"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My goal is helping children from every race, every class…







My goal is helping children from every race, every class, irrespective of where they were born or their circumstances, and help as many as I can to obtain a proper education, for that will be their Passport that would take them through their sojourner’s life!

“The real function of power and the order it creates is the liberation of men and women to think and be and make the most of themselves!

“When we educate a man we educate an individual, when we educate a woman, we educate an entire family!”

“If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.”

(Emily Dickinson)

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Please be advised....

Please be advised that from June 13, 2012 through November 23, 2012 all of my blogs can be viewed at www.sheriffali.com [No blogs were posted on this site during the above period of time]

However, from hereon in all of my blogs will be posted on this site as well as my other Social Sites as listed below.

Thank you,

Sheriff Ali

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

“Let not your place be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat!”

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again.

There is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” [Theodore Roosevelt]

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mitt Romney doing the Tango for Cinco de Mayo!

Perceived Dialogue between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, when Santorum endorsed Romney!

Mitt: My wife wants to put blue drapes in the Oval Office but I want pink.

Rick: You are measuring drapes already?

Mitt: Yep! I am going to win because I am taking credit for the survival of the Auto Industry and Fox News said I have got a point.

Rick: You have no shame Mitt; you said Obama should have allowed them go Bankrupt. Even Al Qaida doesn’t think Fox News is real News!

Mitt: You are right Rick, but come to think about it, I only released “one” tax return and no one has demanded that I release any more. Wow, lucky me, because those returns would bury me.

Rick:  But that doesn’t mean Obama wouldn’t demand that you do!

Mitt: The difference between the both of us is;

Dishonesty is my game
And I have no shame,
Lies filled to the brim
That’s how I am going to win!

President Obama; [DOMA] Defense Of Marriage Act; Gay Rights!

After being part and parcel of what eight years of Republican Rule [2001-2008] did to our country, catapulting us into deep and unforgiving waters, why would you want the White House, {President Obama}, to embrace Vice President Biden’s comment on the Gay Marriage issue.

Even a not so bright person could see farther than the advocacy of the extreme left! Obama needs every vote apart from the Gay Rights Group to win a second term. Should the President embrace the demise of “DOMA” [Defense of Marriage Act], he would be handing over the White House come November to the Republicans that would undoubtedly take us backwards rather than continue on the forward march, irrespective of how slow one may judge the recovery. Yes American is changing and in the not too distant future we would get there, allowing people to marry whom ever they so desire, but we are not there yet. [The polling data is crystal clear that the majority hasn’t accepted this inevitable fact.]

Maybe I am just another fool but so be it, because I do believe that once President Obama secures his second term, he would take on the phenomenal legislations even more so than he did with the Health Care Reform Act; Financial Reform and the other necessary reforms, to put not only our economy on a more progressive part, but to also put our country back on the right course, from a path of hate and fear to a more inclusive and tolerant society.

The President is dealing with a Right Wing Congress whose only goal is to unseat Obama in November, they do not care about you or our country, their single objective is to regain control of the white house so that Mitt Romney can rubber stamp their agenda which is; “to give another 2.3 billion dollar tax cut on top of the already existing Bush 1.6 trillion dollar tax cuts and that somehow, the 1% accumulation of more wealth, would trickle down to the middle-class and the less fortunate in our society.”

This voodoo economics inception came from Ronal Reagan for whom so many to this day view as some type of Greek god, when in fact, Reagan took a 930 Billion dollar national debt and turned it into 2.7 trillion debt at the time he left office. Reagan deregulated the Savings & Loan Banking Institutions, allowing people like Neil Bush [George W. H. Walker son and others, to pilferage the Savings & Loan to the tune of 1.5 trillion dollars at the cost of the tax payers.

However, the problems are the same with the extremists’ right and left wing, when it comes to The Public At Large; The Media and the Politicians. They just can’t seem to ascertain that to Govern; said governance has to be for the most part, the “middle of the road!”

