"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Sunday, February 6, 2011



The protesters have to keep up the pressure because Hosni Mubarak will deceive them like he has over the past 30 years. With the Western Leaders which begins with the United States and Europe who have a vested interest in “Oil” first and anything thereafter, if the protest stops, Mubarak will reinforce his security and crush any subsequent revolt.

All of the “nonsense” that begins with President Obama that it is up to the Egyptian people to choose their destiny, well, Mr. President, “the people have chosen.” They have been living in “hell” for the past 13 days, braving brutality, hunger, sanitation, cold, heat and every imaginable discomfort and all you can say like your predecessors is; “It is up to the people of Egypt to determine whom they want to lead them!” (You know that saying we have in the West – “and you are full of it!”)

President Obama, I am surely disappointed in you because I really thought after you spoke in 2009 at the University of Cairo about DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM FOR ALL, and now this situation presented itself, I really, really, thought you were going to be a different kind of LEADER!

We in America should be ashamed of using the “word” DEMOCRACY,” for in the final analysis it has been and it seems like it will always be our conceited “self-interest.” When it comes to the Middle East, “DEMOCRACY” to the people of the Western world means that black substance that is horded out of the ground and is utilized at the rate of 95 MILLION BARRELS PER DAY worldwide. For us OIL is worth more than the lives of hundreds of millions of people. In 2009 we in the United States consumed 6.9 BILLION BARRELS.

One day sooner rather than later, we will wake up to the reality that the blood of the people that has been and continues to be sacrificed for “OIL,” isn’t worth it, but by then we would be more than a dollar short and decades late!

May God have mercy on all of us who contribute directly or indirectly to the suffering of others!

Sheriff G Ali

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