"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Only Memories Remain!

Dedicated to S.C. Ali

In her sorrows I still see her
Crying with so much pain,
When we said goodbye and parted
I knew, we’d never meet again

Life is a dying ember
Where only memories remain,
And through the years I remember
Her crying, with so much pain

Time has passed my hair is silver
Seems like we loved in vain!
Such memories, I forever quiver
I’m filled with so much pain

When we meet up yonder
We would be holding hands again,
In a land that knows no sunder
Or pangs and pines or pain!

© Sheriff G Ali 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

If you are bedeviled with “what does Mitt Romney stand for,” then don’t be, because Mitt Romney doesn’t know what he stands for!

Mitt Romney was for women’s rights and now he is not!

Mitt Romney was against Bush’s tax cuts and now he is!

Mitt Romney was for “National Insurance” and now he is not!

Mitt Romney would sell his soul if it would make him President!

As head of private equity firm Bain Capital, Romney was the lead deal-maker, buying and selling companies to make more money for investors. Whether companies boomed or filed for bankruptcy, the Boston-based firm found profits for Romney, and other executives and investors. Romney, who spent most of his career at Bain, estimated wealth in 2007 at as much as $250 million.

Entrepreneurs and corporate founders “create the bulk of the jobs, not the financiers. At Dade Behring Inc. a medical-testing company based in Deerfield, Illinois, Bain cut at least 1,600 jobs during a series of acquisitions before the firm entered into bankruptcy in 2002. Romney foreshadowed those cuts in a speech to employees shortly after Bain acquired the firm.

DDI Corporation, an electronics company in Anaheim, California, filed for bankruptcy in 2003 after Bain sold shares in the company generating at least $85.5 million and billed $10 million in management fees.

Employees who lost jobs at Bain-controlled companies more than a decade ago say they still hold Romney responsible.

“I would not vote for him for anything,” said Phyllis Detro, 68, who lost her job at Bain-owned office paper products factory in Marion, Ind., closed in 1995. “I’d like to see the jobs that he’s created.” Romney did not create jobs, he took away jobs!

Sheriff G Ali

“Trinidad and Tobago has invoked the State of Emergency more than other Islands”

The “seriousness” arises from the fact that such a declaration quickly strips the individual of fundamental rights and freedoms that the same Constitution makes a considerable effort to protect.

Once a State of Emergency is declared we understand that the State can invade our privacy, restrict our liberty and presume a level of potential guilt that justifies arbitrary arrest and detention. In such situation, we accept the legitimacy of such action in the interest of the greater good.

If you live in Trinidad, then, in the interest of you and your family, please open this link;

Sheriff G Ali

Rick Perry! The Preacher without a soul!

Rick Perry turned Texas into LITTLE-CHINA with minimum wage jobs, cutting funding for education and the obligations to the elderly and the poor. The jobs Mr. Perry so lavishly boasts about creating were done so at the expense of people’s lives. He eliminated taxes for business and that created an influx of companies that moved to Texas. With Perry’s no rules, regulations or obligations to most of Texas employees, Perry and his rich business friends, are living high on the backs of the people that are already suffering, the same as what transpires in CHINA!

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, August 25, 2011


In a Desert of dry sand filled with thorns
A Rose may not die but it will certainly mourn
Before you make this choice to be with me
Please take a good look, at all that you see

I have no Mansion on a hill with a Crystal Chandelier
The precariousness of my life, we will live in fear
For you, there will be no dresses for special dances
Necessities of life will be one in a million chances

A peaceful life to have, I must give up all that I earned
For so many decades, happiness is all I yearned
In this difficult decision, I must give up all
Only then I can answer my destiny’s call

All I have to give is standing in front of you
Think once, twice, thrice, before you say I do
Look into the ocean, the myriads of miles of Sea
That silent empty distance, well, that is me!

© Sheriff G Ali 2010

Author’s Comments

I must go back, then, a little way to the choice mercies of yesterday, and though all may be dark now, I must light up the lamps of the past. They shall glitter through the darkness, and I shall trust in the Lord till the day break, and the shadows flee away.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Judge Belvin Perry, is a vindictive “sorry loser!”

The Double Jeopardy Clause is one of the clauses in the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution which provides many safeguards to the citizens of the United States. The safeguards mentioned in this Amendment have mostly to do with protecting people from unjust charges and trials by the government.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Beyond this world of wrath and tears….

