"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The sparkle that glitters in your eyes!



O! Pretty one, beautiful is your heart

God’s blessings unto you, He did impart

Tranquility in your effulgence

From the Hand of Diligence

An Artist you are in every way

Anointed are the words you say,

Your demeanor of such quintessence

Much more than the finest essence

Awesome is your amazing beauty

For it spans from Sea to Sea,

The sparkle that glitters in your eyes

Unequivocally, they tell no lies

Consternation in your every laughter

Even dim lights become brighter,

Humble you are with so much passion

For certain, Heaven will be your Mansion!

© Sheriff Ali 2011


Hope is fading fast

In God my vote is cast,

How much longer can humanity last?

With a pending nuclear blasts

Wisdom came from above

Meant to be a harmless Dove,

Wise as Serpents were required of us

But vanity became our futile lusts

God promised milk and honey?

And not mammon and money,

God desire for us to rise

But not by deceit and lies

“The meek shall inherit the earth”

It is not about owning dirt,

It’s wearing God’s golden crowns

Arrayed in Silk White Gowns!

© Sheriff G Ali 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011


Look into my world

It’s sad and cold,

And what do you see?

A life of misery

Answering to life’s call

I continue to fall,

Unable to say no

But further, I cannot go

Giving all and then some

Like in the desert Sun,

My inside is empty

Is life just futility?

I look to West

But find no rest,

Afraid to look South

For I am steadfast in doubt!

But I am calling unto Heaven

For there, I will find my haven!

© Sheriff G Ali 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011


This life sometimes is very strange

At times it seems even deranged,

Complications may come tomorrow

Bringing with it much sorrow

At midnight here I sit alone

I can hear my inside groan,

Feeling so empty inside

I just want to run and hide

Soon the dawn will break the dust

And face the day, yes I must

Would this new day bring a sigh?

Or would I still hurt and cry?

Well, the hours are stealing apace

Perhaps the bed should be my place,

I will not sit and pine and wait

For I see a vision of Heaven’s Gate!

© Sheriff Ali 2007-2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011




Elizabeth came into our lives decades before
But in our hearts, she was always next door,
This paragon never failed to shine
From a special "bodega," was this most precious wine

Her adulthood same as when she was a child
Her demeanor was always a pretty smile!
Luxurious tresses sat on her shoulders and sparkles in her eyes
Yahweh used a special alabaster, to create his jewel child

Sometimes beauty and deception are intertwined
This jewel child was not just elegant, but truly sublime,
Our sojourner's walk were apart as the Raven and the Dove
But for Elizabeth, our hearts were filled love?

Now she has left at the inception of spring,
Elizabeth is flying on Eagles’ Wings!

© Sheriff G Ali March 23, 2011

Author's Comments:

"God in his Majesty should always be praised for his marvelous works in all of life. To be not just attractive, but pretty, with the most wonderful and caring heart and soul, these are blessings that are innumerable. Thank you, Elizabeth Taylor…

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Memories of the Hacienda….

Thinking about the Hacienda

The good times I remember,

My heart hears the Church bells ringing

I am still muse by the people singing

Such happiness from this oasis

When love was our basis,

How did this beatitude end?

Considering, perpetuity was our trend

Perhaps love does last forever

Even when relationships sever,

With this burning sensation inside

And feelings I can’t hide

So, Vaya Con Dios my darling

You are the Sun in my every morning,

May the Lord placate your emptiness!

And fill you with peace and happiness!

© Sheriff G. Ali 2008-2011

Monday, March 21, 2011


O! Moon-Lit sky shining on the river

Glittering streams like a golden anchor,

Even in the stillness of night

How precious your Divine light!

Cool Zephyrs are gently hissing

Angels in snow-white clothes are dancing,

My sweet-heart is ballading with me

Smiles on her face I see

The harp is echoing a melody

Peace with such buoyancy,

Awakening from this amazing dream

Heaven is what I have seen

Laying in my upstairs chamber

My heart and soul now somber,

Solace in this melancholy world

Is, when this dream unfolds!

© 2007 - 2011 by Sheriff G Ali

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beyond this place of wrath and tears...

There are those before my time and I am certain that there would be many after me, who would also find “solace” in the poetic words penned by William Ernest Henley, in 1875


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.

I have not winced nor cried aloud
My head is bloody, but unbowed
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

It matters not how strait the gate,
I am the master of my fate

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.”

