"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

World Health Organization reports – “Cell phone Radiation May Cause Cancer, Advisory Panel Says”

MAY 31, 2011

World Health Organization reports – “Cell phone Radiation May Cause Cancer, Advisory Panel Says”

I have taken the time to post this article because beyond any doubt, I was and I am still affected by the damage that the constant use of cell phones for a decade plus, caused me. Since November 6, 2009 to the present day, I have been suffering with a “head and ear” problem and the only relief thus far, was medical advice that encouraged me to “not” use or limit the time and how I use the cell phone. Ignore it if you may, but sooner rather than later, if you continue on the same path, you would come to regret it.

The studies that have been done that was paid for and sponsored by the Cell Phone Manufacturers, reflect that only 28% believe that cell phone and brain cancer is connected.

However, The World Health Organization that used Medical Scientists from thirty-one (31) countries, their result reveals a stunning 67% agrees of the connection between the use of cell phones and Cancer.

Sheriff G Ali


Loic Venance/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesCellphones are “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” reports a World Health Organization panel.

A World Health Organization panel has concluded that cellphones are “possibly carcinogenic,’’ putting the popular devices in the same category as certain dry cleaning chemicals and pesticides, as a potential threat to human health.

The finding, from the agency’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, adds to concerns among a small but growing group of experts about the health effects of low levels of radiation emitted by cellphones. The panel, which consisted of 31 scientists from 14 countries, was led by Dr. Jonathan M. Samet, a physician and epidemiologist at the University of Southern California and a member of President Obama’s National Cancer Advisory Board.

The group didn’t conduct any new research but reviewed numerous existing studies that focused on the health effects of radio frequency magnetic fields, which are emitted by cellphones. During a news conference, Dr. Samet said the panel’s decision to classify cellphones as “possibly carcinogenic” was based largely on epidemiological data showing an increased risk among heavy cellphone users of a rare type of brain tumor called a glioma.

Last year, a 13-country study called Interphone, the largest and longest study of the link between cellphone use and brain tumors, found no overall increased risk, but reported that participants with the highest level of cellphone use had a 40 percent higher risk of glioma. (Even if the elevated risk is confirmed, gliomas are relatively rare and thus individual risk remains minimal.)

Most major medical groups, including the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, have said the existing data on cellphones and health has been reassuring. For years, concerns about the health effects of cellphones have been largely dismissed because the radio frequency waves emitted from the devices are believed to be benign. Cellphones emit nonionizing radiation, waves of energy that are too weak to break chemical bonds or to set off the DNA damage known to cause cancers. Scientists have said repeatedly that there is no known biological mechanism to explain how nonionizing radiation might lead to cancer or other health problems.

The W.H.O. panel ruled only that cellphones be classified as Category 2B, meaning they are possibly carcinogenic to humans, a designation the panel has given to 240 other agents, including the pesticide DDT, engine exhaust, lead and various industrial chemicals. Also on the list are two familiar foods, pickled vegetables and coffee, which the cellphone industry was quick to point out.

“This I.A.R.C. classification does not mean cellphones cause cancer,’’ John Walls, vice president for public affairs for CTIA-The Wireless Association, an industry group, said in a statement. Mr. Walls noted that both the Federal Communications Commission and the Food and Drug Administration have concluded that the weight of the scientific evidence does not link cellphones with cancer or other health problems.

This year, The Journal of the American Medical Association reported on research from the National Institutes of Health, which found thatless than an hour of cellphone use can speed up brain activity in the area closest to the phone antenna. The study was among the first and largest to document that the weak radio frequency signals from cellphones have a measurable effect on the brain. The research also offers a potential, albeit hypothetical, explanation for how low levels of nonionizing radiation could cause harm without breaking chemical bonds, possibly by triggering the formation of free radicals or an inflammatory response in the brain.

“We looked carefully at the physical phenomena by which exposure to such fields might perturb biological systems and lead to cancers,” said Dr. Samet. But he said the result was inconclusive, adding, “We found some threads of evidence about how cancer might occur but have to acknowledge gaps and uncertainties.”

The panel made no comment on how large or small a risk cellphone radiation may pose to human health. “Our task was not to quantify risk,’’ said Dr. Samet.

Although the panel did not make specific recommendations to consumers, a representative did note that using a hands-free headset during a conversation or communicating via text message would be options for lowering radio frequency exposure.

The panel’s recommendation is unlikely to have any immediate effect, but is expected to be used as guidance by the World Health Organization, which may make recommendations about cellphone safety.