In the clutch of pains that follow me
From my head down to my sole,
I wonder what life holds’ for me?
In the darkness of my world

Despite the pangs I would not complain
Even when I pine,
And though at times I feel disdain
I know, I am wholly Thine

Beyond this world of wrath and tears
Looms, but the Heavens’ above,
With freedom from pains or fears
And the bounty of my Father’s love

So, in the midst of my circumstance
In this blessed evening shade,
I’ll live by faith and not by chance
Strong in heart and unafraid!

© Sheriff G Ali – May 9, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The sad facts behind Rick Perry’s Texas miracle! He is just another "buffoon!"

Rick Perry’s Texas is Ross Perot’s Mexico come north. Through a range of enticements we more commonly associate with Third World nations — low wages, no benefits, high rates of poverty, scant taxes, few regulations and generous corporate subsidies — the state has produced its own “giant sucking sound,” attracting businesses from other states to a place where workers come cheap.

Perry’s calling card in the presidential race is his state’s record of job creation at a time when the national economy floundered. Yes, Texas has created lots of jobs, though that’s partly a reflection of the surge in oil prices, which in turn created tens of thousands of jobs in the oil and gas industries. What Perry touts in his stump speech, however, isn’t the oil boom but, rather, the low-tax, low-regulations, handouts-to-business climate that prevails in Texas. It’s the kind of spiel that businesses hear every day from leaders of developing nations — Mexico and, even more, China.

Consider the Texas that Perry holds up to the rest of the nation for admiration. It has the fourth-highest poverty rate of any state. It tied with Mississippi last year for the highest percentage of workers in minimum-wage jobs. It ranks first in adults without high school diplomas. Twenty-six percent of Texans have no health insurance— the highest percentage of medically uninsured residents of any state. It leads the nation in the percentage of children who lack medical insurance. Texas has an inordinate number of employers who provide no insurance to their workers, partly because insurance rates are high, thanks to an absence of regulations.

Perry seems quite comfortable with the state’s lagging performance in what we might term the pursuit-of-happiness index. Consider his indifference toward education: In 2008, the state comptroller found that 12 percent of Texans lacked high school diplomas and that the level in the coming years unless the state’s commitment to education was considerably increased. This year, though, when confronted with a $27billion budget deficit, Perry did not raise taxes but instead slashed $4billion from K-12 schools. In this regard, the equation of Perry with China’s leaders is unfair to China: The Chinese understand that the better educated their people become, the more high-skill and high-compensating jobs their nation will attain. No such understanding seems to have permeated Perry’s brain.

In one significant particular, though, Perry’s policies fairly ape the Chinese. Over the past eight years, the state has given businesses nearly $500 million in grants and financial incentives to help them expand. Perry’s economic vision is the kind of race-to-the-bottom mercantilism we’ve come to expect from developing nations in the globalized economy, although, as China, Brazil and India illustrate, many such nations have begun to provide citizens with more schooling and better jobs as they grow wealthier. No comparable developments can be seen in Rick Perry’s Texas.

Now Perry wants to take his model national. In “Fed Up,” his campaign manifesto, he says the federal government has gone too far by passing laws “regulating the environment, regulating guns, protecting civil rights, establishing the massive programs and Medicare and Medicaid, [and] creating national minimum wage laws.” These are all endeavors, he argues, that should be left to the states.

I could understand how a governor with a good record on providing medical insurance, for instance, could argue that his state’s plan is one the nation should emulate, but, when the governor of the state with the highest level of medical un-insurance calls for dismantling the national programs and letting states go their own way; that’s industrial-strength chutzpah.

What Perry either ignores or doesn’t know is how greatly Texas has benefited from the investments and regulations of the federal government he despises. He grew up; he tells all who will listen, on a small, hardscrabble Texas farm. But it was Franklin Roosevelt’s Rural Electrification Administration that brought electricity to those farms, which, left to the mercies of the market, would have remained dark for decades. The New Deal threw money at Texas, bringing it dams, highways and schoolhouses. The cumulative effect of policies such as the federal minimum wage has been to diminish the disparity that long existed between the industrialized North and the more poverty-stricken South.

Perry wants to unravel the national social contract and once again have us go state by state, with the low-wage, low-regulations, states dragging down the others, much as Chinese mercantilism has dragged down wages and living standards across the United States. He is the 21st-century, homegrown version of the Manchurian candidate!


Monday, August 15, 2011

The ultimate power of the United States, still lies in the hands of the American people!

The ultimate power of the United States, still lies in the hands of the American people, but only if they would declare a moratorium for at least the remainder of 2011, on being Democrats, Republicans and Independents, and instead, be “Americans first!”

Neither the President nor the houses of Congress possess the power of the “voters,” for without the votes of each citizen for a particular “Party,” no one can be elected. In all of the recent bona fide polling, Congress has a 10% approval rating and the President is at 40%.

