"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Senator John Mc Cain, the man who claimed always to be the only “Maverick” in the Senate, ditched the “Maverick” tag that kept his credibility intact, sold his “soul,” went against everything he stood for, became a pariah with phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies, enjoined himself to the “crazies” in his party, just to – “win the Primary for the Mid-Term November Election, with the hopes of remaining a Senator.”

I have and will always admire Senator John Mc Cain, but compromising his principles, bankrupting his morals, the things that made him the great Soldier and an American Legend, I wonder, just wonder, “How does one placate their conscience after committing such debauchery?”

Senator Mc Cain, you gave us “hope” that all Politicians shouldn’t be painted with the same disdained brush, because over the years you exemplified “the real function of power and the order it creates was that it liberated men and women to think and be and make most of themselves.” It is with great sadness that I must admit at least for me personally, that watching how you changed subsequent to the loss of the Presidency, and in addition going against almost everything you once advocated and fought for, I am not sure if you are the same person that I admired over the past forty years!

Senator Mc Cain, it took a heavy heart to pen these words!



To the families and friends of the victims of 9/11

September 11, the innocent were on the flights
And with no comprehension, knew not their plights,
The ideologically demented - they were on board
Fanatically disillusioned, was their concept of God

In their anguish and anger they commandeered the planes
With impunity for themselves, but for life, nothing but disdain,
So with instructions from "Sheol" they crashed into the Towers
Shockingly unimaginable destruction came in less than an hour

With so many lives that seemed headed for the grave
New York's rescuers, exemplified the true meaning of - " brave",
Rushing into the buildings not knowing what to expect
Down came the mighty Towers and the smell of death

O! Father of light and Giver of unmerited grace
In this our darkest moments, show us Thine face,
Bless our aching hearts with a preamble of Your plan
For we trust in Your goodness, when you raise Your "right" hand

This tragedy is so immense, we just cannot comprehend
But this evil, we are sure, You will bring to an "end"...

© 2001-2010 by Sheriff G Ali

Author's Comments:

"When pain is to be borne, a little courage helps more than much knowledge, a little human sympathy more than much courage, and the least tincture of the love of God, more than all." [C.S. Lewis] LORD, HELP US TO UNDERSTAND THE MYSTERIES OF YOUR MERCIES!

Monday, August 23, 2010



Short is the road that leads from fear to hate.”

“I will tell you what to hate; hate hypocrisy, hate can’t, hate intolerance, oppression, injustice; hate Pharisaism; hate them as Christ hated them, with a deep, living Godlike hatred.” (F.W. Robertson)

What a crying shame it is, that solemn lies by which our population is nominally comprehended into a “National” enigma, whereby invisible racism and religious fanaticism are couched into the Political forum, that is driving a wedge into the American psyche, soporifically creating an insanity that if not abated rather rapidly, our beloved country could become an American Inquisition!

A good example of this misology is the misnomer of President Barack Obama being labeled as a “Closet Moslem,” and that he wasn’t born on American soil. Can anyone condone this Puritanical deluge and still justify themselves as – SANE?

An organization with the acronym “SANE: Society for Americans for National Existence, whose sole objective is banishing Islam from the United States by making “adherence to Islam” punishable by twenty (20) years in Prison. The Founder of SANE is David Yerushalmi, and SANE, just like the Campus Watch, Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch, is another pro-Israeli, anti-Islam and anti-Muslim project exploiting patriotism and the prevailing anti-Muslim hysteria in the nation. The question is, “are we going to allow this insanity to become part of our lives that would reap havoc on and in our Nation, which God has so mercifully blessed?

The anti-Muslim hate group advocates making "adherence to Islam" punishable by 20 years in prison. In February of this year, it released a policy paper that in part stated: "Whereas, adherence to Islam as a Muslim is prima facie evidence of an act in support of the overthrow of the US. Government through the abrogation, destruction, or violation of the US Constitution and the imposition of Shari’a on the American People; it shall be a felony punishable by 20 years in prison to knowingly act in furtherance of, or to support the, adherence to Islam."

The horde for power by many in the minority Party in Congress has only one sole intent – “to become the majority,” in the mid-term election in November 2010. This uncouth insanity can only prevail if we allow our fickle and frail memory to become subservient to our rational thinking, intellect and most important, “The Truth!”

Contributing to the Draconian Politicians and the deranged David Yerushalmi are the people trying to be “relevant social activists,” (Mouth Christians) who have no personal relationship with Christ, and as such, they are like hiccups; “it doesn’t leave much room for anything else and it can prove fatal.

God is not a religion; http://sheriff-g-ali.com/writings/writingspiritualcat-godisnot.html and all Religions are manmade and have been and continue to be the catalyst for the past, present and the future wars.

However, I believe that Karl Barth (1886-1968) said it best when he wrote;

“Here is the tragic paradox of religion: If we should seriously undertake to turn as pilgrims toward that far-off land which is our home… we only display the catastrophe of human impotence in the things of God…What is our undertaking of a visible relationship, our scaling of the summit of human possibility, but our complete separation from the true invisible relationship?

Seen from God’s standpoint, religion is precisely that which we had better leave undone…Religion is not at all to be “in tune with the infinite” or be at “peace with oneself.”…Religion is an abyss; it is terror…Death is the meaning of religion.

Saturday, August 21, 2010



We can become able masters of the human heart, but only if we allow ourselves to be tutored in the school of “heart-felt” personal experience.

Kings have their troubles; the peasant has his cares; the wayfarer has many hardships; the Captain has his difficulties and there were times when the dark valleys were too much for me but thank God, “The Lord was my Shepherd!”