Sheriff Ali

Sunday, May 6, 2012

David Gregory – “You aren’t any Tim Russet! Meet The Press April 15, 2012

As an ardent follower of meet the press for decades, NBC replacing deceased Tim Russet with David Gregory is one of the bigger errors in a long line of errors by NBC and its senior management. Perhaps NBC passing over people like Andrea Mitchell is due in part to the still yet, chauvinistic mental state of inept men who believe that somehow women are second-class citizens. That aside, let us go to the facts on April 15, 2012.

I am paraphrasing in the statements below and also inputting the actual figures to emphasize the reality of where we were at the end of 2008 to where we are today, 2012. [You can watch the April 15, 2012 or read the transcript at www.meetthepress.com or www.msnbc.com ]

Mr. Gregory’s first guest was Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.  One of Mr. Gregory’s statements to Mr. Geithner was;

Gregory: Under the Bush administration the National Debt increased about five (5) trillion dollars during Bush’s eight (8) year Presidency; however, under President Obama, the National Debt has increased five (5) trillion dollars in Obama’s first term.

Geithner; David, your statement is misleading. Under President Obama the five (5) trillion dollar National Debt increase, only twelve percent (12%) was due to the Obama Administration Policies. [That is six hundred billion dollars] The remainder of the increased four trillion four hundred billion dollars was due to Obama’s predecessor’s huge tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 that wasn’t paid for and two wars that wasn’t paid for.

[Please note that unpaid bills by the Bush or any previous Administration has to be paid by whomever, Republican or Democrat that assumes the Office of the Presidency, along with Congress.]

Now comes the hypocrisy or lack of experience as a “Moderator.”

Mr. Gregory’s next guests were, Congresswoman – Michele Bachmann and New York Senator – Kristen Gillibrand.

Mr. Gregory directed his first remarks to Mrs. Bachmann in regards to the state of the economy; jobs; the national debt and the likes;

Mrs. Bachmann like a run-away-train went on and on and on, never once interrupted by David Gregory or Mrs. Gillibrand making insane statements like she always does, about how President Obama is a total failure and that Obama ran up the National Debt five trillion dollars in less than four years. Never once did David Gregory stopped her or even input what Mr. Geithner had just told him.

David Gregory then asked Mrs. Gillibrand to comment on what Mrs. Bachmann had just said. Mrs. Gillibrand was just seconds into her comments when Mrs. Bachmann jumped in and interrupted Mrs. Gillibrand. David Gregory just sat there with his mouth opened like a lost puppy, allowing Mrs. Bachmann to spew false narcissistic poisonous deluge.[This particular episode of Meet The Press was a disgrace]

Tim Russet who dealt with the same type of mentality was a “Moderator” in charge of his show “Meet The Press.” He was always fair to both sides, but I know Mr. Russet would have never allowed such wanton, capricious behavior.

In the final analysis, I do believe that Mr. Gregory is an educated man, but NBC and the Public was better served when Mr. Gregory was a reporter at the White House. April 15th 2012 was just one of the Sundays that Mr. Gregory allowed Meet The Press to turn into a chaotic fracas.  I got so frustrated over the past year that I no longer look at Meet the Press.

Sheriff Ali

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A turning point in the Afghan War, President Obama signs Pact in Kabul!

In regards to the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama has done much more in three years, than former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney did in seven. Bush and Cheney bifurcation of the justifiable Afghan war with Iraq, in 2003, was the cause, not the symptom, for America’s two longest wars in American history.

For the critics wanting more information, the agreement executed in Kabul is the inception of a “frame-work” for which undoubtedly is going to be a most tedious undertaking. Just how many details did you expect?  

President Obama having ended Iraq’s 8 year war and paving the path to end America’s longest war in Afghanistan is remarkable, and it should be, even for those that oppose or criticize the President.

The Military deserves enormous credit but so does the President, for without his approval to take the risk, Osama bin Laden would still be alive taunting us!

Sheriff Ali

Monday, April 23, 2012

Republicans in Congress act like a bunch of petulant children who refuses to play at all if they are not in charge!


