"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Sunday, May 6, 2012

David Gregory – “You aren’t any Tim Russet! Meet The Press April 15, 2012

As an ardent follower of meet the press for decades, NBC replacing deceased Tim Russet with David Gregory is one of the bigger errors in a long line of errors by NBC and its senior management. Perhaps NBC passing over people like Andrea Mitchell is due in part to the still yet, chauvinistic mental state of inept men who believe that somehow women are second-class citizens. That aside, let us go to the facts on April 15, 2012.

I am paraphrasing in the statements below and also inputting the actual figures to emphasize the reality of where we were at the end of 2008 to where we are today, 2012. [You can watch the April 15, 2012 or read the transcript at www.meetthepress.com or www.msnbc.com ]

Mr. Gregory’s first guest was Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.  One of Mr. Gregory’s statements to Mr. Geithner was;

Gregory: Under the Bush administration the National Debt increased about five (5) trillion dollars during Bush’s eight (8) year Presidency; however, under President Obama, the National Debt has increased five (5) trillion dollars in Obama’s first term.

Geithner; David, your statement is misleading. Under President Obama the five (5) trillion dollar National Debt increase, only twelve percent (12%) was due to the Obama Administration Policies. [That is six hundred billion dollars] The remainder of the increased four trillion four hundred billion dollars was due to Obama’s predecessor’s huge tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 that wasn’t paid for and two wars that wasn’t paid for.

[Please note that unpaid bills by the Bush or any previous Administration has to be paid by whomever, Republican or Democrat that assumes the Office of the Presidency, along with Congress.]

Now comes the hypocrisy or lack of experience as a “Moderator.”

Mr. Gregory’s next guests were, Congresswoman – Michele Bachmann and New York Senator – Kristen Gillibrand.

Mr. Gregory directed his first remarks to Mrs. Bachmann in regards to the state of the economy; jobs; the national debt and the likes;

Mrs. Bachmann like a run-away-train went on and on and on, never once interrupted by David Gregory or Mrs. Gillibrand making insane statements like she always does, about how President Obama is a total failure and that Obama ran up the National Debt five trillion dollars in less than four years. Never once did David Gregory stopped her or even input what Mr. Geithner had just told him.

David Gregory then asked Mrs. Gillibrand to comment on what Mrs. Bachmann had just said. Mrs. Gillibrand was just seconds into her comments when Mrs. Bachmann jumped in and interrupted Mrs. Gillibrand. David Gregory just sat there with his mouth opened like a lost puppy, allowing Mrs. Bachmann to spew false narcissistic poisonous deluge.[This particular episode of Meet The Press was a disgrace]

Tim Russet who dealt with the same type of mentality was a “Moderator” in charge of his show “Meet The Press.” He was always fair to both sides, but I know Mr. Russet would have never allowed such wanton, capricious behavior.

In the final analysis, I do believe that Mr. Gregory is an educated man, but NBC and the Public was better served when Mr. Gregory was a reporter at the White House. April 15th 2012 was just one of the Sundays that Mr. Gregory allowed Meet The Press to turn into a chaotic fracas.  I got so frustrated over the past year that I no longer look at Meet the Press.

Sheriff Ali

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