I think that after the unseating of two Dictators in
I can’t say for sure but my intellect tells me that Obama (and his advisors) perhaps believe that if the people of Libya overthrows Mummar Gaddafi, (A strong but brutal Dictator) then enormous momentum would be generated and the rest of the Arab world Dictators, especially those like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and others, would also fall, and the White House calculation is that; “we would be in a precarious predicament as to our influence and our Middle Eastern Oil Supply.”
Hence, this “democracy” that “we
You may ask, why blame
Flip the coin and suppose we do help in whatever manner we could so that the 1.5 billion people could live a life like we do; “hopes and dreams for better tomorrows, with freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness;” we would then face a far lesser threat of terrorism as we do at the present time. The reason would be is that the “people” would for the first time see
Thus, in the final analysis; “people often doubt what you say but they always believe what you do!”
Sheriff G Ali
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