I was also tried in my friends and my counselors; they forsook me! They that ate my bread lifted up their heels against me, but my worst foes were that of my own household, my blood family but especially my children, they were my greatest affliction.

The temptations of poverty and wealth, of honor and reproach, of health and sickness, all took a toll on me. The trials from without disturbed my peace, and from within, marred my joy. No sooner I escaped from one trial I fell into another; emerging from one season of despondency and alarm, I was again brought into the lowest depths, whilst simultaneously the waves of billows were rolling over me.

At the time, whatever my frame of mind, whatever ecstasy of depression, was the result of emotions propelled by incomprehensible deep hurt. Having been instructed in life’s personal experience, I have matured with God’s grace through the years, and with my Lord’s inexhaustible mercy, He placed me in “Green Pastures.” “My soul, let my Lord’s grace continue to cheer and counsel thee,” this day!

© Sheriff G Ali 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010


"There is something in a woman beyond all human delights: a magnetic virtue, a charming quality, an occult and powerful motive, of heart-felt caring and love!"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



With all my heart and all my soul, I am so happy for the Soldiers that have departed from the midst of a country that we went into eight years ago. We could never thank them enough, we could never pay them enough, and no amount of gifts or medals could placate their deaths, injuries and their mental state of mind that would be a life time of anguish.

In peace the sons bury their fathers and in war the fathers bury their sons. There was never a good war or a bad war; for wars that rage within the world are a reflection of the wars that rage inside people. “As never before, the essence of war is a fire, famine and pestilence. They contribute to its outbreak; they are among its weapons; and they become its consequences.”

“Cannon and firearms are cruel and damnable machines; I believe them to have been the direct suggestion of the devil. If Adam had seen in a vision the horrible instruments his children were to invent, he would have died of grief.” Martin Luther (1483-1546)

It is always easy to begin a war, but very difficult to stop one, since its beginning and end are not under the control of the same man! So, let us hope that despite the misadventure of former President George W. Bush to cast us into Iraq for which we cannot undo, let us hope and pray that the opportunity the we afforded the Iraqi people, in our dearest treasure; “blood, tears, wounds and monetary,” that they would find it within themselves to become a nation, “where religion takes a back seat and the good of all people are at the forefront!


Monday, August 16, 2010

($4,899,100,310,608.44) REPUBLICAN HYPOCRISY!

($4,899,100,310,608.44) REPUBLICAN HYPOCRISY!

Former President Bush’s era may be behind us but the troubles that he created will haunt us for a very long time to come. I respect and admire the American people for their caring hearts and always supportive attitude of our Government lending a helping hand to a struggling world, but their amnesia is questionable!

I must admit that I am always perplexed by their shallow memory, and willingness, to allow Politicians “and want to be Politicians,” to use fabricated information that becomes a delusionary reality. The avarice of the majority of most Politicians; far exceeds any sacrifice they would ever make for the working class, who are really the back-bone of this, “our great America!”

We worry about the effect of spending a trillion dollars to bring us back from an economic precipice because, during times of relative prosperity we were sold a bill of goods about how our budget would be balanced at some time in future, despite all evidence to the contrary. What George Bush and the Republican controlled Congress did to this country profoundly weakened us.

I find it positively shocking as to the daily Polling that reflects the American people view that this financial disaster and the situation in our county is somehow the fault of President Obama and his administration. I am concerned about the Mid-Term Elections in November, whereby the present Polls suggest that the Republicans may retake both houses of Congress. And it is that “thought” that is most troubling to me and it is the catalyst that gives me the strength for the effort and time in displaying in real figures, why the economy remains in the tank that was there long before Bush’s Presidency ended;

Facts – Not Hyperbole!

On January 20, 2001 when Bush was sworn into office our National Debt stood at;

Five trillion, seven hundred and twenty seven billion, seven hundred and seventy six million, seven hundred and thirty eight thousand, three hundred and four dollars and sixty four cents; ($5,727,776,738,304.64.)

When Bush left office on January 20, 2009 our National Debt was Ten Trillion, six hundred and twenty six billion, eight hundred and seventy seven million, forty eight thousand, nine hundred and thirteen dollars and eight cents; ($10,626,877,048,913.08.)

Under Bush our National Debt expanded, Four trillion, eight hundred and ninety nine billion, one hundred million, three hundred and ten thousand, six hundred and eight dollars and forty four cents; ($4,899,100,310,608.44), which was at a rate of Six hundred and twelve billion, three hundred and eighty seven million, five hundred and thirty eight thousand, eight hundred and twenty six dollars and five cents; ($612,387,538,826.05), per annum for eight consecutive years.

After all of the outlandish spending by Bush and the Republican cronies, and with an overflowing of “duplicity,” they now pretend to have gained a sense of conscience about “the National Debt.”

And in this regard, they are claiming that the way to reduce the deficit is to “not assist the unemployed,” “allow teachers and other educators to be terminated,” and allow a host of vitally needed services to be cancelled. If you happen to be one of the people that are sucked into this unconscionable shameless “ochlocracy,” then perhaps, in the interest of your children, grandchildren and all of Americas children, please allow pause and rationality to create a meditative heart, that would remove the dust from your soul, “so that we can in the not too distant future join in one accord, echoing – “We saved our Country!”

There can be no more "magical thinking". No more tricks of accountancy. No more ignoring the costs of our aging population. This time, when we restore our economy to some semblance of health we need to pay as we go, not borrow as we cross our fingers.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

“Blind Loyalty.”

“BUSHIDO” is Japanese and means “Blind Loyalty.”


I absolutely and equivocally defend the right of everyone who is against the erection of the Mosque in New York. The defense of that right is embedded in the First Amendment to the Constitution;

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment that defends your rights; is the same First Amendment that grants the rights of the people to build the Mosque. You see man gets into trouble when they allow their personal feelings to attempt to usurp the Constitution, The Amendments to the Constitution and the Bill of rights.

