"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Funny Mustache Cartoon-Man John Bolton, one of the idiots who got us into the Iraq war, criticizes Obama’s Foreign Policy!

The truth of the matter is that John Bolton, Ron Paul, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Haas, Michele Bachman, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and others; they belong in – “The Institution for the Stupid,” and former President George W. Bush belong in “The Institution for following the Stupid!”

These people that are always espousing; God, Country and Patriotism and at the same time criticizes the extension of Tax Cuts for one hundred and sixty two million Americans and the extended Unemployment Insurance for the many who has come upon hard times, they disgust me!

They denounce President Obama for brining the Troops home from Iraq that has cost so many lives and a trillion plus dollars thus far, but yet they have no heart for the 98% of Americans that have and continues to have a most difficult time, subsequent to former President Bush’s and the Republican Controlled Congress eight years in office, (2001-2008) that tossed us into the “abyss!”

It is my hope that in the upcoming 2012 election that the 98% that are continually disavowed by the Republicans, remember the duplicity of whom they voted for in 2010, and before!

Sheriff G Ali

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