"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Farewell, Auntie! I will see you on the other side of Jordan!

One of the great joys I can attest to in this life is the fact that I got to meet you, even though I was 49 years of age at the time we first met. My meeting you was on account of my Mom who insisted that I visit you because as she stated on numerous occasions, “you were one of the few people that were there for her in her time of need,” when she had recently married your brother, my Dad.

With all my heart; with all my soul and my mind, I am so very happy that I have had the opportunity to know you over the short but wonderful past ten years. When ever I called, most of the time I always made certain to say hello to you, and I am sure there were times when you weren’t feeling well, but you were always gracious to me, and for that, I thank you with all my heart.

Being in a coma and then waking up and seeing the things I saw, I can say that I don’t think but that I “know,” that real life begins subsequent to the mortal body dying, and it is with that knowledge, faith and hope “I shall see your face again,” for;


Pain breaks not the calm of the sweet twilight of age, for strength made perfect in weakness bears up with patience under it all. Ripe fruits of choice experience are gathered as the rare repast of life’s evening, and the soul prepares itself for rest.

The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in the bed; see the waiting bands of spirits!

Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved Auntie, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are open; the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved Auntie, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet! AMEN!

Sheriff G Ali

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