"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sarah Palin: Psycho with a pen!

Sarah Palin’s Book, “America by Heart: Reflections on family, faith and flag,” equals the “Opportunist Imaginary Mouse-Hunter,” espousing “political right-wing extremism and religious fanaticism” into insatiable narcissistic poisonous deluge, is a “brainless psychopath,” that has and is feeding “read-meat” to the “brain-dead human Ostriches” whose heads have and are in the sand, without pause.

If you are one of the followers of Mrs. Palin and likes her as a person that is one thing, however, if you find yourself engrossed in what she is advocating, then you should question your own sanity, because you may be a member of the “Palin-Cult” that also sees “Russia from your back-yard.”

Though my statements may seem harsh, indulge me to dissect the title of Palin’s book;

America by heart: Whose heart? Mrs. Palin doesn’t have one!

Family: Mrs. Palin’s concupiscible avarice for attention, power, revenge and mammon, she has prostituted husband, children, grandchild and everyone that she sees as an obstacle to her imbecility, that is a duplicitous means to a duplicitous end.

Faith: Faith in what or in whom? I am fallible and imperfect, but if Mrs. Palin’s faith was in God, I contend she couldn’t possibly be advocating the hate, anger, the inconspicuous racism and capriciousness she continuously promulgates!

Flag: During the Primary and into the Mid-Term Elections, Mrs. Palin’s absentia endorsement for the mad-man that was going to burn the Quran that would have jeopardized our Soldiers, to the “nut-cases” she endorsed like Joe Miller who wanted to build a Berlin Wall to resolve our Immigration problem, and Sharon Angle who advocated an armed insurrection if the Republicans did not win one or both Houses of congress, these types of grandiose delusion bares no witness of “patriotism.”

Having witnessed what has become of a man that I admired all my life, Senator John McCain, subsequent to his loss of the 2008 President Election and his Basilisk Vice President Nominee ostentatious contagion, barking at the Paschal Lamb entwined with Lion’s girth, I say to myself, America, you did well in your Presidential choice in 2008!

Sheriff G Ali

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