"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Saturday, December 18, 2010

When a man/woman is anxious he/she cannot pray with faith!

We were told by our precious Savior: “The very hairs on your head are all numbered: not a sparrow falleth to the ground without your Father.” It would bring a Holy calm over your mind, dear friend, if you were always to remember this.

It would so relieve your mind from anxiety, that you would be the better able to walk in patience, quiet, and cheerfulness as a true child of God. When a man/woman is anxious he/she cannot pray with faith; when he/she is troubled about the world, he/she cannot serve our Master, and his/her thoughts are serving oneself.

If you would seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” all things would then be added unto you. You are meddling with Christ’s business, and neglecting your own when you fret about your lot and circumstances. You have been trying “providing” work and forgetting that it is yours to obey.

Be wise and attend to the obeying and let Christ manage the providing. Come and survey your Father’s storehouse, and ask whether He will let you starve while He has laid up so great an abundance in His garner? Look at His heart of mercy; see if that can ever prove unkind! Look at His inscrutable wisdom; see if that will ever be at fault.

Above all, look up to Jesus Christ your Intercessor, and ask yourself, while He pleads, can your Father deal ungraciously with you? If He remembers even the sparrows, will He forget one of the least of His poor children? “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain thee. He will never suffer the righteous to be move!”

“My soul, rest happy in thy low estate,

Not hope nor wish to be esteemed or great;

To take the impress of the Will Divine,

Be that thy glory, and those riches thine!”

Sheriff G Ali

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



When gloom falls over us the only way to get out from under it is to see the "Light" again, and that Light is the Countenance of our Lord, for without Him, our thoughts would become blacker than the darkest night and our minds would continually be stealing apace.

No power on earth or in heaven is greater than Almighty God, and so long as we are aware that we are "under the shadow of the wings of our Lord," we do not live in worry or in fear, but in faith.

We must always endeavor to get off the "train" of fear because that train carries luggage of all sorts, but the "train" of "faith" has no luggage, it always provide us with "Eagle's Wings" to fly not cry, to persevere not despair, to hope and not fear!

I have been down this road before and after this time has past, it may be I would have to travel on the road again, but by faith and trust in my God, "I shall never be moved!"

Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, December 11, 2010


What has life come to?

Pain is always there,

Day and night goes by

In anguish I suffer,

A sacrificed life

In constant dark valleys,

Would I ever reach the top?

Or, has life passed me by!

The disposition on my face

Tells not the pain in my heart,

Mine tear filled eyes

As silence speaks to me,

Words cannot explain

The weariness of my mind,

The torment of my soul

As sadness overflows my cup,

Would there be a drought?

Who knows? I don’t!

© Sheriff G Ali 2010

Clinton to the rescue?

“[Reason is] a free activity of the mind, reaching conclusions under no compulsion save that of evidence!”

The American people voted the Republicans into controlling the House of Representatives come January 2011. In addition, they increased the number of Republican Senators thus making it much more difficult for President Obama to accomplish anything that is vitally needed, that would inure to the benefit of the large amount of Americans that are presently living in misery.

President Obama like former President Clinton and others are fully cognizant of this fact, hence the reason why they seek a compromise with the Republicans on the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts for another two years. If the Democrats in the House and Senate does not back the President and allow the Tax Cuts to expire on December 31, 2010, then everyone taxes would be increased as of January 2011. In this compromise bill unemployment would be extended for another thirteen (13) months and there are other benefits that would aid our struggling economy and keep us on the road to recovery.

For those that are promulgating “no compromise” they should tell that to the fourteen million people that are out of work; to the people whose unemployment benefits have expired and they still haven’t been able to find work, and the tens of millions that are hurting financially.

Sheriff G Ali

“From NBC's Athena Jones: With the fate of a tax deal reached with Republicans still uncertain, President Obama brought out one of his party's biggest guns to help drum up support for the agreement: former President Bill Clinton.

The current president called on his predecessor in part to help convince angry Democrats -- especially in the House of Representatives -- to pull together to vote for a bill he believes will help spur economic growth and job creation and without which the economic recovery could falter.

"I thought, given the fact that he presided over as good an economy as we've seen in our lifetimes, that it might be useful for him to share some of his thoughts," Obama said in introducing. Clinton.

Clinton's surprise appearance in the White House briefing room after a closed door meeting with the president was the latest salvo in a massive, week-long, multimedia blitz by the White House urging passage of the bill.

Officials have used television interviews, the Internet, speeches, and phone calls to press the plan.

"The agreement, taken as a whole, is I believe the best bipartisan agreement we can reach to help the largest number of Americans and to maximize the chances that the economic recovery will accelerate and create more jobs and to minimize chances that it will slip back," Clinton said, later adding that if he were in office right now, he would do what Obama has done.

Under the plan -- which has angered many Democrats, especially in the House -- the Bush-era tax rates would be extended for two years for people at all income levels and unemployment insurance would be extended for 13 months. The deal includes a one-year 2 percent reduction in payroll taxes, an extension of certain tax credits for working families and students and other tax incentives to support business expansion.”

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Open your Gifts!