Ninety eight percent {98%} of the American people are being deprived of the benefits that should be implemented by the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The Republican controlled House of Representatives are blocking any and all meaningful legislation because they hold the majority and Republicans in the Senate are doing the same, because the Democrats do not have sixty votes to break the “Filibuster and Cloture Rule 22.”

If the Bills that are blocked in the House of Representatives and Filibustered in the Senate by the Republicans were in the interest of the American people, that would be admirable, however, the Republicans are using these methods “as a deceitful means to a deceitful end!”

Just imagine that these are the same people that literally tossed us into deep and unforgiving waters from 2001 through 2008, when they controlled the House, Senate and the Right Wing Supreme Court, and yet, without any sense of conscience or shame, their aspiration isn’t to make your life better, it is “to once again control The White House, The House of Representatives and The Senate, come November 2012!

Are the American people going to allow this to happen on November 6, 2012? Well, I am not sure because I “know” that the American people are goodhearted human beings, but I also know “that they are big on mouth and short on memory!”

The proof is that it only took two years [November 2008 through November 2010] for the American people to reinstall the Republicans in control of the House of Representatives and increase the Republicans number in the Senate, despite the “calamity” these same people imposed on us!

One cannot attribute this type of behavior to having any nexus with logic, this is just plain “dumb!”

To those that are constantly criticizing President Obama!

To those that are constantly criticizing President Obama as a “dictator” I say to you “stop the whining!” If you are honest with your self you have been saying the same thing since he became President, comparing him to Hitler and Stalin for wanting to provide Health Care to every American.

This is pure hypocrisy because the truth is you have never accepted him as President because of his race. Perhaps you should stop and think that he is “50% white as he is 50% African American.

His first two years in Office he reached out to the Republicans and was sorely criticized by some of his fellow Democrats. Again and again he reached out with not just and Olive Branch but Olive Branches, only to be reciprocated by the Republicans undignified and insulting manner any former President has had to endure in the history of our country.  Overriding our country’s critical priorities, The Party of “NO,” has been using obstructionism as a political tactic to enhance their Party’s chances for victory in 2012.

After going the distance with patience, endurance and goodwill, the President has initiated Executive Orders to accomplish vitally needed objectives. He hasn’t been and is not becoming a Dictator or doing anything unconstitutional. He hasn’t declared Martial-Law or has endowed himself with powers the Office of the President has never had. He is finally using some of the powers that he has been reluctant to use in the past.

He honestly tried bipartisanship for years only to have the Republicans in Congress act like a bunch of petulant children who refuses to play at all if they are not in charge. Our country has too many serious problems to wait for the Republican Officials to start acting like adults, hence “I applaud the President’s decision to use “Executive-Power.”

Sheriff Ali

Friday, April 20, 2012

6 – year-old African American child handcuffed and jailed for throwing tantrum at kindergartner; 12 – year-old Hispanic child is being tried as an adult; but yet, George Zimmerman is allowed bail!

Most of the time if you are a “minority” [non-white], justice is blind, deaf and dumb, and that is a fact!

If TRAYVON MARTIN was the “shooter,” he would have been charged for First Degree Murder and ordered to stand trial as an adult despite being 17 years of age at the time of his death.

A 6 year old child in Georgia was handcuffed and taken to jail because the child was misbehaving. She is African American.

In another case in Florida, a 12 year old Hispanic child is being tried as an adult for murder.

And yet, George Zimmerman whose father is a retired Magistrate, killed Trayvon Martin in “cold-blood,”  was allowed to walk around for 53 days; subsequently arrested and charged for 2nd degree murder [a non-bail-able offense] but yet granted a $150,000.00 bond so that he can go back to his normal life while Trayvon Martin decomposed body continues to deteriorate.  

Bottom line is; most of the time if you are a “minority” [non-white], justice is blind, deaf and dumb, and that is a fact!

Open the link to read the full story: http://wp.me/p1wG70-bo

Sheriff Ali

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Wendy’s, Kraft Foods, Mars and many other companies are running for cover for indirectly supporting Bad Laws!

