"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Friday, June 11, 2010



"Women Leaders with their caring hearts were endowed with efficacy and thus the reason they represent effulgence. Their Union with God is a coronet of beauty, outshining all the blaze of imperial pomp!”

I am so very proud that Kamla Persad-Bissessar; has won the Trinidad & Tobago Election held on May 25, 2010, in a landslide victory, with her pre-coalition party winning 29 out of the 41 seats and becoming the First Female Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago!

It is an amazing time for women! Cristina Elizabeth Fernandez de Kirchner became the first female to be elected President of Argentina and just a few months ago, Laura Chinchilla became the first female President of Costa Rica.

I think that “Women are not in the wrong when they refuse the rules of life prescribed to the world, for men only have established them without the consent of any woman!”

“Nature intended that woman should be her masterpiece, for when you educate a man you educate an individual; when you educate a woman you educate a whole family!”

And, I would like to share with you some great women, who have left their indelible mark in the pages of History, with their caring hearts and amazing leader-ship; that far outshines many of the past and present, male leaders!



"With hope for a better world"

Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of our twelve-year Leader
A true "humanitarian" at heart, and a great writer,
Golda Meir, Israel's first and only woman Prime Minister
1974- Odds against her, she refused to use her nuclear power

Indira Gandhi, sacrificed to help her people
Killed in cold blood by the hands of evil,
Rosa Parks refusal on the bus to give up her seat
America's racial discrimination, she helped to defeat

Benaziar Bhuto the only sane Prime Minister of Pakistan
Fled her home-land because of the myrmidons in her country's ruritan,
Jacqueline Kennedy at thirty three faced such tragedy
Through humility became an example to everybody

And our Princess Diana with a heart of gold
Fought to remove land-mines so brave and bold,
For the children with Aids around the world
She gave of her life from the depths of her soul

The day a woman sits in the White House Office
Only then will peace truly "exist"...

Copyright 2003 by sheriff G Ali

Author's Comments:

"Women Leaders with their caring hearts were endowed with efficacy and thus the reason they represent effulgence. Their Union with God is a coronet of beauty, outshining all the blaze of imperial pomp. Male Leaders perpetuate disaggregation, disaffirmance, dissimulation, dissipation, attrition and they are definitely, "alogical." [For all the men who would be personate to be irate about these statements, I ask you, "The state of chaos that the world is in today, how many women are responsible for this enosimania? “ [enosimania= "irrational spate of terror]"


I am no longer willing to give BP or the Federal Government the benefit of the doubt. Both of them have permeated duplicity on the American people.

Thus I wonder!

Was BP trying the previous approaches so that they would have been able to direct the oil to tankers for the sake of profits? If so, that would not have been a problem if the Oil Spill wasn't a major disaster! When all else failed and their market cap took a nose dive of 69 billion dollars, that is when they decided to seal the vents. But this action was also propelled by the Justice Department Criminal Probe and President Obama finally flexing some Presidential authority along with pressure from the justified outraged citizens! [Man always seem to be a dollar short and a day late before light penetrates their hearts and minds]

By sealing the vents atop the cap, it means exactly that! It is sealed! You see, in the final analysis, Governments and big businesses are entwined and intertwined, rubbing each other shoulders, while peeling the skin of the common man!

Tony Hayward BP’s CEO has been a “chain-saw” in cutting corners in order to bring in bigger and bigger profits. Just imagine what we know at this time and see for yourself that it was “criminal negligence” that was the catalyst that created the world’s greatest ecological disaster and caused the deaths of eleven innocent people.

Oil Rigs/Platforms are all equipped with “blow out preventers.” “Blow out preventers” are in place to specifically act as a trigger mechanism in cases of emergency such as what transpired with this particular Oil Rig. However, what we know at this time is that the “blow out preventers” was inoperable, and if that isn’t bad enough, the battery to activate the blow out preventers; “was as dead as Julius Caesar!”

By law, “Blow out preventers” on all Oil Rigs are supposed to be periodically monitored and verified by the MMS (Materials Management Services). The negligence by the MMS, The Interior Department and British Petroleum, resulted in the deaths of eleven people whose bodies have never been found, and now 46 days later, a “true” catastrophe exits!




The Senators and the House of Representatives’ members that participated in the British Petroleum Gulf of Mexico oil spill, proved only one thing and that is, they are good at trying to kill each other verbally but very naïve when it comes to matters of importance.