Dr. Meir Stampfer, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health who is a paid adviser for the cellphone industry, said it was important to remember that the panel’s decision to rank cellphones as a “possible” carcinogen was very different from saying that they pose a real health risk.

“It’s a very thoughtful group, but the important thing is putting it into the perspective of what ‘possible’ means, and the likelihood that this is really something to be concerned about,’’ Dr. Stampfer said. “The evidence doesn’t support that. Comparing this to going out in the sun or any number of normal everyday activities that we’re not really concerned about, I would put cellphones in the lower part of that category.’’

Still, Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, a newsletter that focuses on nonionizing radiation, said in an e-mail that the fact that the W.H.O.’s cancer panel had expressed concern had the potential to change the debate about the health risks of cellphones. “It’s a wake-up call for the telecom industry and for the U.S. government to take cellphone radiation seriously,” he said. “The first step should be limiting the use of cellphones by children.”

Henry C. Lai, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington in Seattle and an expert in electromagnetic fields, said the credibility of the W.H.O. panel made it difficult to dismiss the findings.

“The debate will go on, except this is the first statement from the W.H.O. saying we should be careful with exposure to this kind of radiation,’’ he said. “It’s quite a mixture of people, and some very respectable researchers. If someone says this panel isn’t good, I don’t know who else we should be listening to.”

Dr. Lai added that the solution to concerns about cellphone risks is relatively simple. “A precautionary approach is the best policy,” he said. “If people use cellphones, they should consider using an earpiece. Just keep the phone away from the head.”

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jack Warner and Kamla Persad – “We become the company we keep”

Kamla Persad and Jack Warner are no different than Patrick Manning and Basdeo Panday, and the “nexus” is “they all have and continue to victimize the honest hard-working citizens of Trinidad & Tobago.

I am a true believe in the “presumption of innocence” unless and until proven guilty, however, the evidence against Mr. Jack Warner is so overwhelming that he should be the Patriot that he always claim to be and “resign from both FIFA and from his post as “Minister of Transportation.”

Having lived abroad for 42 years and being self-employed, I follow the International News from a Political Science standpoint. Mr. Warner who is caught up in a “maze of scandal,” is on the front page of almost every Print and Television News, world-wide. It is one thing for Mr. Warner to find himself in this predicament, but it is another thing when “He drags our already suffering country in the mere.”

Prime Minister Kamla Persad should have done the right thing and request Mr. Warner’s removal from Government, but her becoming Leader of the UNC Party and now Prime Minister as everyone already knows, has to do with Jack Warner, hence she decided do what she has been doing for the past year and “claim” that she does not know anything, like she did with the Red-Jet affair and the bulldozing of so much of our agricultural crops and just about everything else.

How sad it is for the honest hard-working citizens of Trinidad & Tobago who has been victimized and continue to be victimized by every administration since 1962, save that of the Honorable A.N.R. Robinson, Administration.

My question is still, why it is that since May 25th 2010 when The People’s Partnership assumed power and now one year later; nothing has been done when it comes to “White Collar Crime?” Around the world Trinidad is at the top of the list for the highest rate of murder per capita. We are also at the top of the list for child mortality, and when it comes to corruption, we outpace almost every other Nation.

Is it possible that the Politicians at the very top at one time or another or on an ongoing basis have dipped their hand in the Cookie-Jar of the Tax Payers money?

Sheriff G Ali


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Two FIFA Officials Are Suspended; Jack Warner and Mohammed Bin Hamman!


As a person with legal back-ground, “everyone is presumed innocent unless or until proven guilty.” However, the scandal surrounding Mr. Jack Warner seems to be “evidential facts,” on his supposed wrongdoings.

There is an actual “witness” that gave testimony that Mr. Warner sold him 850 tickets with a face value of 82,500 Euros, but he paid Mr. Warner 232,000 Euros. In this regard Mr. Warner is not the only person in FIFA that is being investigated and now has to answer to the Ethics Commission in Zurich, Switzerland.

It is a “fact” that FIFA is in deep and unforgiving waters in a maze of scandals that spans the Globe and would have to be sorted out by the World Body of FIFA and the International Olympics Committee. However, Mr. Warner in defending himself in Parliament comes across like he is the victim that is being victimized, when he may very well be one of the many perpetrators intertwined and entwined in FIFA’s scandalous tumult.

Apart from the FIFA scandal there are other troubling matters as it relates to Mr. Warner in the assignments for construction and developments in Trinidad. When you are being accused by one, two or three people that is one thing, but to be plagued with unethical and corrupt behavior for a decade plus, I don’t see how such a person should be allowed to continue as the Works and Transportation Minister.