“American Legislative Exchange Council [ALEC] wrote and continues to write prototypes of State Laws to promote corporate and conservative interests, spreading them from one State Capital to others, financed by business leaders, this forty-year old organization is run by right-wing extremists

With News Agencies alerting the public to the damage caused by ALEC; voter ID laws that marginalize minorities and the elderly; antiunion bills that hurt middle class and the total destruction of the Environmental Regulations that protects our society and way of life, the Council known as ALEC has become better known for their egregiously pernicious machinations.

American Legislative Exchange Council [ALEC] and the National Rifle Association [NRA] have played a big role in the passage of the “STAND YOUR GROUND” self defense laws around the country. It is self evident that the Original Statute passed in Florida in 2005 and signed into law by then Governor Jeb Bush was a main factor in the local police inability to arrest George Zimmerman after he killed the teenager, TRAYVON MARTIN.

The pernicious killing of the teenager that permeated pressure from activists and consumers who formed a grass-root COUNTERWEIGHT to Corporate Treasuries; caused the above Companies and others to have stopped funding [ALEC].

This pressure by Consumers is likely to continue as long as State Lawmakers are more responsive to the needs of big donors than the public interest.

The former Miami Police Chief John Timoney called the “Stand your ground” law a “recipe for disaster,” and he said he and other Police Chiefs had correctly predicted it would lead to more violent road-rage incidents and drug killings. Indeed, “justifiable homicides” in Florida have triple since 2005.

Former Governor Jeb Bush signed into law in 2005 the “Stand your ground” law against the objections of Law Enforcement groups. The N.R.A. pushed Florida’s “Stand your ground” law through the State Legislature.

ALEC bemoaned the opposition it is facing and claimed it is only interested in job creation, government accountability and pro-business policies. ALEC like the NRA makes no mention of its role in pushing a law that Police Departments believe is increasing gun violence and deaths. That’s probably because big business is beginning to realize that the “Stand Your Ground” laws are indefensible.

Sheriff Ali

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Think of the music from the song…
(Take these chains from my heart and set me free)

Newt, take these pains from my heart and set me free
How the hell Romney is going to be the nominee?
Mitt lies faster than he can run
Now, the GOP White House hope is gone,
And all my pain just lingers on!

If the GOP finds somebody new
Newt, what do you think that would do?
Rick, we would still be tattooed and blue
Romney will always wear the flip-flopper shoe
And yes, our pain just liners on!

Newt, please give my heart some sympathy
Even the Pope can’t believe what he sees,
And just take a good look at Mitt Romney
All he’s doing is counting money,
We should have never listened to Sean Hannity!

© Sheriff Ali 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012


When Obama’s ads hit Romney in the eye
Where Romney cannot hide,
That would be Amore!
When the GOP see Romney cannot shine
They would think they had too much wine,
That would be Amore!

The GOP bells would ring ting-a-ling-a-ling
They would say Mamma Bella did not sing,
That would be Amore!
GOP hearts would tippy-tippy-tay tarantella
O! That Romney is an uncaring Fella,
That would be Amore!

When Obama’s 2012 victory cause the GOP to drool
It would taste like pasta fazool,
That would be Amore!
With white clouds at their feet
The Democrats would dance in the street,
That would be Amore!

© Sheriff Ali 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012


“When iron is rubbed against a magnet it becomes magnetic, just so, love is caught not taught. One heart burning with love sets another on fire. The Church was built on love; it proves what love can do!”

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a most blessed Easter with all of God’s blessings, this special season and throughout the rest of the year, and beyond.

By freely loving God and fully trusting Him, will not the distresses of life and the pangs of death; will not the corruptions within and the snares without; will not the trials above, and the temptations from beneath, all seem light afflictions, when we can hide ourselves beneath the bulwark of God’s promises? Yes, whether for delight in our quietude, or for strength in our conflict, taking it all to our Lord, must be our daily resort. There may be a promise in the Word which may exactly fit your case or there may be a potent medicine in the great pharmacopoeia of Scripture, and you may miss its comfort or you may yet continue rent, unless you examine and search the Scriptures to discover what He hath said to you!