British Petroleum knew exactly their cost to date, $473,000,000.00 U S Dollars, but they claimed that they had no way of measuring the amount of oil that was spilling into the Gulf of Mexico and the entire region, that may very well turn out to be the largest ecological catastrophe in the history of the world.

On Thursday night the Professor at the Purdue University used a mathematical computation and the result was that using the lowest estimate, the oil pouring into the ocean is not 5,000 barrels per day but 70,000 barrels per day. He went as far as accepting the margin of error of 20% and even if you take that into consideration, it still adds up to 56,000 barrels of oil per day. At 50 gallons per barrel, one does not have to be a mathematician to ascertain the damage that is being done, that may very well destroy everything in its path. Giving BP the benefit of the doubt that they had no way of measuring the amount of oil being spilled per day, logic tells us that at least they could have provided an estimate.

But with their continued unscrupulous behavior from the inception of this tragedy, they waited until the hearings were over before providing the video in actual time, showing the oil gushing out. It was from that video, others were able to compute the velocity of the approximate oil that is being spilled on a daily basis. British Petroleum has no credibility left on this matter and the President must act now.

President Obama must act now and use his Presidential Powers to order the Navy (not the Coast Guard) and the U S Military Core of Engineers to take control of the situation, for if the President fails to act and act now, this may very well turn out to be his Waterloo! This madness is going on for two weeks and counting and the longer he fails to use his Executive Power, the more damage will be done. And for those who may question his judgment about big-brother taking over, they should ask themselves, “Is this what they want to leave for their children and their children’s children!”

Written by Sheriff Ali

Beverly Hills

California, 90212




"There is something in a woman beyond all human delights: a magnetic virtue, a charming quality, an occult and powerful motive, of heart-felt caring and love!"

With more and more women of our day there is an urge to creativeness which lies underneath and deeper, above and beyond the begetting of children. These women have a contract with life itself. And as King Solomon so correctly stated “A good wife, who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.” Proverbs 31: 10

Many people entertain the idea that a woman does not achieve acceptance, respect, dignity and status unless or until she becomes a wife and mother. Jesus Christ does not make such distinctions. He confers no second-class citizenship. In Christ all men and women are set free to seek the abundant life. They need only to acknowledge His Leadership!

A beautiful and chaste woman is the perfect workmanship of God and the sole wonder of the world, so when I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of happiness for all, I feel no doubt of their capacity for the most herculean undertakings!




Thomas Carlyle, [1795-1881] following Plato, [437 B.C.] pictures a man, a deep pagan thinker, who has grown to maturity in some hidden cave and is brought out suddenly to see the sun rise. “What would his wonder be,” exclaims Carlyle, “his rapt astonishment at the sight we daily witness with indifference! With free, open sense of a child, yet with the ripe faculty of a man, his whole heart would be kindled by that sight… This green flowery rock-built earth, the trees, the mountains, rivers, many-sounding seas; that great deep sea of azure that swims overhead; the winds, sweeping through it; the black cloud fashioning itself together, now pouring out fire, now hail and rain; what is it? Ay, what? At bottom we do not yet know; we can never know at all...”

To meditate on the three Persons of the Godhead is to walk in thought through the garden eastward in Eden and to tread on holy ground. Our sincerest efforts to grasp the incomprehensible mystery of the Trinity must remain forever futile, and only by deepest reverence can it be saved from actual presumption.

Some persons who reject all they cannot explain have denied that God is a Trinity, subjecting the Most High to their cold, level-eyed scrutiny; they conclude that it is impossible that He could be both One and Three. These forget that their whole life is enshrouded in mystery. They fail to consider that real explanation of even the simplest phenomenon in nature lies hidden in obscurity and can no more be explained than can the mystery of the Godhead.

Every man lives by faith, the nonbeliever as well as well as the saint; the one by faith in natural laws and the other by faith in God. Every man throughout his entire life constantly accepts without understanding. The most learned sage can be reduced to silence with one simple question, “What?” The answer to that question lies forever in the abyss of unknowing beyond any man’s ability to discover. “God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the places thereof,” but mortal man never.

