It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and go into another year coasting on auto-pilot, expecting the same thing: same problems, same struggles and the same income. But God is a God of increase. He wants us to rise higher and continually grow and reach new levels. What I sense in my spirit is that 2011 is going to be an exceptional year; a year for you to see promises come to pass; a year for you to accomplish your dreams. It’s going to be a year of surprises, and God is going to amaze you with His goodness!
Maybe there’s an area in your life that you’ve struggled with for a long time. It seems like you just can’t get ahead. You need to get ready. This is the year things are going to change. God is about to release His favor in a greater way. You’ve sown the seeds. You’ve planted. You’ve watered. You’ve been faithful. Now you’re about to come into harvest. Get ready and begin to declare by faith, “This is my time for breakthrough! This is my season! This is my ‘above and beyond’ year, and I receive victory in Jesus’ name!”
Father God, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Today, I choose to take the limits off of my thinking and lift my eyes to You. Help me to see the good things You have in store for my future, I pray in the name of Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Written by - J.O.
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