In the run up to the General Election in 2010, the then Candidate Kamla Persad constantly repeated – “If you do the crime you would do the time.” What has happened since she became Prime Minister, Kamla Persad?

Ish and Steve is still walking around, Clico Executives are living comfortable lives, and in the final analysis, not one person have been charged or arrested for all of the wrongdoings that left thousands of people almost broke or bankrupt.

It is only three months since the Egyptian uprising brought down Hosni Mubarak, but, at this present moment, Mr. Mubarak and his two sons are incarcerated and are awaiting trial for murder and corruption of State Funds. The Interior Minister and the Housing Minister were tried, found guilty and sentence to five years each in Prison.

My question is why it is that since May 25th 2010 when The People Partnership assumed power and one year later; nothing has been done when it comes to “White Collar Crime?” Around the world Trinidad is at the top of the list for the highest rate of murder per capita. We are also at the top of the list for child mortality, and when it comes to corruption, we outpace almost every other Nation.

Is it possible that the Politicians at the very top at one time or another or on an ongoing basis have dipped their hand in the Cookie-Jar of the Tax Payers money?

Sheriff G Ali

Saturday, May 28, 2011



Often, our brethren are like deceitful brooks

They are the blank pages in so many books,

Your friends they are, except in your need

Suddenly they become, a broken reed

Our God must always be first

Only then we will never thirst,

Sunshine or rain he will never fail

He is Almighty and never frail

In good or bad times He is always there

He is all knowing and forever fair,

Depend on Him you can be sure

His unconditional love is very pure

So, do not suffer in your grief

Go to him in belief,

Be your problems big or small

God is forever standing tall!

© Sheriff G Ali 2006-2011

Author’s Comments

Union with the Lord is a coronet of beauty, outshining all the blaze of imperial pomp!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Yes, O Lord, with Thee, but not to Thee. All my natural alienation from Thee, Thy grace has effectually removed; and now, in fellowship with Thyself. I walk through this sinful world as a pilgrim in a foreign country. Thou art a stranger in Thine own world. Man forgets Thee, dishonors Thee, sets up new laws and alien customs and knows Thee not!

He, [Jesus Christ] was in the world and the world was made by Him, and the world knew him not. Never was a foreigner so speckled a bird among the denizens of any land as Thy beloved Son among His mother’s brethren. It is no marvel then, if I, who try to live the life of Christ, should be unknown and a stranger here below.

Lord, I would not be a citizen where Jesus was an alien. His pierced hand has loosened the cords which once bound my soul to the earth, and now I find myself a stranger in the land. My speech seems to these Babylonians among whom I dwell an outlandish tongue, and my manners are singular, and my actions are stranger. A Tartar would be more at home in Cheapside than I could ever be in the haunts of this world.

But the sweetness of my lot is that I am a stranger with Christ, Thou art my fellow-sufferer, my fellow-pilgrim. Oh what joy to wander in such a blessed society! My heart burns within me by the way when Thou dost speak to me, and though I be a sojourner, I am far more blest than those who sit on thrones, and far more at home than those who dwell in their ceiled houses!

“Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sin.” Psalm 19:13. Such was the prayer of the “man after God’s own heart.” Did David need to pray thus? How needful, then must such a prayer be for us babes in grace! It is as if he said, “Keep me back, or I shall rush headlong over the precipice of sin.” Our evil nature, like an ill-tempered horse, is apt to run away. May the grace of God put the bridle upon it, and hold it in, that it rush not into mischief.

What might not the best of us do if it were not for the checks which the Lord sets upon us both in providence and in grace? The Psalmist prayer is directed against the worst form of sin – that which is done with deliberation and willfulness. Even the holiest needs to be “kept back” from the vilest transgressions. It is a solemn thing to find the Apostle Paul warning us against the most loathsome sins. “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”

The whitest robes, unless their purity be preserved by divine grace, will be defiled by the blackest spots. Experienced child of God, boast not in your experience, you will trip yet if you look away from Him who is able to keep you from falling. Ye whose love is fervent, whose faith is constant, whose hopes are bright, say not, “We shall never sin,” but rather cry, “Lead us not into temptation.”

There is enough tinder in the heart of the best of men to light a fire that shall burn to the lowest hell, unless God shall quench the sparks as they fall. Who would have dreamed that righteous Lot could be found drunken and committing uncleanness? Hazael said, “Is Thy servant a dog, that he should do this thing?” and we are very apt to use the same self righteousness. May infinite wisdom cure us of the madness of self-confidence!