How different are we who have grown used to it, who have become jaded with satiety of wonder. “It is not by our superior levity, our inattentions, and our want of insight. It is by not thinking that we cease to wonder at it… We call that fire of the black thundercloud “electricity, and lecture learnedly about it, and grind the like of it out of glass and silk: but is it? Whence comes it? Whither goes it? Science has done much for us; but it is a poor science that would hide from us the great deep sacred infinitude of Nescience, whither we can never penetrate, on which all science swims as a mere superficial film. This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle, wonderful, inscrutable, and magical and more, to whosoever will think of it.”

These penetrating, almost prophetic, words were written more than a century ago, but not all the breath-taking advances of science and technology since that time have invalidated one word or rendered obsolete as much as one period or comma. Still we do not know. We save face by repeating frivolously the popular jargon of science. We harness the mighty energy that rushes through our world; we subject it to finger tip control in our cars and kitchens; we make it work for us like Aladdin’s jinn, but still we do not know what it is. Secularism, materialism, and the intrusive presence of things have put out the light in our souls and turned us into a generation of zombies. We cover our deep ignorance with words, but we are ashamed to wonder, we are afraid to whisper “mystery.”

What God declares the believing heart confesses without the need for further proof. Indeed , to seek proof is to admit doubt, and to obtain proof is to render faith superfluous. Everyone who possesses the gift of faith will recognize the wisdom of those daring words of one of the early Church fathers: “I believe that Christ died for me because it is incredible; I believe that He rose from the dead because it is impossible.”

Reflection upon revealed truth naturally follows the advent of faith, but faith comes first to the hearing ear, not to the cogitating mind. The believing man does not ponder the Word and arrive at faith by a process of reasoning, nor does he seek confirmation of faith from philosophy or science. His cry is, “O earth, earth, hear the Word of the Lord. Yea, let God be true, and every man a liar.” It was both the sinfulness of humanity and God’s plan to save humanity that put Jesus Christ to death on the cross. It was not an afterthought but it was part of God’s eternal plan!

That rough-looking diamond is put upon the wheel of the lapidary. He cuts it on all sides. It loses much-much that seemed costly to itself. The King is crowned; the diadem is put upon the monarch’s head with trumpet’s joyful sound. A glittering ray flashes from the coronet, and it beams from the very diamond which was just now so sorely vexed by the lapidary. We may venture to compare ourselves to such a diamond, for we are God’s children; and this is the time of the cutting process. Let faith and patience have their perfect work, for in the day when the crown shall be set upon the head of the king, Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, one ray of glory shall stream from us. “They shall be Mine,” said the Lord, “in the day when I make up My Jewels.” “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.” Ecclesiastes 7:8

In 1951 the year I was born was the inception of the Korean War between America and North Korea. That conflict raged on for two years and an “armistice” was declared in 1953. Since then Korea became North Korea and South Korea. A demilitarized zone was created and American Soldiers have been there since then. It is amazing to see the mysteries of God’s mercies. At 1:00AM Pacific Standard Time, February 25th 2008, where Politicians, Diplomats or the Military could not go, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra was playing at Pyongyang East Theater in North Korea– The United States National Anthem - The Star Spangled Banner and the North Korean National Anthem. It was an amazing site to see Lorin Maazel conducting the New York Philharmonic as he continued with Dovark’s Symphony # 9, Gershwin’s – An American in Paris, and music from such great minds such as Wagner and others. I think the most striking moment was looking into the seated crowd, Americans and Koreans alike, shedding tears of joy. I can only imagine what they were thinking! Perhaps, just perhaps, they were thinking, after all, we are just alike, so why do our respective Governments continue with their phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies. You see for me, that amazing site represents hope for the future. I believe it will be well with the souls of world leaders to take a page out of this extra ordinary event and see that people of good will can come together, and in so doing they can help to make a better world for all people, irrespective of beliefs, nationality, color, creed or class!

It may also be well for each and every one of us to realize that irrespective of whether we are rich or poor, smart or dumb, highly educated or of little intelligence, through the eyes of God, we are not better than each other, we are just “different.” The One who holds up the foundation of the world on “nothing,” created each and every person individually for a special purpose and “we can all make a difference in this very troubled world.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL GLORY IS TO GOD! In addition I would like to acknowledge great writers from the past such as Plato, Thomas Carlyle and others, for without their great wisdom this document would not have been possible.



The only thing worse than Israel’s attempt to cover up their barbaric behavior by boarding the flotilla consisting of thirty seven nations, in International Waters, is the United States capriciousness in their conflicting statements.