The Supreme Court which is the last and only hope for Justice in America, expanded on those rights as it pertains to religion;


{In 1878, the Supreme Court was first called to interpret the extent of the Free Exercise Clause in Reynolds v United States as related to the prosecution of polygamy under federal law. The Supreme Court upheld Mr. Reynolds' conviction for bigamy, deciding that to do otherwise would provide constitutional protection for a gamut of religious beliefs, including those as extreme as human sacrifice. The Court said (at page 162): "Congress cannot pass a law for the government of the Territory which shall prohibit the free exercise of religion. The first amendment to the Constitution expressly forbids such legislation." Of federal territorial laws, the Court said: "Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious beliefs and opinions, they may with practices."

Jehovah’s Witnesses were often the target of such restriction. Several cases involving the Witnesses gave the Court the opportunity to rule on the application of the Free Exercise Clause. Subsequently, the Warren Court adopted an expansive view of the clause, the "compelling interest" doctrine (whereby a state must show a compelling interest in restricting religion-related activities), but later decisions have reduced the scope of this interpretation.}

Perhaps you are totally unaware of this fact and that is, “All” States are self-autonomous and only when State Laws attempts to usurp Federal Laws, Federal Laws trumps State Laws. Freedom of Religion is a Federal Law and The State of New York is self-autonomous. It was the State of New York that granted the people the right to build the Mosque, and said action was fully endorsed by Mayor Bloomberg and all bodies of the New York State Legislature.

One cannot take the wrong side of an argument because their opponent takes the right side. President Obama is powerless in stopping the erection of the Mosque, but whether one likes him or not, I think he deserves respect for expressing his opinion. He could have taken the politically expedient and favorable route, but he spoke his conscience for which he clarified his position by stating that “There are no Federal or State Laws that prohibits the building of the Mosque and to do otherwise, would be a violation of all laws, and it would be a great disservice for all that America stands for.” (Paraphrase)

You know more often than not, I am perplexed by the affinity that some people have with the word “Republicans.” Amazing isn’t it? It was eight years of the Republicans that threw the working class of America into the ditch, and yet, is seems to be the desire of many people for the Republicans to control the Congress subsequent to the Mid-Term Elections. Positively shocking!

I often wonder what exactly these people did that benefited America. We justifiably went into Afghanistan, but it was Bush and Cheney’s madness that got us into Iraq. It was also Bush and the Republican controlled Congress that authorized two major tax cuts that benefitted less than five percent of the Country, and yet there are those who supports the extension of the tax cuts that would add another seven hundred billion dollars to the National Debt. There is a Japanese word – “Bushido.” It hasn’t anything to do with Bush or the bush family, but it means – “Blind Loyalty!” People should remember that “blind loyalty is a form of stupidity or lack of knowledge, or both!

America was built not by politicians running for something, but by statesmen standing for something!” I pray the Lord that he keeps my eyes wide open to continue to fight for “justice for all!”

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I am not a religious person but a spiritual person and in that regard, “Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God the Son,” but I am not a partaker of man “made” religion that has reaped havoc on humanity since the inception of mankind. ( I made this statement so that I am not judged by my name and for those that question my truthfulness, please visit my website; http://www.sheriff-g-ali.com )

All of the millions of deaths, the inquisition that lasted centuries, what was it about? It was about religion? People allow their emotions to speak for them without the benefit of intellect, and in doing so; they exercise phantasmagoric rationales and internecine ideas as a means to an end!

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices; beware lest we mistake our prejudices for our conviction.

If we prohibit the Mosque from being built, we would have become just like the people some so despise!” Doing like they do, does not make it right! We should learn to accept the unchangeable and change the unacceptable!

As for President Obama’s decision, please remember that before he became President he was an Attorney and a Constitutional Lawyer at that! If one truly believes in the greatest Constitution in History and the Amendments to the Constitution, “then you would be practicing duplicity by suggesting that President Obama should have not favored the building of the Mosque or be impeached for his impetus on this simple but overly hyped matter.”


Friday, August 13, 2010




Listening to the complaints on the news from the Republicans whose avarice for power far exceeds to “needs” of the American people, one would think that these people hadn’t anything to do with the dismal state of Affairs that exist in our country.

These are the same people lead by former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, who controlled the White-House, The Senate and The House of Representatives from January 20th 2001 until January 3rd 2007. Subsequent to January 3rd 2007 the White-House remained Republican until January 20th 2009, when President Barack Obama was sworn in to face the “humongous misery” that these people created for us.

Without shame they are on every Television Program, Radio Stations, News Papers, Magazines, and on endless “Blogs,” claiming that the problems we have in America, is solely the fault of the Democratically Controlled Congress and The Obama Administration.

For the American people who are “sucked” into this insanity, well, you are as responsible as they are, for the division in the Country. In many States across America, Cities are removing tens of thousands of street lights, cutting back on vital needs, such as Police Officers, Fire Fighters and Teachers and other Educators for our children are being thrown out of their jobs, because “CONGRESSMAN, JO BONNER wants to be “Speaker of The House of Representatives, and Senator Mitch Mc Connell wants his party, The Republican Party – To become the Majority in the Senate, to stifle any progress for the rest of President Obama’s first term, so that they can again, take the White House in 2012, to protect their “rich friends;” continue to fill their own pockets, reverse the financial reform so the Banks and the Investment Firms on Wall Street, could squander “Depositors” funds again, which would cause 95% of the good hearted American people – to suffer even more than they are suffering at the moment!