Irrespective of what your circumstances are this day and at this present time; God in His mercy will light the lamps of the past and it shall glitter through the darkness, till the day break and the shadows flee away. Always remember, it is not what happens to us in this life that defines who we are, but how well we rise after we fall

Sheriff Ali 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

May America’s renewed resplendency, usurp the paroxysm that took us into deep and unforgiving waters….

Apart form the light heartedness in the photo, on a more serious note the fracas that is exuberated on a daily basis for one year and counting, with the [GOP] Republican Voters trying to decide on a nominee, is the result of the Republicans previous control of the White House, The Senate, The House of Representatives and a Right-Wing Supreme Court Majority, from 2001 through 2008. They the Republicans, crashed and burned our country’s resources, literally bankrupted us and left us for dead.

So, it is only natural that the turn out for all of the Republican Primaries in this Presidential cycle has been far less than in previous elections. However, I do believe that the more centrist Republican Voters who faced down economic death with all of us, they too are sane enough to see that the wantonness that was perpetrated by their reckless leaders that almost caused our economic demise, they too, see better days are here again, even though we still have an uphill battle in order to put our country back on track.

As a reminder to all of us: we were losing jobs at the rate of 800,000 per month during 2008; banks were going bankrupt by the hundreds, wiping out people’s life savings; the uncontrolled Pariahs of Wall Street along with the Mortgage Companies and a complacent Government, wrecked the lives of tens of millions of home owners because of Wall Street “Ponzie Scheme” titled “Derivates; two unpaid wars; two unpaid tax cuts during a time of war that was never heard of in any time in our history, people are beginning to see the “light” at the end of a very long and dark tunnel.

We have a steady growth in the Job sector, not as much as we all would like but we are getting there slowly but surely; a stock market that fell to 6,500 in 2008 is today well over the 13,000 mark; consumer confidence is getting better and yes, in the grey dawn an era of hope is being ushered in again, but if you listen to the people that are aspiring to be the GOP Nominee and their supporters, including HACKING MURDOCH FOX NEWS, you would never know that good tidings are rolling our way.

They blame President Obama for the massive National Debt when in fact, they the Republicans ran up the debt by placing all charges and future charges on the Chinese Credit Card, and when the bills came due, they refused to pay by holding hostage an increase in the “debt ceiling,” that catapulted our AAA ratings.   

As a business owner I am truly optimistic about the future of America and the world, but I am also frightened on the inside about the capriciousness, lackadaisical; uninformed electorate, that allows their emotions to be their guide in the decisions they make when they enter the Voting Booth!

May the wisdom in the words that Emil Brunner invoked; “What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life,” become our mantle and not our ember, so that the wicks from our lamps at this moment, becomes the resplendency of the morning sun!

Sheriff Ali  

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Republicans know how to lie big enough and long enough to cover-up their failures, insulting most of the uninformed good hearted American People, and The Democrats doesn’t know how to explain their successes!

We have seen what the eight years of former President George W. Bush and the Republican Controlled House and Senate did to America;

Two wars that were not paid for but placed on the Chinese Credit Card, guaranteed by the American Tax Payers at a cost of [2,000,000,000,000.00] two trillion dollars and still counting….

Two Tax Cuts that weren’t paid for but also placed on the Chinese Credit Card, guaranteed by the American Tax Payers at a cost of [1,500,000,000,000.00] one trillion five hundred billion and counting….

Our Stock Market (DOW) that was 14,164.43 fell to 6,594.44 by the end of 2008…

Bank failures costing the Tax Payers trillions of Dollars….


Wall Street Bankers financially raping the American People….

Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street Firms, Bankers, Mortgage Companies and the lack of Government Control, created a Ponzi Scheme called - “Derivatives,”  and when their scheme failed, it wiped out the American Home-Ownership, causing millions of Home-Owners to lose their homes and millions more with their Homes “under-water.” [Under water is the term used when your mortgage becomes larger than the worth of your home]

Our pride and Joy GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY was about to become extinct along with AIG – America’s largest Insurer that if allowed to go bankrupt, would have cost the Tax Payers [1,500,000,000,000] one and half trillion dollars and then some!

