"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Washington Post, Obama, Switching Biden for Hillary?


It is a great idea and it shouldn’t be toned in the manner of “Obama will toss Biden of the ticket!” The strategy is a good one and has been floating around for quite some time. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has done a remarkable job in International Affairs, and Vice President Joe Biden has done a good job as VP.

The VP is 69 and there isn’t any way he could run in 2012 for the Presidency and certainly he couldn’t run in 2016. Mrs. Clinton on the other hand can help President Obama over the next two years in a meaningful way and also create a “wall” against the Republicans for 2012. I think irrespective of whosoever the Republican Nominee is, they would pick either Sarah Palin or some other woman to be the VP Republican Nominee. Like John McCain, they would do this for purely political reasons and not out of true beliefs. Also, this will pave the way for Hillary’s almost shoe in for 2016!

In addition, Mrs. Clinton has done just about all she can do in the International Arena, especially with the Middle-Eastern situation – The Israelis and the Palestinians. The only way forward with this issue is; it is going to take a “sledge” hammer to create a two State settlement that would vindicate America and help us with the major East – West issue that is soaking up so much of our young men and women lives, their health, our already depleted funds and the likes. And who would be better at doing this, that Joe Biden!

We acknowledge that the VP often put his foot in his mouth, but as Secretary of State he would be able to use his “foot” and kick both sides you know where, until they cross the line in an amicable two State settlement. This would be good for all people and most of all, we would finally prove some impartiality for the Middle-Eastern Countries that we “need,” to help us defeat and abate the extremism of the Taliban and other lunatics identified as Al Qaeda!

Sheriff G Ali

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