“Short is the road that leads from fear to hate.”
“I will tell you what to hate; hate hypocrisy, hate can’t, hate intolerance, oppression, injustice; hate Pharisaism; hate them as Christ hated them, with a deep, living Godlike hatred.” (F.W. Robertson)
What a crying shame it is, that solemn lies by which our population is nominally comprehended into a “National” enigma, whereby invisible racism and religious fanaticism are couched into the Political forum, that is driving a wedge into the American psyche, soporifically creating an insanity that if not abated rather rapidly, our beloved country could become an American Inquisition!
A good example of this misology is the misnomer of President Barack Obama being labeled as a “Closet Moslem,” and that he wasn’t born on American soil. Can anyone condone this Puritanical deluge and still justify themselves as – SANE?
An organization with the acronym “SANE: Society for Americans for National Existence, whose sole objective is banishing Islam from the
The anti-Muslim hate group advocates making "adherence to Islam" punishable by 20 years in prison. In February of this year, it released a policy paper that in part stated: "Whereas, adherence to Islam as a Muslim is prima facie evidence of an act in support of the overthrow of the
The horde for power by many in the minority Party in Congress has only one sole intent – “to become the majority,” in the mid-term election in November 2010. This uncouth insanity can only prevail if we allow our fickle and frail memory to become subservient to our rational thinking, intellect and most important, “The Truth!”
Contributing to the Draconian Politicians and the deranged David Yerushalmi are the people trying to be “relevant social activists,” (Mouth Christians) who have no personal relationship with Christ, and as such, they are like hiccups; “it doesn’t leave much room for anything else and it can prove fatal.
God is not a religion; http://sheriff-g-ali.com/writings/writingspiritualcat-godisnot.html and all Religions are manmade and have been and continue to be the catalyst for the past, present and the future wars.
However, I believe that Karl Barth (1886-1968) said it best when he wrote;
“Here is the tragic paradox of religion: If we should seriously undertake to turn as pilgrims toward that far-off land which is our home… we only display the catastrophe of human impotence in the things of God…What is our undertaking of a visible relationship, our scaling of the summit of human possibility, but our complete separation from the true invisible relationship?
Seen from God’s standpoint, religion is precisely that which we had better leave undone…Religion is not at all to be “in tune with the infinite” or be at “peace with oneself.”…Religion is an abyss; it is terror…Death is the meaning of religion.
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