The Republicans doesn’t want to talk about the facts stated above, they shout and scream spewing their lies through the King of Hackers – Murdoch’s Fox Misnomer News, and all the while doing so by claiming to be Christian Conservatives, what a bunch of Bull-S!

And the lame Democrats cannot make their case that if President Obama did not bail out the Auto Industry, AIG and instituted a second stimulus-package Vis a Vis the Bush TARP – Troubled Assets Relief Program, we would have been exactly like Russia in 1990 when their Soviet Union Failed because they went BANKRUPT!

How can good hearted Americans not see the truth? Are they blind, deaf, dumb or stupid? No, they are not! They are lackadaisical in separating the Truth from Fiction!

Sheriff Ali

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Having the ability to be a Fly at night, I overheard the Prayers of Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and their cohorts!

My night Job of becoming a Fly allows me to hear “only Political prayers.” And so it was on the night of March 5, 2012, one day before the eleven States Primaries, and yes, they were gathered in one room and thus were their prayers in the order that they prayed.

Mitt Romney was first and thus he prayed! O dear Caesar, I want you to send me gold and more money. O Caesar you know how much I love money. O Caesar please give me the victory in the majority of States, but especially Ohio, and dear master Caesar, give Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich the courage to stay in the race, for if either of them should drop out, well, you know what I mean. I thank you master Caesar.

Rick Santorum was second and thus he prayed! O extremist One, discourage Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to drop out of the race. O extremist One, you know I am the only true conservative in this race; you know I have never used a condom and neither my wife or I have ever used contraceptive, and if you cause me to win, I will work to ban all contraceptive; ban all women from working; amend the Constitution to make church and State one, and yes extremist One, I will reintroduce the Inquisition not only in America, but all over the world and I will take my orders only from the Vatican, and church and State would have no separation but will be one. I will show the Mullahs in the Middle East that not only they can have extremist religious Government, but that the leader of the world, The United States of America, will work to outlaw all secular Governments. I thank you extremist One!

Newt Gingrich was third and thus he prayed! O President Reagan, send me more sugar Daddies to keep my campaign going and as you know I don’t stand a chance in hell to win even another State, but if people give me money I would remain in the race so that my young wife Callista would continue to see me as the sexy one. O Greek gods Reagan please guide me not to cheat on this my third wife for I am no longer big in Politics and on top of that, I am headed in the area of seventy years of age. O Greek god Reagan, I thank you!

Then the Fox misnomer for News prayed!

Sean Hannity prayed first and thus he prayed! O father of hacking Murdoch, you know I have spent five years, from 2007 to the present day to defeat Barack Hussein Obama, but he is not going away. Jobs are coming back; the economy is on the rebound and the confidence of the American people are rising; O father of hacking Murdoch, you control a big portion of the World’s media, fabricate bad economic news, for if Obama get another four years, I don’t think I have the strength to carry on spewing lies and fabrication for an Obama second term. You see father of hacking Murdoch, I am not asking anything for me and neither am I asking much. I thank you father of hacking, Murdoch.

Bill O’Reilly prayed second and thus he prayed! Murdoch! I don’t have to call you great one or suck up to you for I make you lots of money, so help me to help Obama win a second term. If Obama doesn’t get a second term not only me but most of your News Team wouldn’t have anything to report. Murdoch, I know you follow your Fox misguided news and without having Obama to knock with all of our lies, deceit and hypocrisy, there would be no Fox News. Murdoch, I am not going to thank you, just do what I ask! Do you understand me Hacker?

Greta van Susteren prayed third and thus she prayed! O great right-wing employer Murdoch, please help Rush Limbaugh out of his foot and mouth disease, for without him to blaspheme for me, I would be nothing. O great right-wing employer, you know I used to be a very balanced reporter and being a lawyer I was objective and respected, but because of the demand on the employees to run down Obama and the Liberals, I have become the company I have been keeping. Great right-wing employer as an example, the job reports for January and February were very good, but to keep in line with your wishes, we have to say, February job report reveals that 227,000 jobs were created, “but”….. Great right-wing employer I don’t understand the “but” in positive news and I am convinced that when we invoke the “but” in good news, we your employees and you Great right-wing Employer, we all look like BUTTS! Help me Great right-wing Employer!

