"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Republicans know how to lie big enough and long enough to cover-up their failures, insulting most of the uninformed good hearted American People, and The Democrats doesn’t know how to explain their successes!

We have seen what the eight years of former President George W. Bush and the Republican Controlled House and Senate did to America;

Two wars that were not paid for but placed on the Chinese Credit Card, guaranteed by the American Tax Payers at a cost of [2,000,000,000,000.00] two trillion dollars and still counting….

Two Tax Cuts that weren’t paid for but also placed on the Chinese Credit Card, guaranteed by the American Tax Payers at a cost of [1,500,000,000,000.00] one trillion five hundred billion and counting….

Our Stock Market (DOW) that was 14,164.43 fell to 6,594.44 by the end of 2008…

Bank failures costing the Tax Payers trillions of Dollars….


Wall Street Bankers financially raping the American People….

Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street Firms, Bankers, Mortgage Companies and the lack of Government Control, created a Ponzi Scheme called - “Derivatives,”  and when their scheme failed, it wiped out the American Home-Ownership, causing millions of Home-Owners to lose their homes and millions more with their Homes “under-water.” [Under water is the term used when your mortgage becomes larger than the worth of your home]

Our pride and Joy GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY was about to become extinct along with AIG – America’s largest Insurer that if allowed to go bankrupt, would have cost the Tax Payers [1,500,000,000,000] one and half trillion dollars and then some!

The Republicans doesn’t want to talk about the facts stated above, they shout and scream spewing their lies through the King of Hackers – Murdoch’s Fox Misnomer News, and all the while doing so by claiming to be Christian Conservatives, what a bunch of Bull-S!

And the lame Democrats cannot make their case that if President Obama did not bail out the Auto Industry, AIG and instituted a second stimulus-package Vis a Vis the Bush TARP – Troubled Assets Relief Program, we would have been exactly like Russia in 1990 when their Soviet Union Failed because they went BANKRUPT!

How can good hearted Americans not see the truth? Are they blind, deaf, dumb or stupid? No, they are not! They are lackadaisical in separating the Truth from Fiction!

Sheriff Ali

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