There are many reasons: one is, to give us, who are favored with enough, an opportunity of showing our love to Jesus. We show our love to Christ when we sing of Him and when we pray to Him; but if there were no sons of need in the world we should lose the sweet privilege of evidencing our love, by ministering in alms-giving to His poorer brethren; He has ordained that thus we should prove that our love standeth not in word only, but in deed and in truth.

If we truly love Christ, we shall care for those who are loved by Him. Those who are dear to Him and will be dear to us. Let us then look upon it not as a duty but as a privilege to relieve the poor of the Lord’s flock – remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, “Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Surely this assurance is sweet enough and this motive strong enough to lead us to help others with a willing hand and a loving heart – recollecting that all we do for His people is graciously accepted by Christ as done to Himself!

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, May 23, 2011

Beyond this world of wrath and tears….

In the clutch of pains that follow me

From my head down to my sole,

I wonder what life holds’ for me?

In the darkness of my world

Despite the pangs I would not complain

Even when I pine,

And though at times I feel disdain

I know, I am wholly Thine

Beyond this world of wrath and tears

Looms, but the Heavens’ above,

With freedom from pains or fears

And the bounty of my Father’s love

So, in the midst of my circumstance

In this blessed evening shade,

I’ll live by faith and not by chance

Strong in heart and unafraid!

© Sheriff G Ali – May 9, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle, wonderful, inscrutable, and magical and more, to whosoever will think of it.”


Thomas Carlyle, [1795-1881] following Plato, [437 B.C.] pictures a man, a deep pagan thinker, who has grown to maturity in some hidden cave and is brought out suddenly to see the sun rise. “What would his wonder be,” exclaims Carlyle, “his rapt astonishment at the sight we daily witness with indifference! With free, open sense of a child, yet with the ripe faculty of a man, his whole heart would be kindled by that sight… This green flowery rock-built earth, the trees, the mountains, rivers, many-sounding seas; that great deep sea of azure that swims overhead; the winds, sweeping through it; the black cloud fashioning itself together, now pouring out fire, now hail and rain; what is it? Ay, what? At bottom we do not yet know; we can never know at all...”

To meditate on the three Persons of the Godhead is to walk in thought through the garden eastward in Eden and to tread on holy ground. Our sincerest efforts to grasp the incomprehensible mystery of the Trinity must remain forever futile, and only by deepest reverence can it be saved from actual presumption.

Some persons who reject all they cannot explain have denied that God is a Trinity, subjecting the Most High to their cold, level-eyed scrutiny; they conclude that it is impossible that He could be both One and Three. These forget that their whole life is enshrouded in mystery. They fail to consider that real explanation of even the simplest phenomenon in nature lies hidden in obscurity and can no more be explained than can the mystery of the Godhead.

Every man lives by faith, the nonbeliever as well as well as the saint; the one by faith in natural laws and the other by faith in God. Every man throughout his entire life constantly accepts without understanding. The most learned sage can be reduced to silence with one simple question, “What?” The answer to that question lies forever in the abyss of unknowing beyond any man’s ability to discover. “God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the places thereof,” but mortal man never.

How different are we who have grown used to it, who have become jaded with satiety of wonder. “It is not by our superior levity, our inattentions, and our want of insight. It is by not thinking that we cease to wonder at it… We call that fire of the black thundercloud “electricity, and lecture learnedly about it, and grind the like of it out of glass and silk: but is it? Whence comes it? Whither goes it? Science has done much for us; but it is a poor science that would hide from us the great deep sacred infinitude of Nescience, whither we can never penetrate, on which all science swims as a mere superficial film. This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle, wonderful, inscrutable, and magical and more, to whosoever will think of it.”

These penetrating, almost prophetic, words were written more than a century ago, but not all the breath-taking advances of science and technology since that time have invalidated one word or rendered obsolete as much as one period or comma. Still we do not know. We save face by repeating frivolously the popular jargon of science. We harness the mighty energy that rushes through our world; we subject it to finger tip control in our cars and kitchens; we make it work for us like Aladdin’s jinn, but still we do not know what it is. Secularism, materialism, and the intrusive presence of things have put out the light in our souls and turned us into a generation of zombies. We cover our deep ignorance with words, but we are ashamed to wonder, we are afraid to whisper “mystery.”

What God declares the believing heart confesses without the need for further proof. Indeed , to seek proof is to admit doubt, and to obtain proof is to render faith superfluous. Everyone who possesses the gift of faith will recognize the wisdom of those daring words of one of the early Church fathers: “I believe that Christ died for me because it is incredible; I believe that He rose from the dead because it is impossible.”

