"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

NATO Not Planning to Interfere in Libya!

Obama is “pussy-footing” around while people are being shot down in Libya!

Perhaps Frederick Douglas had a premonition when he penned:

America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future.”

The world is “pussy-footing” around while people are being shot down in Libya! Totally unbelievable, that The United States, Europe and Governments from almost all corners of the world, “are allowing genocide in the 21st Century.”

Anders Fogh Rasmussens, this sorry excuse for NATO’S Secretary-General, says “the Western Military Alliance will not intervene in the Libyan conflict.” If that was the position he took, why the hell did he have to even open his “brain-less trap,” that further buttresses the deranged Regime of Moammar Gaddafi to use brutal force against the Libyan people.

The only courage expressed thus far came from the French President Nocolas Sarkozy, when he called on Wednesday for the European Union to immediately adopt a set of sanctions against Libya, saying the “International Community cannot stand idly by in the face of these massive human rights violations.”

I agree, this is not just an American problem – “it is a problem that involves the whole world, but yet not a single voice coming out of China, India, the Arab States, and when it comes to the west, “we are more hypocritical than hypocrisy itself!”

Obama has Mrs. Clinton carrying his water because he is so hell-bent on “his image,” as “Mr. Peace-Maker!”

“Even the Washington Post has begun to notice that the White House seems oddly passive in the Libyan crisis. By this time in the crisis timeline with Egypt, Barack Obama had already demanded a “transition” in governance from the nominal US ally, Hosni Mubarak. Last night, (February 23, 2011) however, not only did Obama not call for a “transition,” he couldn’t even bring himself to say the name Moammar Gaddafi:

Why, then, did Obama give an address at all? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had already covered that ground in public statements on behalf of the administration. The announcement of a presidential address on the crisis in Libya raised expectations that the US had decided to offer something more substantive on the situation, perhaps new sanctions or a demand that Libya keep its air force on the ground. Instead, Obama couldn’t even say Gaddafi’s name in scolding the government of Libya, as if that somehow was a significant distinction in a totalitarian government.”

Why I singled out “America?”

Simple; because we are always espousing democracy and are always pretending to care about people, when in truth and in fact, we do nothing at all whenever we have no monetary interest. Just look back at 1991 when George W.H. Bush called on the Iraqis to rise up against their Dictator – Saddam Hussein, and when they did, he left them there to be brutalized. Then from 1992 to 1998 we looked at the Serbian conflict and allowed tens of thousands of people to be murdered, before President Clinton used NATO (1999) to resolve that problem. But at the same time, Present Clinton sat in the White House in the mid 90’s and witnessed the slaughter of over 800,000 Rwandans and Burundians.

“Espousing the immorality of others, are really our inner thoughts reflecting and revealing our own shame!” © Sheriff G Ali 2011

Sheriff G Ali

1 comment:

  1. People need to understand that democracy is an illusion, to believe that your vote will determine who is in charge and what they do is naive. money determines everything. we will do nothing in Libya or anywhere else that threatens the flow of oil. As far as that statement about Americas not caring about people nothing could be farther from the truth. "Americas" care more than most and we prove it all the time. but the people who run our government do not. They will even sacrifice our children to get what they want. We the people are not we the government anymore than the people of Iraq were responsible for the actions of Husein.