Too much "spiked tea" is being drunk by not all but too many of the members in the Tea Party! After 8 years of Bush and Cheney taking us down the road of financial perdition and wantonness; Obama can’t just snap his finger and fix all of our ills in 18 months!

The previous Administration spent eight years tossing us into unforgiving waters and quick sand, and I wonder, just wonder; “where were the Tea Partiers and The Republican voices about their concerns for our Country, before we fell into this bottomless pit?”

The problem with the American electorate is that despite being truly ‘good hearted people,” they are very short on memory and big on mouth! As Americans, we have no patience to allow ourselves to think, and let “factual knowledge” permeate our disposition, we allow our emotions to do it for us without the benefit of intellect.

It seems that America couldn’t wait to throw Bush and the Republicans out of Office, so majority of the Country voted for Obama. However, though all that he has done is not perfect, we are moving in the right direction.

The Republicans who were totally out of control that ran up all of the massive debt with their “big tax cut” for 5% of the people and Bush’s ill advised war with Iraq, for which none of these big ticket items were paid for, “now” all of a sudden they are concerned about the “National Debt.” These people, not all, but most of them and some in this bent ideology Tea Party would run the country further into the ground, if given their way in the Mid-Term Elections.

They block Unemployment Insurance for the Unemployed and block a small amount of money that would have helped the small companies to expand and hire more employees, and despite their despicable inhumane behavior, they are big on “we are a Christian Nation.” Christ never advocated not helping those in need!

The Bill to help Small Business finally passed last week and was signed by President Obama, but of course, without the help of the Republicans duplicity!

America, be careful what you wish for!

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Beloved Daughter!


Vince Gill wrote the song “Never knew lonely for his Daughter.” I wrote this poem for my Daughter. She has, she is, and she will always be my heart!


My Beloved Daughter

Shaphir, talitha cumi, means beautiful little girl
T'was my blessing when God brought you into this world
Through life's ups, downs and extreme thorns
I am so happy that you were born

Your love for me, always, has never been dim
The eloquence of your words, reflects joy to the brim
Thousands of miles of ocean and land
Have kept me my sweetheart, from holding your hand

Our separation of thousands plus days brought us much grief
My heartaches are so painful, it is beyond belief
God's purpose and mysteries are sometimes hard to define
But with faith in him we shall never be blind

So as Jacob believed about Joseph, so do I too
Before I die, I shall see your face and be with you!

© 2001-1010 Sheriff G Ali

Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki; America stayed out of that very long and protracted war for as long as possible. However, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, they did so in the same manner as Napoleon Bonaparte went about annexing every country he could lay his hands on.

From the Time Pearl Harbor was attacked it took America four years before they sought to repel Japan’s aggression. It wasn’t until August 6th and 9th, 1945 that President Harry S. Truman ordered the American troops to drop the two Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

On August 15, 1945 Hirohito announced the surrender of Japan and on September 2, 1945, the surrender ceremony took place on the Battle Ship Missouri.

Since then, Japan never became a military threat to anyone, but with the help of America and other Western Countries, they managed in a positive way, to become the world’s second largest economy, and they have held that position for a very long time.

Since then to the present time, we have never had another “Nuclear” attack by one country against another. The reason being is that the circumference of the earth that is 25,200 miles; would be incinerated with only ten Nuclear 25 megaton bombs exploding simultaneously, I think that point was a proven factor during the Missiles of October (1963) between Russia and America. President John F. Kennedy stood up to then, The President of the Soviet Union – Nikita Khrushchev.

This situation is difficult to be judged from a moral or an immoral standpoint; it can only be viewed from an “amoral” point of view!

Sunday, August 8, 2010



"To a more peaceful and loving world"

The hour had come and the tears begun
For the reason He came He stood His ground and did not run,
God himself in the flesh, broken hearted facing death
Quintessence was the Almighty for humanity, He had no regret

Like drops of blood was His sweat for our expiation
This He chose without hesitation to save us from damnation,
What did Jesus see through His tear filled eyes?
As He called unto His Father with pangs that made Him cry

For one who did no wrong whose heart had no avarice
O! Wanton hearts! Do we comprehend His penitential sacrifice?
One so mighty His miracles so great, even on water He peregrinates
All this He did to save us from hell and Hades gate

With a crown of thorns and leather striking His back
He carried His cross to face the cost, to save us from the dark,
On Golgotha's cross hung God's precious and loving Son
Eloi, Eloi, this He cried, the price is paid and now it is done...

Copyright 2003 - 2009 by Sheriff Gerry Ali

Author's Comments:
"No greater love is there than to lay down one's life for another." [JESUS CHRIST] Labor to help others and strive to encourage them! The Lord laid down His life so we can rise again. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Those that are truly forgiven are anxious not to offend again - this is possession of "Justification."

Friday, August 6, 2010


"And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!"
(James 3:10, NLT).

Did you know you have the power to bless or curse your future? Your words have tremendous power. If you go around saying things like "I don't have what it takes. I'm so clumsy; I can't get anything right. I'm so undisciplined. I'll probably never lose this weight," you just cursed your future. No, we've got to be extremely careful about what we allow to come out of our mouths. Realize your words are setting the direction for your life. Let me ask you today, which direction are you going? Are you declaring good things? Are you blessing your life, speaking words of faith over your future? Or, are you going around saying negative things like "Nothing good ever happens to me. I'll probably never get out of debt. I'll never break this addiction?"

Today, choose to bless your future. Choose to declare what God says. As you align your words with His Word, you're setting your future up for success. You're preparing your way for victory, and you will fulfill the destiny He has planned for you!


Father God, I choose to speak blessing over my future. I choose to speak life over my future. Thank You for equipping me with everything I need to fulfill the destiny You have prepared for me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray! Amen.

