"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Monday, January 31, 2011


Mr. Mubarak, the end is imminent and you should consider that you have been truly “selfish, self-centered, devious, heart-less,” and so many other negative descriptions that it would take too many pages to mention. These actions of yours haven't been for a year or two, it was carried out over the past 30 years without any concern for the Egyptian people.

I think that we in the “West” buttressed your Autocracy until now, because we too, have seen the writing on the wall and that is; “no tanks, no jet fighters, and no amount of arms, are more powerful than the “will of the people.” Sooner rather than later, all Dictators, Self-imposed Leaders, never have the better sense to quit while they are ahead, and you have proven to be no different.

Perhaps you can salvage some little place in history by doing what is “noble,” and that is taking responsibility for the injustices that were perpetuated on the Egyptian people; asking their forgiveness and resign without hostility. You have always permeated arrogance and brutality and in this regard, at 82 years of age, I do hope that you come to realize that “humility and contriteness,” are man’s greatest strength!

Think for a moment about the “wrongs you have done to your people” and know that there isn’t anyway you can right those wrongs, but by voluntarily leaving rather than being dragged away, you can institute the “healing” for a very wounded nation!

In the words of President John F. Kennedy,

“It is never too late to do the right thing!”

Sheriff G Ali

January 31, 2011

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