“But attempting to cast a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid, human-rights workers, a dozen doctors, 30 journalists, two retired U.S. diplomats, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a former U.N. assistant secretary-general as terrorist sympathizers may be a hard sell.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Statement:

The United States supports the Security Council’s condemnation of the acts leading to this tragedy. And we urge Israel to permit full consular access to the individuals involved and to allow the countries concerned to retrieve their deceased and wounded immediately. We urge all concerned countries to work together to resolve the status of those who were part of this incident as soon as possible.

We support in the strongest terms the Security Council’s call for a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation. We support an Israeli investigation that meets those criteria. We are open to different ways of assuring a credible investigation, including international participation and we will continue to discuss these ideas with the Israelis and our international partners in the days ahead.

The situation in Gaza is unsustainable and unacceptable. Israel’s legitimate security needs must be met, just as the Palestinians’ legitimate needs for sustained humanitarian assistance and regular access for reconstruction materials must also be assured.

The White House and other Government Official Statements:

“The loss of life in this incident is tragic, but it should not diminish our support for Israel as it faces continued threats,” he said.

In a statement, the White House said Tuesday, that Obama spoke with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan to express his condolences resulting from the Israeli military operation against the Turkish-flagged ship bound for Gaza: “The president affirmed the importance of finding better ways to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza without undermining Israel’s security.”

House Republicans, including Price, Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.) and GOP conference Chairman Mike Pence (Ind.), have cited the recent strains in U.S.-Israel relations by portraying the Obama administration and by extension, congressional Democrats — as wavering in their support for the U.S. ally.

In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, Cantor fired a shot at the United Nations for “predictably rushing to level hyperbolic accusations at Israel,” as well as a warning shot at the Obama White House.

“As information continues to filter in, I urge the President and his administration to continue to gather all the facts and if necessary, to veto any biased U.N. resolutions reining in Israel’s right to defend itself,” Cantor said.

Gibbs said he did not think the incident would derail administration attempts to resume Middle East peace talks.

Gibbs rejected suggestions that the U.S.’s reluctance to condemn the Israeli attack would damage U.S. relationships with Muslim nations.

“In terms of our relationship with the Muslim world, I think the President has obviously spent a lot of time on improving our relationship with countries throughout the world, and special time and care on our relationship with the Muslim world,” Gibbs said. “I do not think that this will have a great impact on that.”

“We,” America, must be very careful not only in our words, but our deeds!”

The International reaction is gravely against what Israel has done and continues to do, and with the United States speaking with a “double-tongue,” it is difficult to see how we would ever win the battle against a demented ideology as permeated by Al Qaeda, The Taliban and the estranged people that call themselves Jihadists, that either kills or condone the killings of innocent people in the name of God!

People should not make the mistake of thinking that because of my name I sympathize with the demented ideology of anyone who kills with impunity, for it is my sincere desire that for once since the inception of mankind, that we would learn how to start living; rather than live for just killing because societies have become so good at this debauchery

As you can see from the International Community’s reactions, the whole world has denounced this radical action by Israel, save that of the United States.

Whether it is your child, your spouse or a friend, we can stand by them with all loyalty and help them as best as we can but condoning their wrongs, would not help them and despite your own best effort, you would be looked upon with scorn and derision.

For those that may not be aware, there are one million six hundred thousand people living in what is known as Gaza. Just imagine that, that many people are living in an area twice the size of Washington D.C. which is 68.3 square miles. (136.6 square miles)

According to the latest UNICEF report, 40% of the Palestinians have no jobs, 70% of them are living below the poverty level and 80% of them depend on foreign aid and yes, Israel has created a land and sea blockade since 2007. The Palestinians are living in unsanitary conditions because one of the basic needs of human beings is water, and water is very limited. Their buildings are in shatters and the children as well as the parents, more often than not, they have nothing to eat!

What makes me most sick about all of this is that from the White House to the Halls of Congress, they speak more often than not about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and all the way to the State of Israel they pray around the clock calling on Yahweh, (Orthodox Jews do not accept Christ) and I just can’t help but wonder; “What does our gracious God have to do with such egregious machinations and hypocrisy? El Shaddai took it upon Himself to die on the cross for all of us, why, must we keep crucifying our Lord over and over and over!”

Sheriff Ali

Beverly Hills

California, 90212