My Comments –March 21 2011

The twists and turns in my life have been rapid; sometimes the frequency is more than I can bare and the dark valleys seem to go unabated without even a tincture of light. But my faith in God, My Lord; draws me out of the doldrums of deep and unforgiving waters of illnesses to intermittent health; from insatiable circumstances to miraculous reconciliation; and yes, I thank my God and Lord, “for never leaving me nor forsaking me!”

U.S. and Allies Strike Libya!


After weeks of phenomenal procrastination, finally, the right step has been taken to stop the deranged Dictator and his sons from the brutality that they have perpetrated on their own people – “the Libyans.”

Just imagine, had this been done two weeks ago or even one week ago, how many lives could have been saved!

When the Politicians are lying to us they do it Vis a Vis phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies, however, even when human lives are at “stake,” they want everything to be Politically Correct! Thus in the final analysis, some Presidents and other world leaders rather try to cover their asses than to take a Political risk for what is morally right.

But, I am relieved that substantive actions were initiated on March 19, 2011 to prevent the all out slaughter of the Libyan people for justifiably “wanting to rid themselves of Gaddafi,” who has made hell on earth for them, for the past 42 years!

Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Obama Takes Hard Line With Libya After Shift by Clinton!

Obama Takes Hard Line With Libya After Shift by Clinton!

WASHINGTON — In a Paris hotel room on Monday night, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton found herself juggling the inconsistencies of American foreign policy in a turbulent Middle East. She criticized the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates for sending troops to quash protests in Bahrain even as she pressed him to send planes to intervene in Libya.


“A beautiful woman is the perfect workmanship of God and the sole wonder of the world, so when I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of happiness for all, I feel no doubt of their capacity for the most herculean undertakings!”

"There is something in a woman beyond all human delights: a magnetic virtue, a charming quality, an occult and powerful motive, of heart-felt caring and love!"

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, March 17, 2011

America would have been better served with President Hillary Clinton!


President Obama who seems to have been absent since the Protest for Democracy begun in the Middle East has damaged America’s credibility and our credibility is still hemorrhaging because of Obama’s continued timidity to deal with troubling “world affairs.” Thus far in this morass Secretary of State Clinton has not minced words and during her recent visit to Tunisia and Egypt she “deliberately called for the removal by force of Muammar Gaddafi and his regime.” She emphasized on Tuesday that “we” (the world) cannot allow Gaddafi to continue his brutal and bloody abuse of the Libyan people.

During all of this truly amazing moment in history, Obama is no where to been seen, and when he does surface it is usually followed by his continued incoherent and mangled position and words of a “weakling!”

Thanks to Mrs. Clinton and the Leaders of France and England, we have managed to forge a United Nations Resolution that authorizes any and all means in dealing with Gaddafi, save that of any foreign invasion of Libya, and rightly so!

I am on record of not supporting Obama during the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election. I supported Mrs. Clinton until Obama secured the Nomination. However, from the minute he won the election I have given him my support like so many others. Since becoming President I did not always agree with him on all that he has done, but I usually gave him the benefit of the doubt, and in the 2010 Mid-Term Election I gave him and the Democrats my unequivocal support.

However, his total mismanagement since the uprising in Egypt to this present moment, Obama has turned the most powerful nation in the world into a “frightened child,” metaphorically speaking. I do believe he is a good husband, father and in general, a decent person, but he is not “fit to lead this nation!” When our Leader allows our country to be trumped by France and England on decisiveness, because our President is afraid to risk his Presidency, he cannot be allowed a second term.

When President Mandela was challenged by his then Chief of Staff whereby she stated to him; “You are risking your Presidency!” President Mandela profoundly said; “the day I stop risking my Presidency for what is morally right, then, I am no longer fit to govern my nation.” Peace through strength is the only peace, for peace through weakness is so fragile and explosive that it blows up and scorches everything within its reach!

Sheriff G Ali

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

America and Europe props-up Dictators who slaughter children, women and men, by doing nothing!

America and Europe props-up Dictators who slaughter children, women and men, by doing nothing! In the final analysis we would have to answer not only for the things we did, but for what we “did not do!”

“The real function of power and the order it creates is the liberation of men and women to think and be and make most of themselves.”

It is sad and very unfortunate that the Western Powers – “America and Europe,” who for their own selfishness sits idly by and allow the slaughter of the Libyans and now the people of Bahrain!

“We,” America, have consistently encouraged the Middle-Eastern people to stand up for Democracy and promised time and again that if they do, “we would be there for them,” but at every juncture that the people rose up, we turn tail and ran like Coyotes.

