MITT ROMNEY who continually blames President Obama for all that ails America and Romney’s constipation, is self evident on Mitt Romney’s face. This should be no surprise to anyone because that is who Romney has been, continues to be and will always be, a man who changes more positions than a “hooker” seeking out would be “Johns,” in a dark alley.
Mitt Romney is affected with hypocritical constipation; stiff, stodgy, or recalcitrant: united only in a constipated hatred; difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry hardened hypocrisy from Romney’s bowels to his head; obstruction; stultification!
The Republicans cannot run on the record of their last President, George W. Bush and the Republican controlled House of Representatives, Senate and the Right-Wing Supreme Court, so they created a fictional boggy-man that in their sick minds, is President Obama.
When Bush left office in 2008 our National Debt was 10.4 trillion dollars and at the present time our National Debt is 15.2 trillion dollars. They the Republicans, Mitt Romney and the GOP ochlocracy (mob type government rule) continually expounds in their permeating that Obama spent five trillion dollars in the first three years of his Presidency is an outright “lie,” for which they are all cognizant is anything but the truth.
Use any search engine or the impartial Office of Management and Budget and you would find out that under Obama, his portion of the five trillion dollars is actually one and half trillion dollars.
George W. Bush and his cronies ran up the bills with two wars, two tax cuts worth a trillion dollar plus, and wanton spending. And when the bills came due in 2009, they claim it was Obama’s fault and tried to use the lifting of the debt ceiling as a wedge issue on our ballooning National Debt. They wanted then and now to cut, gut and destroy America ’s safety net for the Poor, Elderly and our Children’s education and give more tax breaks to the wealthiest 2%.
I think that the Republicans in their desperation of having no bona fide Candidate believe that “if they lie big enough and long enough, the lie would become the truth.” Lies can never become truth no matter who tells it or how many people promulgate it!
I am qualified to make this statement and that is; “despite the still large number of unemployed and the ongoing downtrodden housing market, we, America , are far better off today, than we were during the years of the Bush Presidency.”
If the American people would stop listening to Murdoch’s Freak Fox Chanel and the freaks that call themselves Journalists’ impersonating “News,” and actually search out the facts, they would find out the “truth!”
Sheriff G Ali
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