From these Polling figures it is self evident that the American people are able to ascertain that the entire Government in Washington D.C., seems helpless in being constructive that would alleviate the problems that is eating away like cancer, the substance of hope for 98% of the American people.

The Democrats must understand that it is very necessary that their duty is to “means test” all entitlements and cut off all wasteful spending, thus making the programs more financial stable, that would essentially cause us to live up to our obligations as a society, to protect the poor and the elderly and provide a Government guarantee for the proper education of all of America’s children, not only for the present generation, but for generations to come!

The Republicans must stop their inhumane agenda to slash entitlements while protecting the wealthiest 2% of Americans from paying their fair share, and closing the loop-holes that allow companies that earn billions of dollars in profits for which they do not pay any taxes. All Republicans permeate the same sorry excuse that somehow this is “a factor in creating jobs.” They the Republicans have managed to keep these wanton policies in place for ten years and counting, and yet, unemployment stands at 9.1%

The Republicans phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies, prevent the Government from taking in badly needed revenues that can help America reset its responsibilities, that would lead to a more fair and equitable system and in addition, allow us once again like we did in the late 90’s, to be financially stable.

Just imagine the nonsensical policies that were enacted prior to 2009! An American Company doing business in the United States and employing American workers, are allowed to usurp their business from within American, supplant it in another country and for that, they are allowed tax breaks and they are also allowed to deduct as a tax write off, all of the expenses they incur, for moving their business outside of The United States.

Just one example is Apple! Apple employs in the United States approximately 50, 000 employees, however in India they employ approximately “ONE MILLION EMPLOYEES, and in China Apple employs “ONE MILLION PLUS.”  But to be fair, Apple isn’t the only company that has done this, please click the link;

and you would see a list from A – Z. So, if you want to know why the job market in America is stalled, well, this paragraph should provide you with the answer.

In the final analysis, unless and until the American people vote their “intelligence” and not their “emotions,” America would continue to entrance into even more and more, “deeper and unforgiving waters!”

Sheriff G Ali

Sunday, August 14, 2011

One GOP Monkey slid down the Pole and quit and the other, took to the Broom!

On Saturday August 13th 2011, The  GOP Monkey candidate Tim Pawlenty came in a distant 3 with 2293 votes in the Iowa Straw Poll, he slid down the Pole and quit his Presidential run Sunday August 14, 2011.

The other GOP Monkey Michele Bachmann, won the  Straw-Poll with 4,823 votes and decided that her extreme Political position qualifies her to get off the Pole and fly on a Broom!

It was sad to see the 9 candidates in the debate along with Rick Perry in South Carolina, juggernauting for the GOP Nomination by advocating their plans to; “screwing the poor and the elderly and literally ripping into shreds, the future of the American Children’s Education! 

Why do people vote for these people? I would never know!

Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, August 13, 2011

There were NINE Monkeys and now there are TEN, with Rick Perry joining the Political Circus, juggernauting for the GOP nomination

All “TEN of the GOP Presidential Monkeys are climbing up the same “POLE!” Their justification for asking the American people to make them President is that “it is solely President Obama’s fault for all that ails America!”

There were NINE Monkeys and now there are TEN, with Rick Perry joining the Political Circus, juggernauting for the GOP nomination. These are the same hideous idiots that ran the country into the ground with George W. Bush at the helm!

Now, their claim is that President Obama is the “sole” reason for everything that has gone wrong in America. The most inexorable despicable fact about The Republican Party is that, “they are hell bent on throwing the elderly, poor and America’s educational system further down the abyss,” in order that they, The GOP, continue to protect America’s wealthiest and big business!

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, August 11, 2011

O America! A tortoise would be more at home on cheap-side than we who are taunted by the extremists on the right and the left…

O America! A tortoise would be more at home on cheap-side than we who are taunted by the extremists on the right and the left and those in between – “The Politicians we vote into office who are morally bankrupt of shame, honesty, decency, and sympathy of kind, for they are forever stepping on the backs of those that are less fortunate in our society!” 

I had given first prize for a definitive crazy person to Sarah Palin, however, in light of the fact that Michele Bachmann became a Presidential Candidate and she shouts louder now than her phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies advocated in the 2010 mid-term election, I am sorry Palin, Bachmann has beaten you in the ongoing crazy person contest.

Sarah Palin gives off the cuff answers to questions which are most of the time strange, but Michele Bachmann “actually” manufactures and permeates stories that “no sane person” would do and still go on day after day with a straight face, or should I say; “A war-painted, covered face.”