Amazingly enough, Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell prayed last in a very soft talking duet; and thus they prayed; O Republican Party and dedicated Republicans, we are screwed, tattooed and blued in any chance of winning back the White House this year. We began the campaign with a total of twelve truly nutty people and now we are left with; [1] a liar, hypocrite, money hungry vampire, who doesn’t know who he is and will never know, because he is on every side of every issue, Mitt Romney; [2] an extremist of the worse kind, a person who has driven the women votes away because of his obsession with controlling people’s sex lives and their private parts, especially women’s, Rick Santorum, who attracts the extremists but couldn’t win a dog race in the general election; [3] a full of gas, bloated, bifurcated hate monger, Newt Gingrich who has more baggage than a freight train and doesn’t know why he is running for President; and [4th] last but not least, a crazy old man with views that is self evident that as a Doctor he must have prescribed too much medication for himself. So dear Republicans, don’t let the shame of these nuts fall upon us, I want to keep my position as Speaker of the house and Mitch wants to become Senate Majority Leader, but we are so bruised from being such obstructionists, that Polling data shows we only have a 9% positive rating.  We are so depressed, we are going to have cocktails and lots of it, because next year; we may have to pay for it ourselves!

Sheriff Ali

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A unilateral attack by Israel on Iran would prove that Benjamin Netanyahu has and continues to be, Israel’s worst enemy, and…

The Republican Candidates for President along with other reckless Republicans beating the Iran War Drum; are short on memory and big on mouth! Their warmongering is nothing short of a Political Stunt to try and reflect that somehow President Obama is weak on International Affairs.

Amazing isn’t it! International Affairs happens to be one of the areas where the President doesn’t’ have to depend on the right wing congress that are always obstructing everything the President proposes, and in that regard, “International Affairs,” President Obama has shown enormous intelligence and resolve. The record speaks for itself.

Yet Mitt Romney the most capricious flit-flopper of all times, he is constantly making statements that if he becomes President that somehow he can do a better Job than Obama and at the same time stop Iran from possessing a nuclear bomb. Like everything else that spews out of the mouth of Romney, it only takes him a day or two or in some cases hours, before changing his mind.

I am qualified to make this statement and that is, Iran is still at a minimum, two years away from even coming close to obtaining a nuclear bomb. For Israel or the United States to attack Iran at this time, it would be economic suicide. Iran cannot win a military war against the United States, but any premature attack on Iran would set the world against us while driving up the cost of Oil, and it wouldn’t be long before we encounter another 2008 recession.

With a minimum of 3.2 billion dollars in annual aid to Israel and our unwavering commitment to the defense of Israel, a unilateral attack by Israel on Iran would prove that Benjamin Netanyahu has and continues to be Israel’s worst enemy, and he could very well compromise the United States in ways that cannot be measured in advance.

Our constant reminder should always be, former President, George W. Bush ill advised, insane invasion of Iraq that caused the loss of at least 4,500 Soldiers; tens of thousands with life time injuries; a trillion dollars and counting; and for what? In the final analysis all we did in Iraq was replace a Sunni Dictator with a Shiite Dictator.

As President Obama said; “there is too much lose talk about war!” The President clearly stated that we must try every ounce of diplomacy and if that fails, then war would be the last resort.

Sheriff Ali 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Union with the Lord is a coronet of beauty, outshining all the blaze of imperial pomp!


Often, our brethren are like deceitful brooks
They are the blank pages in so many books,
Your friends they are, except in your need
Suddenly they become, a broken reed

Our God must always be first
Only then we will never thirst,
Sunshine or rain he will never fail
He is Almighty and never frail

In good or bad times He is always there
He is all knowing and forever fair,
Depend on Him you can be sure
His unconditional love is very pure

So, do not suffer in your grief
Go to him in belief,
Be your problems big or small
God is forever standing tall!

