that “allowing corporate money to flood the political marketplace will corrupt democracy.” This statement became fact when the 2010 Mid-Term Elections were held, and it has become even more parasitic in this year’s Presidential Election.

Just look at the result of Congress Achievements in 2011, and if that wasn’t already bad enough, the GOP Presidential Candidates are using “SUPER-PACS” to denigrate their rivals with not just misnomers, but “out-right lies,” such as Mitt Romney’s Super Pac did to Newt Gingrich. Be sure and know I totally disagree with Gingrich on just about everything, but on the other hand, because of the Supreme Court’s January 21, 2010 decision, total out-right lies were fed to the people of Iowa on behalf of Mitt Romney. When Romney was confronted about what the SUPER PAC was doing in his name, he took the position that there wasn’t anything he could do about the lies that were being spewed, but now that he has come under attack in South Carolina, he is whining like the sniffling odoriferous he is!

But as the saying goes; “be careful what you wish for because you might get it and it would sooner rather than later, return to bite you in the ass!” The effort to overturn the well thought out McCain-Finegold Finance Bill was propelled by the Republicans and their cohorts. However, now that it has bitten them they are complaining how unjust it is!

President Obama issued this statement subsequent to the Supreme Court’s ruling;

“With its ruling today, the Supreme Court has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics. It is a major victory for Big Oil, Wall Street Banks, Health Insurance Companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.”

For those interested in reading the “ruling,” simply open the link below;

Sheriff G Ali

Anti-Bain-Capital hits on Mr. Slice and Dice, Mitt Romney, may take root in South Carolina!

South Carolina may be fertile ground for attacks on Mitt Romney’s corporate takeover. Romney and his Investors made billions of dollars in their “vandalize form of Capitalism of creative destruction, plant closings and fired workers!”

South Carolina suffered a long string of shuttered textile plants and other workplaces. At 9.9 percent, it has one of the Nation’s highest unemployment rates. And like its fellow Deep South States, its Republican electorate has a disproportionate number of blue-collar workers and non-college graduates.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hillary Clinton condemns deplorable behavior shown in Marines Video!

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Thursday in condemning a video that appears to show U.S. Marines urinating on the corpses of suspected Taliban members.

“I want to express my total dismay at the story concerning our Marines, who I have the highest respect and admiration for, but I share completely the views expressed by Secretary Panetta earlier today,” said Mrs. Clinton at a press conference Thursday January 12, 2012.

“I join him in condemning the deplorable behavior that is reflected in this video. It is absolutely inconsistent with American values, with the standards of behavior we expect from our Military Personal,” she added.

Panetta ordered the Marine Corps and the top American Commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, to investigate the incident.

Mrs. Clinton said that anyone found to have been involved in the acts shown in the video or to have known about it, should be “held fully accountable.”

Sheriff G Ali
January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Screw me once, shame on you; screw me twice shame on me, and if it hurts when I sit, I have no one to blame but myself!

The Candidates, Their Republican Party, Their Policies, from 2001- 2008 that screwed us without even “Petroleum Jelly,” wants us to bed-over so that they can screw us again!

Question is; are we that dumb to allow this to happen again? As the saying goes, “screw me once, shame on you; screw me twice, shame on me, and if hurts when I sit I have no one to blame but myself.”

January 20, 2001, George W. Bush and a Republican controlled House and Senate took control of our Country at a time when prosperity and peace were flourishing, and by 2007, they squandered trillions of dollars by allowing Wall Street through fraudulent means, cripple the Housing Market that cost us and the world in excess of SEVENTY-TWO TRILLION DOLLARS - $72,000,000,000,000.00.

We were justified in going to War in Afghanistan, but Bush and his Lunatic-Lieutenants got us into Iraq; issued two major tax cuts that benefitted the upper 2%; crashed and burnt the hard-working middle class into poverty; and the poor went from poverty to dire straight poverty and then some!

By the time George W. Bush left office millions of Americans had lost their jobs; the financial markets were in disarray and on the brink of collapse, and if all of this wasn’t bad enough, on January 20, 2009, they left us with a National Debt in excess of TEN TRILLION DOLLARS.