Just imagine how much the American people are hurting financially since 2008 to the present day, and yet Michele Bachmann and her colleagues on their stump speech, advocates that President Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and on Businesses, for which they proclaim that such an act would kill jobs. Well, think about this for a minute! The Bush’s tax cuts for the upper 2% has been in existence for ten years and counting, so, where are the jobs?

I think the most troubling thought for me in all of this is, how can the good hearted American people with common sense and or education or both, listen to Bachmann, Romney, Pawlenty and the other “want to be Presidential Candidates,” and what’s even worse is, these people take what ever little money they have and support these misfits that espouses so much misnomers, that a University Graduate if they believe what they hear, their minds could become that of a child in Kindergarten!

Sheriff G Ali

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ABC NEWS ANCHOR - Bob Woodruff, fell into a coma for 36 days and explains his out of body experience on ABC – NIGHTLINE, August 3, 2011

Bob Woodruff – ABC NEWS was injured in Iraq in 2006. The vehicle he was traveling in was hit by a (IED) Improvised Explosive Device. He remained in a coma for 36 days. In this Video he explains “his out-of-body experience,” with others who have had the same or similar experience.

See the ABC VIDEO in its entirety;

In 1996 I fell into a diabetic coma for six days and six nights. Had I not had this experience it would be difficult for me to relate to Mr. Woodruff’s experience, but because of my own “out of body experience,” I do not question anything he has stated. I wrote out what I saw whilst in the coma and posted it on my web site. And yes, I went through the gate of Hades and that is where Christ intervened and bestowed unto me, a foretaste of Heaven.

The fact that ABC News allowed this broadcast is amazing in itself, because this type of subject for the most part, is deemed anti-social, embarrassing or is usually hidden from the public. But, stop and think for a moment and maybe you might come to the conclusion, “That God allowed this ABC 44 minutes video to be aired, just for you!”

Sheriff G Ali

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Condoning racism is equally sinful as the racist that espouse it, in words and deeds!

Racism was the catalyst that drove the Republicans and the Tea Party to institute for the first time in our history, “conditions” on raising the Debt Ceiling. Most of the time the News Media wouldn’t touch it, Commentators won’t discuss it, but it is vividly clear to the world – The Right Wing treats President Obama like a “Boy!” I mean the word “Boy” that existed prior to 1964.

It is disgraceful and regretful, for this is “not” what our Soldiers have fought and died for, and it certainly would never be for the egregious and pernicious machinations as espoused by these ‘hypocrites!”

And these are the same people that show up without fail each and every Sunday to Church. At every twist and turn they “jaw” the name of God. Perhaps it would do us well to speak from our hearts, David’s benediction;

“Search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; see Lord, if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me the way everlasting! Psalm 139

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, August 8, 2011

America's biggest problem!

These people, “The Republicans and The Tea Party,” (One and the same) would stop at nothing when it comes to sacrificing 98% of the American people in order to enhance the pockets of the 2% of the richest Americans, and yet, so many bestow unto these “cold-hearted misfits,” their votes that keeps them in power! How dumb can we as a people be? Time after time, we keep voting against our interest and the interest of our children by electing these people in Office!”

America, wake up, these people does not have your interest even in the minutest part of their thoughts; to them you are of the saxifrage family – “the shrub bearing their gooseberries.” When you attend their rallies and they look down at you, they seen not your faces, but they do indeed see “dollar signs!”

In the final analysis, they are no different than the lunatics that blow up innocent people in the name of God, which is a manifestation of hate. There is a small step from fear to hate, and I am afraid that these people, “the conservatives,” have already taken that step, the only difference is that they are dressed up most elegantly – “with your hard earned money that you constantly give to them, advocating “ their narcissistic poisonous deluge!”

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, August 1, 2011

“But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might...”(Micah 3:8, NIV)

In today’s scripture, Micah knew how to encourage himself in the Lord. He understood how to draw in courage and strength and align himself with God’s purpose for his life. He knew there was power in his words and power in agreeing with God.

It works the same way with us today. Romans 10:9–10 tells us that salvation comes when we believe in Jesus and then declare what we believe. In the same way, we activate the power of God by believing and declaring it. (Job 22:28)

Today, know that God loves you and desires to empower you for every task you face. Receive His strength and activate it by declaring that He is at work in your life by the Holy Spirit! Declare that you are filled with power, strength, justice and wisdom as you face the challenges before you. Believe it, receive it and declare it because He has equipped you to overcome in every area of your life.


Father in heaven, I invite You to flood every area of my being. Fill me with Your strength, peace, joy and power. I declare today that I am strong and equipped in You. I praise You for Your faithfulness and go forth in Your favor, I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

By: JO