"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Monday, February 7, 2011



After all the “big talk” by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama, Mrs. Clinton is singing a “different tune now!”

Mubarak is “buttressed” in holding on to “power” because like every other past administration prior to Obama’s, Washington has once more capitulated to Mubarak.

Mrs. Clinton's statement On Sunday February 7, 2011 that “Hasty removal of President Mubarak could create instability in Egypt” as quoted in the New York Times, is self-evident of the “two-faced” MONSTER the US Government has been and continues to be for the past 30 years.

What the “hell” was Mrs. Clinton thinking about in her remarks about “instability?” Are these people blind? It is because of Mubarak and his “MYRMIDONS” (Hench-men) that the disarray in Egypt exists, with those poor people sacrificing their very being for fourteen days and counting in their “rightful” protest for redress.

This is reminiscent of former President George Hebert Walker Bush telling the Iraqis in 1991 to rise up and when they did, he turned tail and ran like a Coyote, leaving Saddam Hussein to “slaughter the people.”

Maybe it is high time that since our notion of “DEMOCRACY is nothing short of DECEPTIVENESS,” we should turn inward for the “Skunks” we are, and stop telling the outside world about “freedom, free elections, peaceful demonstrations,” and all of the other “Bull-S” that we promulgate.

Sheriff G Ali

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