Written by: J.O.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Losses, adversaries and adversities are frequently the means which the great Shepherd uses to fetch home His wondering sheep; like fierce dogs they worry the wanderers back to the fold.

There is no making lions tame if they are too well fed; they must be brought down from their great strength, and their stomachs must be lowered, and they will submit to the tamer’s hand; and often I have seen myself rendered obedient to the Lord’s “will” by straitens of bread and labor.

When rich and increased in goods we carry our heads much too loftily, and speak exceeding boastfully. Like King David, we flatter ourselves, “My Mountain stands fast; I shall never be moved.”

When we grow wealthy, is in good repute, have good health, and a happy family, we too often admits “Mr. Carnal Security” to fest at the table, and then if we are a true child of God there is a rod waiting for us.

Wait awhile, and it maybe we will see our substance melt away as a dream. There goes a portion of our estate – how soon the acres change hands. That debt; that dishonored bill – how fast our losses roll in, where will they end? It is a blessed sign of divine life if when these embarrassments occur one after another we begin to be distressed about our apostasy, and betakes us to our God.

Blessed are the waves that wash the mariner upon the rock of salvation! Losses in business are often sanctified to our soul’s enriching. If the chosen soul will not come to the Lord full-handed, it shall come empty. If God, in His grace, finds the no other means of making us honor Him on the pinnacle of riches, He will bring us into the valley of poverty. Yet faint not, heir of sorrow, when thou art thus rebuked, rather recognize the loving hand which chastens, and say, “I will arise, and go unto my Father.”


NEW YORK TIMES http://nyti.ms/ayyTHi

Mr. Herbert, I criticized former President Bush [43] almost on a daily basis when he ordered the invasion of Iraq. However, going into Afghanistan wasn’t something we desired to do, but was forced to do so.

The egregious error was taking our eyes of the ball in 2003 when Bush and Cheney decided to move the bulk of the troops from Afghanistan to Iraq. But that is in the past, but I promise you, if President Obama follows your advice and withdraw, it would only be a matter of months before we would have to turn around and go back into Afghanistan.

I have children and grandchildren and my heart breaks to the point that at times I cannot look at the news, because another 20 year old died or was severely wounded! However, we are where are at this time and despite the nine years that we have been there, it would be ill advised to leave.

From 1991 to the inception of 2001, the Taliban killed more than 400,000 Afghans. In the nine years that we have been there, the Civilian death totals about 16,000. Some may ask why is this of any concern to us? Well, the answer is difficult but in a way simple. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1980, through covert operations we used Pakistan and the Afghanistan’s “freedom fighters” to resist Russia and promised them that we would help them once the Soviets left.

The Soviets left after eight years and we abandoned both countries. You are an educated man and so you must know that the Taliban are the disenfranchised tribe from Pakistan who became “lunatics” and ended up making Afghanistan their killing fields and planned the September 11, 2001 attack.

I love my America but our Government at times do things that have very severe consequences. President George Herbert Walker Bush, subsequent to our victory in the 1991 Gulf war told the Iraqis to “rise up” against Saddam Hussein. He promised them covert assistance. The people rose up and he left them to be butchered by Saddam Hussein. “WE ARE NOT WITHOUT SIN AND DUPLICITY, MR. HERBERT!”

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sally Quinn’s Washington Post Article – Chelsea Clinton!

Sally Quinn’s Washington Post Article – Chelsea Clinton!

Protestant or Jewish or by whatever denomination one may be associated with, God has always been One. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God the Son!

God, love and truth is indivisible and we are all connected to God by “faith!” For Chelsea and Marc they have been brought up by loving parents and despite the sometimes difficult situations that occurred, these two people more likely than not, were the nexus that held Mom and Dad together.

They were friends for a long time so they have Philos – “the love between friends.” They are very much in love and became husband and wife, so they have Eros – “the love between man and woman.” They both believe in God and as such, they have Agape – “the love of God.”

It would take much more than religious diversity to make “asunder” what God has joined together. I wish them a truly blessed day and all better tomorrows. May the Lord grant unto them all of the desires of their hearts, that is consistent with God’s will for their lives!


Monday, August 2, 2010



On November 6, 1996 I fell into a diabetic coma. At the time I fell into the coma I became totally incapacitated. I was placed in the “Emergency Section” of the hospital and this is what transpired.

I want to tell you a short story about myself and irrespective of whether or not you believe me, be sure and know that what I mention in the next several lines, is the truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God!

For approximately the first 24 hours I could see and hear even though the Doctors and the Nurses were unaware of this, I saw how they fought with every ounce of strength, knowledge and good will to keep me from falling from the semi-coma into what is called a “deep-coma.” A deep coma is what medical science describes as “never waking up again.” For the almost 24 hours or thereabouts the doctors and nurses did everything within their own power but the moment came when the line on the monitor stopped beeping and a “straight line” began to flow from left to right on the monitor. I saw the doctors along with the nurses activate all of the various machines that they already had connected me to. The very last thing I heard was when one of the doctors said, “We have lost him!” The very last thing I saw was when the doctor pulled the white sheet all the way up to my neck and in what I can only describe as a last good bye, heads bowed, they turned and walked away. Those were the last words I heard and the last sight of any human beings and then it happened.

With my body laying on the bed, hooked up to all of the machines, I felt my body jolting and what came next, was me standing at the side of the bed looking at my physical body laying on the bed with the penetrating view of the white sheet drawn all the way up to my neck. It was from that moment that the events that followed next you would find it hard to believe, but for me it is not about who believes or don’t believe, the fact remains is that I do believe and now even two months short of twelve years, I have never stopped believing.

