"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

“Blind Loyalty.”

“BUSHIDO” is Japanese and means “Blind Loyalty.”


I absolutely and equivocally defend the right of everyone who is against the erection of the Mosque in New York. The defense of that right is embedded in the First Amendment to the Constitution;

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment that defends your rights; is the same First Amendment that grants the rights of the people to build the Mosque. You see man gets into trouble when they allow their personal feelings to attempt to usurp the Constitution, The Amendments to the Constitution and the Bill of rights.

The Supreme Court which is the last and only hope for Justice in America, expanded on those rights as it pertains to religion;


{In 1878, the Supreme Court was first called to interpret the extent of the Free Exercise Clause in Reynolds v United States as related to the prosecution of polygamy under federal law. The Supreme Court upheld Mr. Reynolds' conviction for bigamy, deciding that to do otherwise would provide constitutional protection for a gamut of religious beliefs, including those as extreme as human sacrifice. The Court said (at page 162): "Congress cannot pass a law for the government of the Territory which shall prohibit the free exercise of religion. The first amendment to the Constitution expressly forbids such legislation." Of federal territorial laws, the Court said: "Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious beliefs and opinions, they may with practices."

Jehovah’s Witnesses were often the target of such restriction. Several cases involving the Witnesses gave the Court the opportunity to rule on the application of the Free Exercise Clause. Subsequently, the Warren Court adopted an expansive view of the clause, the "compelling interest" doctrine (whereby a state must show a compelling interest in restricting religion-related activities), but later decisions have reduced the scope of this interpretation.}

Perhaps you are totally unaware of this fact and that is, “All” States are self-autonomous and only when State Laws attempts to usurp Federal Laws, Federal Laws trumps State Laws. Freedom of Religion is a Federal Law and The State of New York is self-autonomous. It was the State of New York that granted the people the right to build the Mosque, and said action was fully endorsed by Mayor Bloomberg and all bodies of the New York State Legislature.

One cannot take the wrong side of an argument because their opponent takes the right side. President Obama is powerless in stopping the erection of the Mosque, but whether one likes him or not, I think he deserves respect for expressing his opinion. He could have taken the politically expedient and favorable route, but he spoke his conscience for which he clarified his position by stating that “There are no Federal or State Laws that prohibits the building of the Mosque and to do otherwise, would be a violation of all laws, and it would be a great disservice for all that America stands for.” (Paraphrase)

You know more often than not, I am perplexed by the affinity that some people have with the word “Republicans.” Amazing isn’t it? It was eight years of the Republicans that threw the working class of America into the ditch, and yet, is seems to be the desire of many people for the Republicans to control the Congress subsequent to the Mid-Term Elections. Positively shocking!

I often wonder what exactly these people did that benefited America. We justifiably went into Afghanistan, but it was Bush and Cheney’s madness that got us into Iraq. It was also Bush and the Republican controlled Congress that authorized two major tax cuts that benefitted less than five percent of the Country, and yet there are those who supports the extension of the tax cuts that would add another seven hundred billion dollars to the National Debt. There is a Japanese word – “Bushido.” It hasn’t anything to do with Bush or the bush family, but it means – “Blind Loyalty!” People should remember that “blind loyalty is a form of stupidity or lack of knowledge, or both!

America was built not by politicians running for something, but by statesmen standing for something!” I pray the Lord that he keeps my eyes wide open to continue to fight for “justice for all!”

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