"What oxygen is to the lung, such is hope for the meaning of life."

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Reminiscent of his evil twin Newt Gingrich 1994 “Contract for America,” that was really “Contract on America!” It seems somehow that although the belief about reincarnation for which I do not ascribe, is that when a person dies, he or she is reincarnated in the birth of another person, however, Congressman John Boehner and former Congressman Newt Gingrich may have proven that idea quite wrong. Save that of Boehner’s unfortunate error in the “Tanning Booth” that made him the “Orange Dude,” and Newt Gingrich’s concupiscible for the Republican Nomination for the Presidency in 2012, and his duplicitous colloquial colloquiums, it seems self-evident that Boehner and Gingrich are indivisible, when it comes to conning the American people.

America’s economic ongoing crisis did not begin with President Obama and are well on the way to being rectified by Mr. Obama, but only if the American people allow him the necessary time to complete what he initiated, and that is, “digging” us out of the “abyss” that the George Bush Administration and the cronies like John Boehner and Newt Gingrich tossed us into.

Fact: The hemorrhaging of 750,000 jobs under former President Bush actually “stopped” in 2009, and although we are gaining jobs every month, it is not enough to placate the fourteen (14) million people that are out of work, and their anxieties over their financial insecurities are being exploited by the same people who placed them in the predicament that they are now in, and sadly enough, due to their circumstances they are defying common logic by asserting that they “may” vote for these draconian misfits in November Mid-Term Elections.

These people – Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer, Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Ron Paul, Ken Buck, John McCain, Joe Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and the host of others, they wrap themselves in the American Flag and religious fanaticism, “preying” on your troubled minds, with fear and using the economic problems that was created by these same “nut cases,” to promulgate the porphyria that constantly excretes from them.

They do not believe in anything, even the statements that drips out of their mouths like drool from the Alcoholic that needs another drink; neither do they have any knowledge of the Most High – Jehovah, for if they did, they couldn’t and wouldn’t languish in the hate that rages inside of them; and neither do they believe in America, and what America stands for, for if they did, they wouldn’t be jeopardizing the lives of our Soldiers in the field, that is fighting and dying, to preserve the free speech that they use so capriciously, with their constant divisiveness of people who are different than them. They are constantly using phantasmagoric rationales and internecine ideas that are creating a wider divide between the Western World and the Islamic World.

There are approximately 1.2 billion Moslems in the world and it is less than 1% that are the lunatics engaged in their Jihad misnomer. But as small a number as these nut cases may be, they are causing the entire Islamic world to be painted with the same brush, dipped in innocent blood engraved with the name – “terrorists!”

And here in America we have 300 million plus people and I contend that the opportunists, extremists and the fanatics are about the same percentage, less than 1%, but with their narcissistic poisonous deluge, they have been gathering steam that is dividing America like it has never been divided before.

The Media never likes to take their share of responsibility for anything when in fact they are the catalyst that drives the stories of these pseudo, because for the Media, it is scandal, mayhem, demagoguery and friction that sells news.

Good things are done every day of our lives but how often does the Media really allow the good to outweigh the bad. There are lots of good people that are doing good and noble things but the Media, instead of embracing the people; they question the people’s motives.

A good example was Friday September 24th 2010. Mark Zukerberg, the Founder of Face Book gave a 100 million grant to the New Jersey Public School System, and the Media, rather than talk about the positive effects that would derive from Mr. Zukerberg’s generosity, “they questioned his motives!” Imagine, a young man at 26, who is the 35th wealthiest person in America with a mind to create the largest social network in the world and yet engage in such a noble act, his named should be praised, not assassinated, by the “whores that call themselves Journalists!”

Sheriff G Ali

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