In a brisk of a moment I found myself going downwards through a very dark passageway and I came to this massive gate. The gate was widely ajar and I walked in. It was dark but not what I would call complete blackness. The place had a dark dreary look and it felt very humid. As I continued to walk I could hear people screaming, weeping bitterly, bemoaning cries and then off to my left there was this massive contingent of people who were hurting more than they could possibly bear. From where I stood to where they were, I stood there just staring at them and it seemed apparent that although there were no physical barriers, they were trying to come towards me but they couldn’t. I saw hands reaching out in a grasping manner and they kept on saying, come with us, come here! It was a plea for help. Unfortunately, I myself could not go any closer to them than I was, that too seemed like I was restrained from going towards them. The cries, pangs and pines got louder and louder and then it happened. A man in a white-cream robe, sandals on his feet, shoulder length hair came and stood on my right side. He stretched out his left hand and said in the gentlest of voice, “come with me, you do not belong here.” With my right hand I grasped his left wrist and I looked up to see his face, but I could see everything of him, but never did I ever see his face. As we began to exit, the people’s cries became louder and louder and they went from pleas to anger and began to chant you will never make it, you will never make it! The man whose hand I was holding kept on saying, very gently, keep walking and don’t look back, keep walking and don’t look back. Though the loud chants were dissipating, I could still plainly hear it. We walked through some sort of tunnel that was pitch-dark and finally we came out from beneath the earth and stood on top of the earth. At the time we exited the tunnel and came on top it remained very, very dark. There was a blackness about the darkness that I have not the words to explain it.

The man stopped and he said to me, look ahead of you in that great distance and you will see light, and when you see the light, that is when I brought you into this world. Where we are right now, is presently your age on this earth, forty six years, two months and two days. He continued, we will walk and even though the path is dark, you must look to your right hand and your left, and on the right are the good things you have done in this life and you will feel peace, relief and happiness, but on your left are the things you have done that was wrong and that will bring you, sorrow, discomfort, anxiety, but when it gets too much turn to your right for relief and strength. Along this journey which was picturesque all the things on my right that I saw seemed to have been etched in my memory, for I was able to recall every moment with no struggle in trying to remember, it just came back to me like it was happening at that very moment. It was a long journey, the path remained dark but off to the right and to the left everything was lit so that I could see, but the light never reflected as we journeyed.

The journey was long, very long, very trying, there were moment of total weariness and moments of unexplained joy. As we were getting closer to the edge of darkness and now I could see even more clearly, not too far off in the distance I could see light in a way that I had never seen before. The man said with the same gentle voice, the screaming, cries and pain you heard before you will hear again and they will say to you, you will never make it, you belong with us, don’t listen to them, don’t let my hands go, just keep walking. No sooner than he stopped speaking I could hear the anger and rage, you will never make it; you will never make it. Now, we got to the edge of darkness and I stopped. The man said, don’t look back, don’t listen to them, put your left foot into the light and then put your right foot. I placed my left foot into the light and I lifted my right foot but before I could set it down, someone threw a dark bottle and it broke with some sort of black liquid and I stepped on it. I look down and I saw blood, lots of blood, and the man with me said, nothing is wrong with your right foot, just keep walking. At that moment we were now in complete light.

The man stopped and I stopped but I was still holding his hand. He said “this is when I brought you into the world in innocence” I want you to turn with me but do not let go of my hand. So we turned and now we were facing the darkness we had left behind, except the darkness was gone. The man said, you see in the distance that is where your life is at this moment, so now that you have seen good and bad, right and wrong, we will journey back to where you are at the present time and you must look again on your right and on your left, for now the good will be on your left and the bad will be on your right. I said to the man, Lord, I know now what I must do, let me just run to where you met me and I know what I must do. The man said, I will not force you to hold my hand, and I will not hold your hand, but you should hold on to my hand of your own free will and walk back with me. For when we get to where I met you, father Abraham will take over the journey. He said if you let go of my hand and run back as you want to do, you will continue to fall all the days of your life and perhaps at sometime, you may never be able to rise, but if you walk back with me, revisit the right and the left, I shall make you strong and all that is my “will for you in this life,” you will do, “for I shall never leave you nor forsake you!

So, we began the journey again and again it was happiness and pain, sorrow and joy, anxiety and peace but I kept on holding his hand tighter and tighter. We finally got to where the man, who I then knew for sure, was Jesus. He just vanished and standing in front of me was Abraham. Let me stray for a moment and explain something to you, I am not an artist in the sense of painting or drawing, but if I could, I would paint a perfect picture of exactly what Abraham looks like. Now, journey with me once more!

Abraham said, we must journey my son and without being able to comprehend how it happened, what happened next was, we were walking on the seashore, it was beautiful, the sea was calm, the sun was bright. Abraham said, in the near distance we will turn right, I shall tell you when. No sooner he finished the sentence, dark clouds appeared overhead, the sea became boisterous and the waves stood about twenty feet in the air, the amazing thing is that it did not break the shore line. Abraham saw that I was afraid and he said “nothing will happen to you, you belong to the Lord.” I remained afraid and it was just minutes when Abraham said to me, turn to the right and as we turned we came upon a child, a little girl about the age of 14, she had on clothing that looked like it was made of animal skin, dark brown in color, she had on sandals, dark brown in color, he hair was loose with a length that reached mid-way down her back, she was of light brown complexion. She had a staff in her right hand and her right hand was stretched out and in the manner that she was holding the staff, it seemed she was blocking the entrance behind her. I looked up at the child, she smiled, she pulled in her right hand with the staff; the entrance opened and behind her is what I can only describe in one word, Heaven!

