"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Your article is well written, but is also a big part of our present problem!

See link to The New York Times Article!


You seem quite and educated man and it is mysterious to me that no where in your article you took into consideration what the eight years of George W. Bush did to our country. I did not support Obama in the 2008 campaign because I was and ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton. When she did not win the Nomination, I threw my support behind John McCain.

However, over the first six months of Obama’s Presidency and thereafter, I noticed something that I had never witnessed before and that was, “A President that was not interested in using his Political Capital to secure votes for the upcoming Mid-Term Election or for his bid for a second term, but rather using that wealth of Political Capital to secure the American People for generations to come.” He has accomplished much in twenty one months, and in addition his economic polices saved us from a second recession or even a depression, but even with all of that accomplishment, he is being criticized by the left and the right!

I think the problem with you and many of the American People is that you lack patience. The American people witnessed former President Bush destruction of our country from 2001- 2004, and despite all the wrong he had done, they voted him back for another four years allowing him the opportunity to completely throw us into the abyss.

I am 59 years of age and I have done rather well, but it wasn’t always that way! It took hard work; going to school at nights with the use of eight buses per day; working for the minimum wage of $1.65 in 1970; working for others before going into business for myself, and I can’t remember any time in 40 years, when I did not work at least 12 hours per day, six days per week. What I have never done is to allow myself to become complacent by taking anything for granted, and I hope that I never do!

Pharaoh, (George W. Bush) and his army, (The Republican Congress) chased us from 2001 to 2009 to into the financial Red Sea, and yes, Yahweh did open New Seas for us on November 4th 2008, and we crossed over on January 20th 2009 heading to the promised land. At the moment, we sometimes come up short of water and become thirsty, but the Almighty splits the rock and give us drink; we get hungry, but Jehovah always provide us with Manna; and though it seems like we are still drifting at the moment, we are going in the right direction.

The faithful question is, are we going to be like the Israelites? Are we going to continue to taunt Moses (Obama), and threaten that although Pharaoh is no more, we want to go back and be slaves to Pharaoh’s army?

I don’t know about you and can’t speak for you or anyone, but I do know “that my God does not want me to go backwards, for He is a God of new beginnings, new tomorrows, A God who desires for me to keep pressing forward and being thankful, every day of my life!

Sheriff G Ali

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