“He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all — how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”
(Romans 8:32, NIV)

Imagine waking up on Christmas morning and seeing a pile of presents under the tree, but never opening them. Imagine that your friends and family spent a lot of money on you, buying you things you need and desire but could never afford. Imagine that you even know what was inside those packages, but just decided to let them sit under the tree day in and day out, year after year. After all, now you have what you’ve always dreamed of. You own whatever is in those boxes. If anyone asked, you’d say, “Yes, I have that.” But it wouldn’t do you any good because you would never be able to use those gifts unless you took the time to unwrap those packages.

Friend, it’s the same way with God. He wants you to have an abundant life. His gifts are all right there for you wrapped up in the Word of God. You “open” His gift by meditating on His Word, obeying His commands and declaring it out of your mouth.

Today, I encourage you to open your gifts! Don’t let a single present sit “under the tree” any longer. Jesus paid a precious price so you could have both eternal life and abundant life. Unwrap your gifts and live in His fullness today!


Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name today I receive every good and perfect promise You have for me. I choose to take a step of faith to activate Your Word in my life. Teach me, by Your Spirit, to walk and live according to Your precepts. Amen

Written - by J.O.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cancer, courage, hope and love – “Elizabeth Edwards” final days!

Elizabeth Edwards, the embattled wife of former Sen. John Edwards, has posted what many are interpreting as a goodbye message to her Facebook page. The 61-year-old Edwards -- who separated from her husband in the wake of revelations of his infidelity -- has been battling breast cancer since 2004. It's been reported recently that the cancer had spread to her liver.

According to a statement sent out today by the Edwards family, her doctors have advised that "further treatment of her cancer would be unproductive." A source close to the Edwards family told CBS bluntly, "she is dying" and would probably pass in the coming weeks, if not days.

Writing on her Face book page that "the days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered," Edwards expressed gratitude for the love and support she's received during her years in the public eye.

"You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces -- my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope," she wrote. "These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined... It isn't possible to put into words the love and gratitude I feel to everyone who has and continues to support and inspire me every day. To you I simply say: you know."

NBC's Jeff Rossen reports that Edwards is "comfortable" at home in North Carolina surrounded by friends and family, including her estranged husband.

Elizabeth Edwards, I prayed for you!


Pain breaks not the calm of the sweet twilight of age, for strength made perfect in weakness bears up with patience under it all. Ripe fruits of choice experience are gathered as the rare repast of life’s evening, and the soul prepares itself for rest.

The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in thy bed; see the waiting bands of spirits!

Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved one, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are opened; the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet! AMEN!

What I saw in a COMA:


Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, December 4, 2010


The darkest hour has drawn nigh

But I shall never question why,

God’s plan is never straight forward

Forever he gives our just reward

This rocky mountain is hard to climb

Deserted by friends somewhat unkind,

A solitary walk on glass and fire

God’s light and faith is my attire

Holding His hand in implicit trust

Wavering never, until I’m dust

Surrendering mind, spirit and soul

My beautiful Lord keeps me whole

A rainbow of hope is on its way

Miracles happen every day,

In my path I see His light

It’s forever bright!

© 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Recognize What You Have!

“So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him”
(1 Samuel 17:50, NIV)

So often we focus on what we don’t have, how big our obstacles are, and how bad the economy is. You may say “ I don’t have the connections. I’ve got this problem, but I don’t have anybody to help me. I’ve got this dream, but I don’t have the resources.” No, here is what I’ve learned; everything you need to fulfill your destiny is within reach. God will always use something that’s close to you. It may not look extraordinary, but you have what it takes to fulfill your destiny.

When David faced the giant, Goliath, all he had was a slingshot and five stones. It looked ordinary. He could have thought, “I’m not going to face Goliath. That would be foolish. I don’t have a chance.” No, David knew that with God on his side, those ordinary stones would be exactly what he needed. Sure enough, David defeated Goliath and made history.

Today, remember, victory isn’t about what you have, it’s about God’s anointing on what you have. With God on your side, all things are possible! Focus on Him and what He can do in your life because He has extraordinary things in store for you.


Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for equipping me for my success and victory in this life. Help me to clearly see the opportunities, connections and resources You have ordained for me. I trust that with You, all things are possible. Amen.

Written by - J.O.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you. You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new”
(Leviticus 26:9–10, NIV)

God wants to bless you and multiply you. He wants to increase you above and beyond what you could ever ask, think or imagine. But sometimes, we fill our lives with so much that we simply don’t have room to receive all that God wants to give us. People fill their lives with good things, noteworthy obligations and impressive accomplishments. But “good” can be the enemy of “best.” We have to take the time to evaluate what we have in our hands and be willing to move some things out in order to make room for the new thing God has for us.

Today, take some time to evaluate your life. Be open to what God wants to do in and through you. If your hands are full, maybe it’s time to use what you have to bless other people. Don’t let holding on to yesterday keep you from God’s best. Instead, make room because He has abundant blessings in store for you.


Heavenly Father, today I open my hands and my heart to You. I choose to release anything spiritually, physically or emotionally that would keep me from Your best. Search my heart, God, and show me where I need to make adjustments to make room for You, I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Written by - J.O.