This Heaven is different than what is described in the book of Revelations. There were no mansions, no streets paved with gold, but what was in this Heaven was, people, people of all color, races, children, women and men, the only difference was, no one ever had even the faintest hint of age on their faces or body. In this Heaven there was no sea, but unbelievable beautiful rivers and streams, the grass was green everywhere, it was beyond pristine. All the people, children, men and women were talking, laughing, and their kindness to each other was incomprehensible. When we entered this Heaven some of the people were cooking and during the time I spent there Abraham spent all the time talking to me. It seemed apparent that I could see the people but they could not see me, and what was also apparent was, I could see Abraham, but the people could not see Abraham.

Abraham talked to me about life, about things that were going to happen and after many, many hours I exited Heaven without Abraham. According to my count this has now been the third day in the coma, but I couldn’t be sure. Then what happened next was, I seemed to have fallen into a trance and in that trance I saw President Clinton in the White House. He was doing things that he shouldn’t be doing and I also saw disaster ahead of us. It is not that I won’t, it’s that I can’t go into the details about the disaster and President Clinton. I saw many other things which I will write about in the near future but I need to exit the coma in order to reveal to you something that may be the most important thing I can ever say to you.

As I mentioned above, I fell into the coma on November 6, 1996 and I awoke on November 13, 1996. When I woke up the doctors were absolutely astonished, shocked may be a better word. The first thing someone said to me was, “You are a miracle man, you are lucky, medically, you were not supposed to wake up” After an exchange of a few words I requested to see my medical file and to be left alone. They brought my file and they left the room. I opened the file and specifically looked to see the records that pertained to the time I fell into the coma until I awoke. What I did see was that on the third day into the coma, the doctors wrote their medical opinion, and it stated, “It is impossible for Mr. Ali to wake up from that coma, because medical history has no record of anyone awakening from a minus zero blood-sugar coma.”

I fell into the coma on November 6, 1996 but I had cancer surgery scheduled for November 7, 1996 at a different hospital. I was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer and the Oncologist and the bone marrow specialist had determined that the “root” of my cancer was lodged in the marrow of my spinal cord. They had told me that surgery removing the tumors (lumps) would not stop the cancer, but just slow it down. We had tried through hundreds of good-hearted people who wanted to donate their marrow to me, but we could not find a match. Thus, the decision to have the surgery without being able to replace the marrow was based on the fact that my white blood count had reached 17,500. This part about my cancer is important in order for me to put everything into perspective for you.

Thus, after coming out of the coma and knowing all that I had seen, even before medical proof, I had made up my mind that I wasn’t going to have the cancer surgery because I knew I no longer needed it. After three different sets of blood tests, my white blood count had fallen below the 5,000 marker. Subsequently, I was advised by medical people that I should have the surgery to remove the lumps in my upper left arm, my chest and my leg, to this day I refuse. I unequivocally stated that during the coma I had held the hand of God even though I did not see His face and I knew that divine intervention took place, but when I made that statement to the medical people, they said, if God did heal you, why are the lumps still there? I have said and will always say, even with every last ounce of breath, God left the lumps as a reminder to me.

Now going back to what I saw in the coma, I wrote an 18 page letter in which my wife, one friend and a Pastor read it. The letter was straight to the point about impending disaster. My wife did not want me to send the letter because she said, “They will think you are crazy and on the other hand, if anything should happen, they will blame you for it. My dear brother in Christ, Mike and the Pastor said to me, “You must do what God wants you to do.” So, my wife did send the 18-page letter early in 1997. She sent it Certified Mail via the US Postal Service. I received the confirmation from the US Postal Service acknowledging that the Justice Department did receive the letter. About a week subsequent to their receipt of the letter, I received a letter from the Justice Department and it was a short letter. They wrote, “Dear Mr. Ali: Thank you for your letter. We have read it and placed it in our files.” I can tell you that they did not throw it away, but the file they placed it in was perhaps the one that reads “Another Nut Case.” Three weeks subsequent to the letter about the impending disaster, I wrote 12 pages to the Justice Department about what I saw President Clinton was doing. Again, my wife opposed, the Pastor and Mike took their same position as before. The letter was sent. I got the confirmation and another letter from the Justice Department with about the same statement as the first letter they had sent.

I remember today as clearly as I did when the scandal broke about President Clinton and my wife had said to me, “Please do not dream anything about me, do not see anything in the future about me, just don’t even think about me!” And subsequently, the disaster that I wrote about did take place. Now, as I said before I can’t talk about that, but what I can say is that more than half of what I saw in the coma has come to pass, and the worst is yet to come. The world can avoid the impending disasters that lay ahead for all of us, but it will take the hearts of men, women and children to turn once more not to religion, but to God. I will stop here and just go on to two things.

First, I have sent you an enormous amount of spiritual writings. With God’s help and the help of a handful of people we have sent you everything possible that does not deal with anyone’s religion but Almighty God. God is not a religion, Jesus is not a religion. Look through the New Testament and find one place where Jesus embraced any religion, He did not! Look through the Old Testament and see if any of the Prophets or the people who followed God, embraced religion, no they did not. Religion is not bad, but its inception was by man and as such man manipulates for his own avarice, for mammon and to put fear into people, but God is not fear, God, love, truth and providence is “indivisible.”

Here is what I can tell you about Heaven:

The glorified weep no more, for all outward causes of grief are gone. There are no broken friendships, nor blighted prospects in heaven. Poverty, famine, peril, persecution, and slander, are unknown there. No pain, distresses, no thought of death or bereavement saddens. We weep no more, for we are perfectly sanctified. No “evil heart of unbelief” prompts us to depart from the living God; we are without fault before His throne, and are fully conformed to His image. Well may we cease to mourn who have ceased to sin.