I am British by birth and have lived in America for 41 years. I admire and respect the people of both of these countries, but the duplicity of both Governments, especially The United States of America; their despicable deeds are totally inconsistent to the wantonness that exudes out of the mouths of the Politicians.

All of the American Presidents for the past 51 years including Barack Obama, their demeanor and campaign pledges, have been and continues to be a far cry as opposed to when they get into office.

For five decades and counting Europe and the United States installed and propped up Dictators“killers of children, men and women” and we are still on this morally bankrupt road as we were decades ago to this present day!

“Our Government always does what is POLITICALLY expedient rather than what is MORALLY right, and for this we would always come to regret the politically expedient decisions.”

President Obama these are your words in 2008…..

"When genocide is happening, when ethnic cleansing is happening somewhere around the world and we stand idly by, that diminishes us." (Barack Obama 2008)

"We may not always have national security issues at stake, but we have moral issues at stake." (Barack Obama 2008)

"We have to consider it as part of our interests, our national interests, in intervening where possible." (Barack Obama 2008)

Sheriff G Ali

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

“Invictus” - Latin for "unconquerable"

On Robin Island Prison “Nelson Mandela” found hope in the words of this Victorian Poem, perhaps, we could too!

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.

Invictus! Invictus!
I have not winced nor cried aloud
My head is bloody, but unbowed
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

It matters not how strait the gate,
I am the master of my fate

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

Written by William Ernest Henley - 1875

Monday, March 14, 2011

The next Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale in 2012!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Two years into its pledge to improve government transparency, the Obama administration handled fewer requests for federal records from citizens, journalists, companies and others last year even as significantly more people asked for information. The administration disclosed at least some of what people wanted at about the same rate as the previous year.

People requested information 544,360 times last year under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act from the 35 largest agencies, up nearly 41,000 more than the previous year, according to an analysis by The Associated Press of new federal data. But the government took action on nearly 12,400 fewer requests.

The administration refused to release any sought-after materials in more than 1-in-3 information requests, including cases when it couldn't find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the request was determined to be improper under the law. It refused more often to quickly consider information requests about subjects described as urgent or especially newsworthy. And nearly half the agencies that AP examined took longer — weeks more, in some cases — to give out records last year than during the previous year.

There were some improvements. The administration less frequently invoked the "deliberative process" exemption under the law to withhold records describing decision-making behind the scenes. President Barack Obama had directed agencies to use it less often, but the number of such cases had surged after his first year in office to more than 71,000. It fell last year to 53,360, still higher than during George W. Bush's final year as president. It was still commonly invoked last year at the Homeland Security Department, which accounted for nearly 80 percent of cases across the whole government.

Overall, the decidedly mixed performance shows the federal government struggling to match the promises Obama made early in his term to improve transparency and disclose more information rapidly. "Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their government is doing," Obama said when he took office. The White House said it was voluntarily disclosing more information, forestalling a need to formally make requests under the law, and said that agencies released information in nearly 93 percent of cases, excluding instances when it couldn't find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the request was determined to be improper.

"A lot of the statistics need to be taken with a grain of salt, but they may understate our successes," said Steven Croley, a special assistant to the president for justice and regulatory policy.

The Obama administration even censored 194 pages of internal e-mails about its Open Government Directive that the AP requested more than one year ago. The December 2009 directive requires every agency to take immediate, specific steps to open their operations up to the public. But the White House Office of Management and Budget blacked-out entire pages of some e-mails between federal employees discussing how to apply the new openness rules, and it blacked-out one e-mail discussing how to respond to AP's request for information about the transparency directive.

The OMB invoked the "deliberative process" exemption — the one that Obama said to use more sparingly — at least 192 separate times in turning over the censored e-mails to the AP. Some blacked-out sections involved officials discussing changes the White House wanted and sections of the openness rules that were never made official.

This year, after Republicans won control in the House and with the presidential election looming, the fight over transparency could turn political. The new Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is conducting a broad inquiry into Obama's openness promises. The investigation was at least partly prompted by reports from the AP last year that the Homeland Security Department had sidetracked hundreds of requests for federal records to top political advisers, who wanted information about those requesting the materials.

Organizations that routinely ask for government records are fighting many of the same battles for information waged during the Bush administration. Federal offices lack enough employees and money to respond to requests quickly and thoroughly, said Anne Weismann, chief counsel at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a watchdog group. With federal spending expected to tighten, the problem will likely get worse.

"They're going to be asked to do more with less," Weismann said.