Reflection upon revealed truth naturally follows the advent of faith, but faith comes first to the hearing ear, not to the cogitating mind. The believing man does not ponder the Word and arrive at faith by a process of reasoning, nor does he seek confirmation of faith from philosophy or science. His cry is, “O earth, earth, hear the Word of the Lord. Yea, let God be true, and every man a liar.” It was both the sinfulness of humanity and God’s plan to save humanity that put Jesus Christ to death on the cross. It was not an afterthought but it was part of God’s eternal plan!

That rough-looking diamond is put upon the wheel of the lapidary. He cuts it on all sides. It loses much-much that seemed costly to itself. The King is crowned; the diadem is put upon the monarch’s head with trumpet’s joyful sound. A glittering ray flashes from the coronet, and it beams from the very diamond which was just now so sorely vexed by the lapidary. We may venture to compare ourselves to such a diamond, for we are God’s children; and this is the time of the cutting process. Let faith and patience have their perfect work, for in the day when the crown shall be set upon the head of the king, Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, one ray of glory shall stream from us. “They shall be Mine,” said the Lord, “in the day when I make up My Jewels.” “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.” Ecclesiastes 7:8

In 1951 the year I was born was the inception of the Korean War between America and North Korea. That conflict raged on for two years and an “armistice” was declared in 1953. Since then Korea became North Korea and South Korea. A demilitarized zone was created and American Soldiers have been there since then. It is amazing to see the mysteries of God’s mercies. At 1:00AM Pacific Standard Time, February 25th 2008, where Politicians, Diplomats or the Military could not go, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra was playing at Pyongyang East Theater in North Korea– The United States National Anthem - The Star Spangled Banner and the North Korean National Anthem. It was an amazing site to see Lorin Maazel conducting the New York Philharmonic as he continued with Dovark’s Symphony # 9, Gershwin’s – An American in Paris, and music from such great minds such as Wagner and others. I think the most striking moment was looking into the seated crowd, Americans and Koreans alike, shedding tears of joy. I can only imagine what they were thinking! Perhaps, just perhaps, they were thinking, after all, we are just alike, so why do our respective Governments continue with their phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies. You see for me, that amazing site represents hope for the future. I believe it will be well with the souls of world leaders to take a page out of this extra ordinary event and see that people of good will can come together, and in so doing they can help to make a better world for all people, irrespective of beliefs, nationality, color, creed or class!

It may also be well for each and every one of us to realize that irrespective of whether we are rich or poor, smart or dumb, highly educated or of little intelligence, through the eyes of God, we are not better than each other, we are just “different.” The One who holds up the foundation of the world on “nothing,” created each and every person individually for a special purpose and “we can all make a difference in this very troubled world.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL GLORY IS TO GOD! In addition I would like to acknowledge great writers from the past such as Plato, Thomas Carlyle and others, for without their great wisdom this document would not have been possible.

Sheriff G Ali

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Your destiny is not determined by the economy, your past or what anyone else thinks or says. Your destiny is determined by Almighty God!

Are you living in the fullness of His blessing? God’s blessing is His supernatural empowerment. It is His favor. And we’ve all seen a measure of His blessing, but I believe He wants to take you to a whole new level. God has promises and opportunities in store for you that you haven’t even thought of yet! What you’ve seen in the past is only a fraction of what God wants to do in your future.

Understand that God likes to outdo Himself. He wants to open doors for you and bring out talents and abilities that you didn’t even know you had. We serve a God of abundance! He is the God of more than enough. Not only does He want to meet your needs, He wants to give you enough to bless other people. That’s living in the fullness of the blessing.

Today, don’t settle where you are. Your destiny is not determined by the economy, your past or what anyone else thinks or says. Your destiny is determined by Almighty God. He wants you to tap into a greater measure of His power so you can live the abundant life He has in store for you!


Father in heaven, I come before You today with an open and humble heart, ready to receive all You have for me. Teach me to live a life that is pleasing to You so that I can be an example of Your love in the world around me, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Joel Osteen

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Despairingly the poor disappointed father turned away from the disciples to their Master. His son was in the worst possible condition, and all means had failed, but the miserable child was soon delivered from the evil one when the parent in faith obeyed the Lord. Jesus’ word, “Bring him unto me.” Children are a precious gift from God, but much anxiety comes with them. They may be a great joy or a great bitterness to their parents; they may be filled with the Spirit of God, or possessed with the spirit of evil.