We weep no more, because all fear of changing is past. We know that we are eternally secure. Sin is shut out, and we are shut in. We dwell within a city which shall never be stormed; we bask in a sun which shall never set; we drink of a river which shall never dry, we pluck fruit from a tree which shall never wither. Countless cycles may revolve, but eternity shall not be exhausted, and while eternity endures, our immortality and blessedness shall co-exist with it. We are forever with the Lord. We weep no more, because every desire is fulfilled. We cannot wish for anything which we have not in possession. Eye and ear, heart and hand, judgments, imagination, hope, desire, will, all the faculties, are completely satisfied; and imperfect as our present ideas are of the things which God hath prepared for us that love Him, yet we know enough, by the revelation of the spirit, that the saints above are supremely blessed.

The joy of Christ, which is an infinite fullness of delight, is in us. We bathe ourselves in the bottomless, shoreless sea of infinite beatitude. That same joyful rest remains for us. It may not be far distant. Ere long the weeping willow shall be exchanged for the palm-branch of victory, and sorrow’s dewdrops will be transformed into the pearls of everlasting bliss. “Wherefore comfort one another with these words”:

God gave me the strength to write about parts of what I saw in the coma, it is my hope that each and everyone of you will find rest for your souls, that when our time comes or the hour of our loved one comes, either they can say of us or we can say of them;

The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in thy bed; see the waiting bands of spirits! Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved one, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are open; the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet.

My hands are washed from the blood of all those with whom I have been communicating, If at the end of your sojourner’s days you are separated from God, from hereon in, that is between you and God. Revisit my writings and you will see, I never once invoked religion, but all I sought to do is to guide you as God has guided me and that you “accept His free Gift of life!” People reject the fact that God humbled Himself, came down and walked this earth, allowed Himself to be beaten, mocked, nailed to a cross and die for us, because people more often than not say, “God does not have to humble Himself” Look at it from this perspective, if you know your child were going to die and you could give that child your heart so the child would live, would you not do it? Thus, if we, a fallible and imperfect people can lay down our life for our child, how much more would our Father in Heaven do for us? One thing is for certain, God gave us free will, He will never retreat on that, so for the people who say, a loving God will not put anyone in a place called Hell, they are right, God will not put us there, but if we end up there, it is because we made the conscious choice to reject the fact that God did say, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life,” and that He did pay a price that we could never ever pay, and that is He died for us so that we can have life and not just abundantly, but eternally.

May the Lord guide you in all that you do, may He cause His face to shine upon you, may He place salve upon your eyelids so that the scales that blind thee from seeing beyond this world would be removed, and that your spiritual eyes would be open from the things of this world that passes away, to the world that is eternally bliss.

God Bless,

Sheriff Ali



Too much "spiked tea" is being drunk by not all but too many of the members in the Tea Party! After 8 years of Bush and Cheney taking us down the road of financial perdition and wantonness; Obama can’t just snap his finger and fix all of our ills in 18 months!

The previous Administration spent eight years tossing us into unforgiving waters and quick sand, and I wonder, just wonder; “where were the Tea Partiers and The Republican voices about their concerns for our Country, before we fell into this bottomless pit?”

The problem with the American electorate is that despite being truly ‘good hearted people,” they are very short on memory and big on mouth! As Americans, we have no patience to allow ourselves to think, and let “factual knowledge” permeate our disposition, we allow our emotions to do it for us without the benefit of intellect.

It seems that America couldn’t wait to throw Bush and the Republicans out of Office, so majority of the Country voted for Obama. However, though all that he has done is not perfect, we are moving in the right direction.

The Republicans who were totally out of control that ran up all of the massive debt with their “big tax cut” for 5% of the people and Bush’s ill advised war with Iraq, for which none of these big ticket items were paid for, “now” all of a sudden they are concerned about the “National Debt.” These people, not all, but most of them and some in this bent ideology Tea Party would run the country further into the ground, if given their way in the Mid-Term Elections.

They block Unemployment Insurance for the Unemployed and block a small amount of money that would have helped the small companies to expand and hire more employees, and despite their despicable inhumane behavior, they are big on “we are a Christian Nation.” Christ never advocated not helping those in need!

America, be careful what you wish for!

Sunday, August 1, 2010



God’s command to the believer when he is reduced to great straits and brought into extraordinary difficulties – “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!” Exodus 14:13

He cannot retreat; he cannot go forward; he is shut up on the right and on the left; what is he now to do? The Master’s word to him is; “Stand still.” It will be well for him if at such times he listens only to his Master’s word, for other and evil advisers come with their suggestions;

Despair whispers, “lie down and die; give it all up.” But God would have us put on a cheerful courage, and even in our worst times, rejoice in His love and faithfulness. Cowardice say, “Retreat; go back to the world’s way of action; you cannot play the believer’s part, it is too difficult. Relinquish your principles.” But, however much Satan may urge this course upon you; you cannot follow it if you are a child of God.

His divine fiat has bid thee go from strength to strength, and so thou shall, and neither death nor hell shall turn thee from thy course. What, if for a while thou art called to stand still, yet this but to renew thy strength for some greater advance in due time. Precipitancy cries, “do something. Stir yourself; to stand still and wait, is sheer idleness.” We must be doing something at once – we must do it so we think – instead of looking to the Lord, who will not only do something but will do everything.

Presumption boasts, “If the sea be before you, march into it and expect a miracle.” But Faith listens neither to Presumption, nor to Despair, nor to Cowardice, nor to Precipitancy, but it hears God say, “Stand still,” and immovable as a rock it stands.

“Stand still;” keep the posture of an upright man, ready for action, expecting further orders, cheerfully and patiently awaiting the directing voice; and it will not be long ere God shall say to you, as distinctly as Moses said it to the people of Israel, “Go forward!