AP's analysis showed that the odds a government agency would search its filing cabinets and turn over copies of documents, e-mails, videos or other requested materials depended mostly on which agency produced them — and on a person's patience. Willingness to wait — and then wait some more — was a virtue. Agencies refused more routinely last year to quickly consider information requests deemed especially urgent or newsworthy, agreeing to conduct a speedy review about 1-in-5 times they were asked. The State Department granted only 1 out of 98 such reviews; the Homeland Security Department granted 27 out of 1,476. The previous year the government overall granted more than 1-in-4 such speedy reviews.

The parts of the government that deal with sensitive matters like espionage or stock market swindles, including the CIA or Securities and Exchange Commission, entirely rejected information requests more than half the time during fiscal 2010. And they took their time to decide: The SEC averaged 553 days to reply to each request it considered complicated, and the CIA took more than three months.

Less-sensitive agencies, such as the Social Security Administration or Department of Agriculture, turned over at least some records nearly every time someone asked for them, often in just weeks.

Some federal agencies showed marked improvements, but sometimes it came at a cost elsewhere in the government. The Homeland Security Department cut its number of backlog information requests by 40 percent last year, thanks mostly to work under a $7.6 million federal contract with TDB Communications of Lenexa, Kan., which was approved during the Bush administration. The company accomplished its work partly by forwarding to the State Department tens of thousands of requests for immigration records from Homeland Security's Citizenship and Immigration Services because the State Department makes visa determinations in immigration cases. At one point, as the Homeland Security Department was reducing its backlog, it was sending as many as 3,800 cases each month to the State Department, said Janice DeGarmo, a State Department spokeswoman.

The State Department received and handled three times as many requests in 2010 than the previous year. It ended up with a backlog of more than 20,500 overdue cases, more than twice as many as the previous year.

Also, the Veterans Affairs Department said it received 40,000 fewer information requests last year. Spokeswoman Jo Schuda said the department incorrectly labeled some requests in 2009 as being filed under the Freedom of Information Act but actually were made under the U.S. Privacy Act, a different law.

The 35 agencies that AP examined were: Agency for International Development, CIA, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Council on Environmental Quality, Agriculture Department, Commerce Department, Defense Department, Education Department, Energy Department, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Interior Department, Justice Department, Labor Department, State Department, Transportation Department, Treasury Department, Department of Veterans Affairs, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Trade Commission, NASA, National Science Foundation, National Transportation Safety Board, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Management and Budget, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Office of Personnel Management, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Securities and Exchange Commission, Small Business Administration and the Social Security Administration.

EDITOR'S NOTE _ An occasional look at promises by government officials and how well they are kept.

Article by the Associated Press!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

America’s Selected Democracy!


I think that after the unseating of two Dictators in Tunisia and Egypt, the United States Government, President Obama in particular, is lackluster about the people’s plight in Libya for one sole reason.

I can’t say for sure but my intellect tells me that Obama (and his advisors) perhaps believe that if the people of Libya overthrows Mummar Gaddafi, (A strong but brutal Dictator) then enormous momentum would be generated and the rest of the Arab world Dictators, especially those like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and others, would also fall, and the White House calculation is that; “we would be in a precarious predicament as to our influence and our Middle Eastern Oil Supply.”

Hence, this “democracy” that “we America” espouse to the world should be renamed, “Selected-Democracy.” If this is the case, sooner rather than later we would have enormous regrets. At the present time we spend well over 700 billion dollars on defense and most of the money that are being spent is for the fight against terrorism. Well, I contend that none of the uprising thus far has had anything to with anti America cynicism, but if we allow Gaddafi to crush the uprising, then the 1.5 billion people in the Middle East “would blame us.”

You may ask, why blame America? Well, no other country has stuck their nose as deep in Middle Eastern Affairs as we have; and no other country “props-up” Middle Eastern Dictators like we do! So, of course we would be faulted and justly so!

Flip the coin and suppose we do help in whatever manner we could so that the 1.5 billion people could live a life like we do; “hopes and dreams for better tomorrows, with freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness;” we would then face a far lesser threat of terrorism as we do at the present time. The reason would be is that the “people” would for the first time see America as a country that not only talk the talk, but walk the walk, because America and Democracy would be – “betwixt!”

Thus, in the final analysis; “people often doubt what you say but they always believe what you do!”

Sheriff G Ali

“Dedicated to all the people of Japan”


May Your mercy be with the deceased!

May Your grace to the living bring relief!

