"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010



Anger is not always necessarily sinful, but it has such a tendency to run wild that whenever it displays itself, we should be quick to question its character, with this enquiry, “Does it do me well to be angry?” It may be we can answer yes, “YES,” Very frequently anger is the madman’s/madwoman’s firebrand, but sometimes it is Elijah’s fire from heaven.

Someone told Mr. Jay that grace was often grafted on a crab-stump. “Yes,” said he, “but the fruit will not be crabs.” We must not make natural infirmity an excuse for anger, but we must fly to the cross and pray the Lord to crucify our tempers, and renew us in gentleness and meekness after His own image. [Vengeance is mine said the Lord])

If you want to measure your closeness or distance from God Almighty, you do not need anyone but yourself to help you with the spiritual mathematics, you can do it yourself. Simply put!

When someone does you wrong, I mean really wrong, or they say things about you that not only you know that it isn’t true, but you are sure the person knows that what they are prorogating is false, or when someone curses you to your face, “if you become angry, bitter, unforgiving and wish the person bad,” you are a long way from your God.

However, if on the other hand you can look at that person and even before they ask, you forgive them and most essentially, you say a kind word to them and beyond anything, you “pray” for that person, then you know you are in the bosom of God, cradled with His love, His forgiveness and His peace that surpasses the understanding of man!

With that measure of love and with the help of God, we can all help to make this world a better place, reaching out to one person at a time. Some people say that if God is so omnipotent He should snap his finger and fix the world! That may be so, but in order for God to do that, He would have to revoke “our free will” that He gave to us. And the God I know, He never breaks His promises and neither does He break His word. If God Almighty ever breaks His word, the world that hangeth on nothing, would crumble into tiny particles!

Man fell from grace through one man, Adam, and man was given a choice to be redeemed through one man, Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He is also God the Son!

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