In all cases, the Word of God gives one receipt for the curing of all their ills, “Bring them unto me.” O for more agonizing prayer on their behalf while they are yet babes! Sin is there; let our prayers begin to attack it. Our cries for the offspring should precede those cries which betoken their actual advent into a world of sin. In the days of their youth we shall see sad tokens of the dumb and deaf spirit which will neither pray aright, nor hear the voice of God in the soul, but Jesus still commands, “Bring them unto me.”

When they are grown up they may wallow in sin and foam with enmity against God; then when our hearts are breaking we should remember the great Physician’s words, “Bring them unto me.” Never must we cease to pray until they cease to breathe. No case is hopeless while Jesus lives.

The Lord sometimes suffers His people to be driven into a corner that they may experimentally know how necessary He is to them. Ungodly children, when they show us our own powerlessness against the depravity of their hearts, drive us to flee to the strong for strength, and this is a great blessing to us. Whatever our needs may be; let it like a strong current bear us to the ocean of divine love. Jesus can soon remove our sorrow. He delights to comfort us. Let us hasten to Him while He waits to meet us.

Sheriff G Ali

Monday, May 16, 2011

The saint in public is a devil in private, who deals in soot by night.

A cake not turned is uncooked on one side, and so it is with us in many respects, untouched by divine grace: though there is some partial obedience, there is very much rebellion left. My soul, I charge thee, see whether this day be thy case.

Are we thorough in the things of God? Has grace gone through the very centre of thy being so as to be felt in its divine operations in all thy powers and thy actions, thy words and thy thoughts? To be sanctified, spirit, soul and body; should be our aim and prayer; and although sanctification may not be perfect in thee anywhere in degree, yet it must be universal in its action; there must not be the appearance of holiness in one place and reigning of sin in another, else we too, wilt be “a cake not turned.”

A cake not turned is soon burnt on the side nearest the fire, and although no one can have too much of God, there are some who seem burnt on black with bigoted zeal for that part of truth which they have received, or are charred to a cinder with a vainglorious Pharisaic Ostentation of those religious performances which suite their humor. The assumed appearance of superior sanctity frequently accompanies a total absence of all vital Godliness.

The saint in public is a devil in private! He deals in flour by day and in soot by night. The cake which is burned on one side; is dough on the other!

If it be so with me, O Lord, turn me! Turn my unsanctified nature to the fire of Thy love and let it feel the sacred glow and let my burnt side cool a little, while I learn my own weakness and want of heat when I am removed from Thy heavenly flame. Let me not be found a double-minded man but one entirely under the powerful influence of reigning grace; for well I know if I am left like a cake unturned and am not on both sides the subject of Thy grace, I must be consumed for ever amid everlasting burnings!

Sheriff G Ali

Sunday, May 15, 2011

“Those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” Hebrews 12:27

We have many things in our possession at the present moment which can be shaken, and it ill becomes the child of God to set much store by them, for there is nothing stable beneath those rolling skies; change is written upon all things. Yet, we have certain “things which cannot be shaken,” and I invite you this day to think of them, that if the things which can be shaken should all be taken away, you may derive comfort from the things that cannot be shaken, which will remain.

What ever your losses have been, or may be, you enjoy present salvation. You are standing at the foot of His cross, trusting alone in the merit of Jesus’ precious blood, and no rise or fall of the markets can interfere with your salvation in Him; no breaking of the banks, no failures of bankruptcies can touch that. If you are untouched this day, then you are a child of God. God is your Father. No change of circumstances can ever rob you of that.

Although by losses brought to poverty, and stripped bare, you can say, “He is my Father still. In my Father’s house are many mansions; therefore will I not be troubled.” You have another permanent blessing, namely, the love of Jesus Christ. He who is God and Man love you with all the strength of His affectionate nature – nothing can affect that. The fig tree may not blossom, and the flocks may cease from the field, it matters not to the man who can sing, “My Beloved is mind, and I am His.” Our best portion and richest heritage we cannot lose.

Whatever troubles come, let us remain the child of God; let us show that we are not such little children as to be cast down by what may happen in this poor fleeting state of time. Our country is Immanuel’s land, our hope is above the sky, and therefore, calm as the summer’s ocean; we will see the wreck of everything earthborn, and yet rejoice in the God of our salvation!

Sheriff G Ali

Friday, May 13, 2011

A letter I received from Joel Osteen, it can also help you!

Dear Sheriff,

Your life can change for the better in a single moment.

You can be going along, doing your best, living a life that honors God, but feel like you’re getting nowhere.

Or you may feel like no one’s noticing. You may be tempted to start giving up on your dreams because at this rate, there’s no way it could come true. That’s where God comes in!