May Your mysteries be revealed to those that survived!

May Your miracles explain why they are alive!

O Lord! My sincere prayer this day

Is to sustain them in their dismay,

Send an overflowing basket of consolation

Revealing to them, Your Salvation!

The shaking ground brought disaster

With the tsunami that followed after,

Lord, sometimes I am at a loss

Trying to comprehend the human cost!

Omnipotent God who causes the mountain to smoke

In You, lies our dreams and every hope,

I know when this mortal life is over and done

In You, life would have just begun!

© Sheriff G Ali 2011

Author’s comment

“We must go back now to the choice mercies of yesterday and light up the lamps of the past, for they shall glitter through the darkness and we must trust in the Lord, till the day break, and the shadows flee away!”

Saturday, March 12, 2011

“Iron-Age,” (Christ Second Advent) is at hand?

“Iron-Age,” (Christ Second Advent) is at hand?


With the multiples of disasters that are transpiring in an already troubled world, it seems self-evident that the “Iron-Age,” (Christ Second Advent) is at hand.

Wars and more wars are breaking out almost on a daily basis; en economic crisis that began several years ago still exist today and have displaced people in all walks of life; three billion of the 7.7 billion are surviving on less than $2.00 US Dollars per day; one billion children, women and men go through an entire day without food or water; volcanoes are erupting more frequently than before; earthquakes seems like a daily dosage with devastating consequences; tsunamis are now a world-wide event; and yes, MAN’S EVIL looks like it has finally caught up with us. It seems apparent that Man’s avarice is beginning to bite!

I can’t speak for others, but my only sure “surety” in this world is my God! He never promised me that there wouldn’t be storms of life, but He did promise that He would take me through the storms! “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ZEPHYR = “Gentle Breeze”

Like before the harvest when the bud is perfect

This magical feeling, I thank you for it

Symbolic of the mysterious zephyr

You have made my life brighter

Break the earthen pitcher that conceals your love

Fly over the bushel like a mighty dove,

Truly, you are that special zenith

Most certainly, you’re intrinsic

You are my epitome in this troubled world

Thoughts of you serenade my soul,

Betwixt we are in serendipity

Together we blend like strings in harmony…

© Sheriff G Ali 2008-2011

TWO ROSES; red is my passion; white is my compassion!

Such beauty lay sleeping

Her amazing love unending

Much more than I deserve

This I observe

After searching all the faces

And taking all the chances

Her love, so special, so true

Mine eyes only see you

The red rose expresses my passion

The white is my caring compassion

If these roses could speak my feeling

She will know she is not dreaming

Is such a love possible?

Amidst all my trouble

Finding this love in my life

Certainly, gone would be my strife!

© Sheriff G. Ali 2009-2011


A Rose may not die but it will certainly mourn

Before you make this choice to be with me

Please take a good look, at all that you see

I have no Mansion on a hill with a Crystal Chandelier

The precariousness of my life, we will live in fear

For you, there will be no dresses for special dances

Necessities of life will be one in a million chances

A peaceful life to have, I must give up all that I earned

For so many decades, happiness is all I yearned

In this difficult decision, I must give up all

Only then I can answer my destiny’s call

All I have to give is standing in front of you

Think once, twice, thrice, before you say I do

Look into the ocean, the myriads of miles of Sea

That silent empty distance, well, that is me!

© Sheriff G Ali 2009-2011

Author’s Comments

I must go back, then, a little way to the choice mercies of yesterday, and though all may be dark now, I must light up the lamps of the past. They shall glitter through the darkness, and I shall trust in the Lord till the day break, and the shadows flee away.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

“President Obama, you are weakening America’s Credibility…”

“President Obama, you are weakening America’s Credibility…”

“The Obama administration is throwing out so many conflicting messages on Libya that they are blunting any potential pressure on the Libyan regime and weakening American credibility. It’s dangerous to make threats if you’re not prepared to follow through. All of the public hand-wringing has made it even worse.”

Click the link to read the entire editorial;


President Obama these are your words in 2008…..

"When genocide is happening, when ethnic cleansing is happening somewhere around the world and we stand idly by, that diminishes us." (Barack Obama 2008)

"We may not always have national security issues at stake, but we have moral issues at stake." (Barack Obama 2008)

"We have to consider it as part of our interests, our national interests, in intervening where possible." (Barack Obama 2008)

Mr. President, “People often doubt what you say but they always believe what you do,” thus far your words do not match your deeds!


Sheriff G Ali
