"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Advice to Speaker to be, John Boehner!


In the interest of the American People, America and the World, and although I do not agree with Mr. Boehner on almost everything, I do believe in Webster’s definition of Democracy – “to respect others even when you disagree with them,” and as such, I would like Mr. Boehner to be a successful Speaker of the House.

In order for Mr. Boehner to accomplish that objective he would have to realize that our greatest strength lies in our “humility,” and that our greatest downfall is our “insatiable arrogance.”

If Mr. Boehner's actions is based on what is morally right rather than what is politically expedient, he could and perhaps would be a very effective Speaker of the House, however, should he choose the road of avarice for power, mammon and the likes, his tenure would be as short lived as that of former Speakers, Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston. It was their self-righteousness, arrogance and avarice that left them “Politically scarred and disdained,” to this day!

May Mr. Boehner seek the Grace of God for the wisdom he needs and realize that he can be one of the greatest Speaker’s of the House, by realizing that men/women are elevated to highest level by being of sincere service to others.

Sheriff G Ali

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