© Sheriff G Ali 2006-2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vaginal Intrusion by Governor – DICK-HEAD – Bob McDonnell, Virginia; with the other Right-Wing Extremists, wants to invade your Vagina!

These are the people you coronate into office with your vote! Imagine, the PUNANNY State of Virginia headed by Governor Bob McDonnell and the other Right-Wing extremists, passed a bill – “mandating an invasive procedure for women seeking an abortion, to undergo transvaginal ultrasound involuntarily.” (See the diagram in the photo)

Ridiculed by comedians and savaged by opponents, the original version of the bill supported by McDonnell drew a large crowd of protesters to the State Capital in Richmond earlier in the week.

At the last moment, McDonnell who is a possible Vice President GOP contender and an abortion opponent, withdrew his support and asked for changes in the bill. Make no mistake, Governor McDonnell did not have a change of heart due to conscience, but his recanting of his previous position, is strictly political.

Governor McDonnell and all of the Right-Wing Extremists across our great land, their objective is to always make women “second class citizens; control women’s vaginas; women’s sex lives; women’s equality and all that make these egregious, pernicious, chauvinists, the “Dick-Heads” that they are!

Just take a good look at the remaining GOP Presidential Contenders! Rick Santorum, America’s small town “Mullah,” who is considered too Catholic even by Catholic standards, believes that America’s troubles stem from men and women having sex for reasons other than procreation; people involved in same-sex relationships; women using contraception or having parental testing; environmentalists who Santorum claims elevate “the Earth above man;” women working outside the home; and President Obama whom he obliquely and oddly compared to Hitler and also accused the President of having “some phony theology.”

If you consider Santorum’s remarks, he should be in the Middle-East, identifying himself for whom he really is, a Religious Jihadist! Just imagine how far down the abyss we have fallen when you see Franklin Graham, heinously doubting President Obama’s Christian faith on MSNBC earlier in the week. (This is truly sad, because Franklin’s father, the Great Reverend Billy Graham that is respected by the world, never in his seventy plus years of preaching the Gospel, questioned anyone’s faith.)

Santorum who disagrees with the 1965 Supreme Court’s Decision striking down a “ban on contraception,” insisted that contraception is “not O.K. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

I do believe that despite Rick Santorum being married and have seven children, somewhere in his life – “a woman’s vagina became his perpetual Scarecrow, in his sick and demented mind!

Sheriff G Ali

Sunday, February 19, 2012

“Newt, you fat sack of potato, put me down, put me down.”

On a 12-hour trip to Canada with his family, Mitt Romney tied his dog an Irish setter named Seamus, to the roof of his car. Romney never stopped to let the dog pee, poop or stretch it legs, hence the reason why the poor thing defecated on the back windshield.

In this incident as shown in the photo:

Romney loves the Ford Mustang and Newt Gingrich has placed Romney on top of the Mustang for a 12-hour trip. Gingrich’s reason is not about the dog but about payback for Romney’s onslaught of negative ads in the State of Iowa.

Romney is screaming, “Newt, you fact sack of potato, put me down, put me down!”

Gingrich is screaming, “See how it feels sucker to he in a helpless position. You know I had no money to run ads to fight your lies and deception in Iowa, you punk, so, go ahead; make my day!”

The story about Romney’s dog is true as attested by Romney in an interview on Fox News. However, if you contemplate the present GOP hopefuls, past and present, it makes for an amazing satire.

Sheriff G Ali 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney, thou have light at even-tide now, such as we have not yet!

Pain breaks not the calm of the sweet twilight of age, for strength made perfect in weakness bears up with patience under it all. Ripe fruits of choice experience are gathered as the rare repast of life’s evening, and the soul prepares itself for rest.

The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in thy bed; see the waiting bands of spirits!

Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved one, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are open; the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved Whitney, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet! AMEN!

Sheriff Ali

Whitney Houston extra ordinary voice brought solace to hundreds of millions of people world wide, and though she may not have been able to comfort her own anxieties of life, she, Whitney, truly lived out the words that Emily Dickson penned so long ago!

“If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help on fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.”

(Emily Dickinson)