In one moment God can accelerate your life and change everything!

In the Bible in John 2, Jesus is at the wedding celebration of some friends when the party runs out of wine.

Instead of wedding joy and bliss, this setback could have ruined the feast and damaged relationships. And as you know, you can’t make new wine fast. It takes time...a long time.

In fact the process of planting the seed, growing the grapes, harvesting them, producing the wine and then letting it age takes between five and seven years! And for the best wines it can take 30 years.

But in one moment Jesus accelerates this process and does in seconds what normally takes 30 years!

This is not merely a story about what happened a long time ago. It’s a picture of God’s love for you and how He wants to accelerate your life today!

If you’ll step out in faith, if you’ll believe that God can do anything and stay faithful where you’re at, one day you’ll look up amazed and say, “I can’t believe I got here so fast!”

You may be facing disappointment, pain and setbacks today, or even criticism from those you love, but don’t get discouraged. Adversity could be the very thing God uses to take you to new levels.

Remember, God can turn your life around in a moment and move you “further and faster” than you ever dreamed.

Victoria and I want you to know that we love you and we are praying that God will accelerate your life today.

Thank you for your love and support of this ministry. God bless you!
Joel Osteen

Thursday, May 12, 2011

THE WORST BETRAYAL IS WHEN IT COMES FROM A LOVED ONE! As Julius Caesar exclaimed! Et tu Brutus – “You too Brutus!”

We, like Peter, remember our boastful promise: “Though all men shall forsake Thee, yet will not I.” We eat our own words with the bitter herbs of repentance. When we think of what we vowed we would be, and what we have been, we may weep whole showers of grief. Peter thought on his denying his Lord. Open the link to read the short story!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Walking Through the Valley!

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me”
(Psalm 23:4)

Everyone faces the storms of life. Sometimes we have the faith to be delivered from the storms instantly; sometimes we have the faith to walk through the storms. But no matter which route you take, you can be sure that God is right there with you. He will equip you and sustain you. He will give you the grace, the supernatural empowerment, to make it through.

Today, maybe you are facing a storm and can’t quite see a way out. Maybe you’re not sure what the answer is. All you have to do is take it one step at a time by saying, “God, I know You have a good plan for my future.” “God, I am doing better today than I was yesterday.” “God, I know You are leading and guiding me.” With every step you take, know that God is doing a work in your life. Know that He is with you, and He will comfort you. Keep moving forward. Keep taking those steps of faith and keep walking through the storm into the place of victory He has prepared for you!


Heavenly Father, thank You for walking with me through every season of life; I thank You for being a shield of protection around me, for going before me and preparing the way. Keep me close to You and give me strength as I move forward into the victory You have for me, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

By; J.O.

Omar Bin Laden, the son of Osama Bin Laden, must know that; “they that live by the sword shall die by the sword!”

Omar Bin Laden questions the killing of his father as to why Osama Bin Laden wasn’t captured and given a trial like Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic. Mr. Omar Bin Laden is reaching a bridge too far! Both Mr. Hussein and Mr. Milosevic were heads of State and when their time ran out, they surrendered.

On the other hand Omar sought his father’s permission to leave with his mother because as he said; “his father’s life of crime wasn’t for him,” and amazingly enough Omar attest to his father plotting and carrying out the heinous crimes of blowing up two American Embassies in Africa that killed hundreds of people.

I contend that if Osama Bin Laden had used the free will that was afforded him, to give himself up and surrendered in a peaceable manner without our Soldiers having to risk their lives in a very risky mission, Osama would have been taken alive and given a trial, more likely than not, in a Military Court. This would have been more than what he gave to the thousands of people he killed on September 11, 2001, and in addition to the thousands that have been killed subsequent to 9/11 and to this day.

Mr. Omar Bin Laden’s assertion that his father should have been given “the benefit of the doubt to be presumed innocent” falls flat on its face. Osama Bin Laden spent the last two decades creating mayhem and murder whilst taunting America and the world with his Audio and Videos of braggadocio. Osama convicted himself by taking the credit for all of the mass murders he committed by bragging about it in the Audios and Videos as stipulate above.

I am reminded of what this draconian misfit – Osama Bin Laden did, whenever I travel on an Airplane, Train, or walk into the Lobby of stopped by a Police whilst driving or being driven, all because of my first and last names which are both Arabic last names. I am searched from the crown of my head to soles of my feet. After being seated in an Airplane, people asked to be moved from next to me the minute a flight attendant ask; “Mr. Ali, can I get you anything?