Listening to the CRAZY WANT-TO-BE-PRESIDENTS advocate that President Obama ran up a FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT and in the same sentence espouse God, Country and Patriotism, one has to wonder if this year’s Republican Candidates have been and continues to be on large dosages of LSD! If by chance they did not take LSD, then I contend that they are stoned out of their frigging minds on some other form of neurotic drugs that placed them all in a paroxysm.

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, January 9, 2012

The GOP Presidential Candidates catapulted by avarice for power, blinded by prejudice, racism, hate and all that fouls the soul into a stench that is self evident, in their continued feint messages!

Since the inauguration of President Barack Obama Rick Perry advocated Texas succeed from the Union, but he wasn’t alone. The “Nutty” Professor from Alaska, Sara Palin began preaching that “we need to take back our country,” and she also wasn’t then or now alone in her virile.

When you contemplate and meditate of whom the Candidates are, seeking the Republican Nomination for President, it is not complex, but its simplicity is too simple and more often than not, the good hearted and fairness of the American people, usurps their awareness to see “prejudice masking itself in the form of patriotism.”

At the inception of every sentence Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and others begin their statement with; “This President is an abject failure and he has failed our country on foreign affairs, the economy and implemented policies that created the massive unemployment that we now have.” On Foreign Policy, Obama has done better than former Presidents, George W. Bush and William J. Clinton combined and these egregious want-to-be Presidents, they are fully cognizant this fact.  But, to feel shame for what spews out of one’s mouth one has to possess conscience of morality, and perhaps, just perhaps, in this department, they are morally bankrupt.  

As for actual facts in regards to unemployment, by the fourth quarter of 2008 and into the beginning of 2009 (While George W. Bush was still President); we were losing jobs at the rate of 800,000 per month. When Obama was sworn in as President January 20, 2009 and before he was able to implement his policies, the job loss continued into June of 2009. Since then we have had job growth but lot less than everyone would have desired. However, from June 2009 to December 2011 we have had a job growth of more than three million.

Released by the Labor Department December 2011;

Since the inauguration of President Barack Obama Rick Perry advocated Texas succeed from the Union, but he wasn’t alone. The “Nutty” Professor from Alaska, Sara Palin began preaching that “we need to take back our country,” and she also wasn’t then or now alone in her virile.

When you contemplate and meditate of whom the Candidates are, seeking the Republican Nomination for President, it is not complex, but its simplicity is too simple and more often than not, the good hearted and fairness of the American people, usurps their awareness to see “prejudice masking itself in the form of patriotism.”

At the inception of every sentence Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and others begin their statement with; “This President is an abject failure and he has failed our country on foreign affairs, the economy and implemented policies that created the massive unemployment that we now have.” On Foreign Policy, Obama has done better than former Presidents, George W. Bush and William J. Clinton combined and these egregious want-to-be Presidents, they are fully cognizant this fact.  But, to feel shame for what spews out of one’s mouth one has to possess conscience of morality, and perhaps, just perhaps, in this department, they are morally bankrupt. 

As for actual facts in regards to unemployment, by the fourth quarter of 2008 and into the beginning of 2009 (While George W. Bush was still President); we were losing jobs at the rate of 800,000 per month. When Obama was sworn in as President January 20, 2009 and before he was able to implement his policies, the job loss continued into June of 2009. Since then we have had job growth but lot less than everyone would have desired. However, from June 2009 to December 2011 we have had a job growth of more than three million.

Released by the Labor Department December 2011;


Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 200,000 in December, and the unemployment rate at 8.5 percent, continued to trend down, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today, December 29, 2011. Job gains occurred in transportation and warehousing, retail trade, manufacturing, health care and mining.

Revision of Seasonally Adjusted Household Survey Data:

Seasonally adjusted household survey data have been revised using updated seasonal adjustment factors, a procedure done at the end of each calendar year. Seasonal adjusted estimates back to January 2007 were subject to revision. The unemployment rates for January 2011 through November 2011 (as originally published and revised) appear to table A, along with additional information about revisions.”

The Labor Department information is available to the public and my point is that the GOP aspiring hate mongering candidates are aware and read the same information that are available to not just America, but the entire world, and on a daily basis they literally lie to you the voter, but yet they seek your “trust!” Trust the NEBALS and thou shall perish! (Nebal is Hebrew for fool)

However, their feint message to the gullible extreme base of their party who devours “red-meat trashy words” with glee, these “want-to-be” Presidents, dishes it out on a daily basis in the like manner as the effects of an overpowering laxative!”

Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Political Carpet-Bombing of Mitt Romney is needed by President Obama and the Democratic National Committee!

Political Carpet Bombing of Mitt Romney must be done in a progressive manner to inflict Political damage to every part of Romney’s Business and Political Life. First, the DNC must go after him during his time as the head of Bain Capital where his policies and that of the Bain Management ruined the lives of thousands of people.

This Political Bombing must not only be Carpet Bombing but it must include Precision Bombing, aimed at exposing the money that still inures to Romney from Bain Capital despite the lives he has destroyed; Romney’s Tax Returns that he refuses to release to the Public, despite the fact that he wants their votes; and every unethical venture he indulged in while usurping people’s lives for “mammon!”

Romney’s greed for money and power catapulted him to carry out some of the most egregious, pernicious and vicious acts against the employees of the Companies that Bain Capital bought and sold. To them the “employees” were just mercantile to be bought and sold like merchandise.

Dating back to 2007 it is now five years that Romney has been and continues to run for President of the United States. And in that regard he spews narcissists poison deluge against the present Administration, blaming President Obama for everything that has gone wrong in America, over the past thirty years

Amazing is it! All the years of Romney and Trump slashing and burning people’s lives; Trump with at least nine bankruptcies; Romney with his version of Capitalism; buy and sell Companies and ship the jobs overseas, and to watch their continued dishonesty and hypocrisy propelled by the Media’s complicity and duplicity for a greater rating, you can’t help but wonder, is it possible for our country to crawl out from under the rocks, tossed upon us by; Romney, Trump, Gingrich, Santorum, Bachman, Perry, and yes, previous and present Democrats. 

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The only thing worst than Politicians are child-molesters!

Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar promised the people of Trinidad & Tobago that if elected she would look after the people’s need first. To date the Clico fiasco remains in chaos; the money that was absconded out of the country by the precious Administration, no one has been questioned much less, indicted for their crimes; and overall, despite her fabricated State of Emergency, people lives remain upside down with crime and Government corruption.

Since elected Mrs. Bissessar has spent more time flying around the world at the hard-working tax payers expense and living high, while the majority of the population are wondering where they are going to live and from where would they find the next meal to feed their children. What a shame! Shocking, positively, shocking, but not surprising!

Sheriff G Ali

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Every Evangelical is not an extremist, but every extremist are Evangelicals!

Every Evangelical is not an extremist, but every extremist are Evangelicals, and in the like manner that “not every Muslim is a terrorist, but almost every terrorists are Muslims,” so, what is the difference? The difference is that the terrorist kill with impunity in God’s name and the Evangelical Extremist overruns the children, the needy and the poor in our society, in God’s name!

Thanks to the White House and the Democrats the hard line Republicans that took control of the House of Representatives in January 2011, failed in their egregious objective for a radical overhaul of the American Government. They had sought to give further tax cuts to the wealthy and strip away business regulations, while attempting to demolish our Country’s social safety net.

For the Republicans that are always espousing God, Country and Patriotism, they have proven time and time again that they “have no heart towards the lesser fortunate in our society.”  The Republicans still did manage to do enormous damage to our economic recovery by limiting investments in education, transportation and other vital social programs.

The Republicans internecine policies created an unnecessary crisis over raising the debt ceiling, by placing spending caps of approximately two trillion dollars that would undoubtedly affect hundreds of programs, serving millions of Americans for a decade or longer.

Just imagine how these Republicans Extremist promulgate being Anti-Abortion even in the case of incest or rape, but yet their evil doings for all of 2011 will cut close to a trillion dollars from education that is so vitally necessary for America’s children, and in addition their debased actions will cut housing assistance, public health, veterans benefits, law enforcement and courts, transportation, totally gut environmental protection and many other essential programs.

Assistance in education and job training are the vital tools that assist people in achieving adequate wages, yet these are the very programs that these hypocrites are hell bent on drastically reducing or eliminating all together!

I strongly urge the American people to take a good hard look at the NUT-JOBS that are seeking the Republican Nomination for President and imagine that if this bad nightmare becomes reality, what would be the fate of America’s 98%?

America’s only hope for 2012 is that the Democratic Nominees are; Barack Obama for President and Hillary Clinton for Vice President! 

Sheriff G Ali