Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi deserves the honor she was given to become the Minority House Leader when the new Congress convenes in January 2011.
As much as the Republicans, Tea Party and some democrats demonized her during the run up to the Mid-Term election, I admire her for her courage since becoming Speaker of the House and her unwavering support of President Obama’s agenda.
President Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, they deserve most of the credit for the enactments of all of the “Landmark Legislations that were implemented.”
Many of the American people who seem to despise these three people, they are either to dumb to realize the great benefits that would inure to our Country, or they are overly intoxicated with “religious fanaticism, and or, are extreme conservatives.”
It is amazing as to how these same critics are in such a paroxysm, seeing Sarah Palin as the Virgo Intacta! THE QUEEN BEE leading the fracas of “crazies” is Sarah Palin, the imaginary Moose Hunter who use metaphors for reality, a person when caught using words that does not exist, justifies it by exclaiming “Shakespeare” made up words, a person whose only political experience is the half term she served as Governor of Alaska and then jumped off the cliff, a “radical” person with no real intelligence or insight, but yet has a following – tells you much about the American Psyche!
Astonishing isn’t it! How “no brains attract the brainless! Sad, exceedingly sad because the good hearted American people are paying a steep price at the expense of the “conservatives” which = “the crazies” in American Society!
Having idiots pay money to listen to Mrs. Palin spew narcissistic poisonous deluge does not qualify her or anyone to be President!
Sheriff G Ali
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