I am not God and I speak only as a man, a mere fallible and imperfect being, but I do believe that the world is a far better place with the demise of the demonstrable person, Osama Bin Laden, who spent most of his life plotting and killing innocent people.

Sheriff G Ali

Bin Laden Sons Say U.S. Broke International Law



Monday, May 9, 2011

Killing Evil Doesn’t Make Us Evil! By Maureen Dowd NEW YORK TIMES

I don’t want closure. There is no closure after tragedy. I want memory, and justice, and revenge.

When you’re dealing with a mass murderer who bragged about incinerating thousands of Americans and planned to kill countless more, that seems like the only civilized and morally sound response.

We briefly celebrated one of the few clear-cut military victories we’ve had in a long time, a win that made us feel like Americans again — smart and strong and capable of finding our enemies and striking back at them without getting trapped in multitrillion-dollar Groundhog Day occupations.

But within days, Naval Seal-gazing shifted to navel-gazing.

There was the bad comedy of solipsistic Republicans with wounded egos trying to make it about how right they were and whining that George W. Bush was due more credit. Their attempt to renew the debate about torture is itself torture.

W. preferred to sulk in his Dallas tent rather than join President Obama at ground zero in a duet that would have certainly united the country.

Whereas the intelligence work that led to the destruction of Bin Laden was begun in the Bush administration, the cache of schemes taken from Osama’s Pakistan house debunked the fanciful narrative that the Bush crew pushed: that Osama was stuck in a cave unable to communicate, increasingly irrelevant and a mere symbol, rather than operational. Osama, in fact, was at the helm, spending his days whipping up bloody schemes to kill more Americans.

In another inane debate last week, many voices suggested that decapitating the head of a deadly terrorist network was some sort of injustice.

Taking offense after Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, said he was “much relieved” at the news of Bin Laden’s death, Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, posted the Twitter message: “Ban Ki-moon wrong on Osama bin Laden: It’s not justice for him to be killed even if justified; no trial, conviction.”

I leave it to subtler minds to parse the distinction between what is just and what is justified.

When Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said she was “glad” Bin Laden had been killed, a colleague called such talk “medieval.”

Christophe Barbier, editor of the centrist French weekly L’Express, warned: “To cry one’s joy in the streets of our cities is to ape the turbaned barbarians who danced the night of Sept. 11.”

Those who celebrated on Sept. 11 were applauding the slaughter of American innocents. When college kids spontaneously streamed out Sunday night to the White House, ground zero and elsewhere, they were the opposite of bloodthirsty: they were happy that one of the most certifiably evil figures of our time was no more.

The confused image of Bin Laden as a victim was exacerbated by John Brennan, the Obama national security aide who intemperately presented an inaccurate portrait of what had happened on the third floor in Abbottabad.

Unlike the president and the Navy Seals, who performed with steely finesse, Brennan was overwrought, exaggerating the narrative to demonize the demon.

The White House had to backtrack from Brennan’s contentions that Osama was “hiding behind women who were put in front of him as a shield” and that he died after resisting in a firefight.

It may be that some administration officials have taken Dick Cheney’s belittling so much to heart that they are still reluctant to display effortless macho. Liberal guilt may have its uses, but it should not be wasted on this kill-mission.

The really insane assumption behind some of the second-guessing is that killing Osama somehow makes us like Osama, as if all killing is the same.

Only fools or knaves would argue that we could fight Al Qaeda’s violence non-violently.

President Obama was prepared to take a life not only to avenge American lives already taken but to deter the same killer from taking any more. Aside from Bin Laden’s plotting, his survival and his legend were inspirations for more murder.

If stealth bombers had dropped dozens of 2,000-pound bombs and wiped out everyone, no one would have been debating whether Osama was armed. The president chose the riskiest option presented to him, but one that spared nearly all the women and children at the compound, and anyone in the vicinity.

Unlike Osama, the Navy Seals took great care not to harm civilians — they shot Bin Laden’s youngest wife in the leg and carried two young girls out of harm’s way before killing Osama.

Morally and operationally, this was counterterrorism at its finest.

We have nothing to apologize for.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


In the clutch of pains that follow me

From my head down to my sole,

I wonder what life holds’ for me?

In the darkness of my world

Despite the pangs I would not complain

Even when I pine,

And though at times I feel disdain

I know, I am wholly Thine

Beyond this world of wrath and tears

Looms, but the Heavens’ above,

With freedom from pains or fears

And the bounty of my Father’s love

So, in the midst of my circumstance

In this blessed evening shade,

I’ll live by faith and not by chance

Strong in heart and unafraid!

© Sheriff G Ali – May 9, 2011